The Gold Coast Bulletin

Ex-butcher’s death threats before blaze


AN ex-butcher who threatened to slit someone’s throat before setting his bedroom on fire was on parole for drug offences at the time of the arson.

Tomi Mathew Lahtinen was heard shouting death threats before setting his parents’ Ashmore home alight on April 1 last year.

No one was in the home at the time.

The blaze was so intense the front part of the home collapsed before firefighte­rs arrived.

It caused $665,000 in damage.

Lahtinen pleaded guilty in the Southport District Court on Thursday to arson.

Acting Judge Katarina Prskalo sentenced him to a three-and-a-half year suspended prison sentence.

The 31-year-old will remain behind bars.

Lahtinen had been released on parole in May 2020 while he was serving a five-year sentence for drug offences.

After the fire, his parole was cancelled. His current prison release date is in August next year.

“The conduct is so dangerous and that is why you have been incarcerat­ed,” Acting Judge Prskalo said.

Crown prosecutor Natalie Lima said Lahtinen lived with his parents and had been left home alone about 8am on April 1.

At about 11am, neighbours heard banging noises, dogs yelping in pain and yelling coming from the home.

They heard Lahtinen yell: “I’m going to slit your throat and burn your house down with you in it”.

The neighbours called police.

When police arrived they saw flames in the window and tried to enter the home but the fire was too intense.

By the time fire crews arrived the front of the home had collapsed.

Lahtinen was found wandering in a street nearby.

Defence barrister Sarah Thompson, instructed by Gatenby Criminal Lawyers, said Lahtinen was suffering mental health issues and drug addiction issues at the time.

Outside court Lahtinen’s solicitor Michael Gatenby said: “He is very upset by the whole thing.

“He and the family are very disappoint­ed in the whole episode.

“The tragedy is he was seeking help for his mental health.”

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