The Gold Coast Bulletin

Shonky goods no laughing matter


THE number of complaints against shonky businesses has hit a new high, with figures showing the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) last year clawed back more than $2.75m from 2345 cases in the Gold Coast.

Most complained about in 2022 were the supply of basic household goods and services, while motor dealers and travel agents also attracted a high level of consumer ire.

The figures were an increase on the already high 2021 figures, when just over $2.2m was recovered from 2309 complaints.

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Shannon Fentiman said complaints had soared since the Covid-19 pandemic, in part due to supply chain issues and pent-up demand.

“Last year the OFT finalised more than 2340 complaints from Gold Coast consumers,” Ms Fentiman said.

“On the Gold Coast the highest number of consumer complaints continued to be for the personal and household goods industry.

“This category includes purchases of everyday items such as whitegoods, appliances, hardware, clothing and footwear, so it’s no surprise this continues to be at the top of the complaints list.

“However, since the pandemic, complaints have soared for these types of purchases, with more than a 50 per cent increase since 2019.”

Ms Fentiman said there had also been an increase of more than 80 per cent in complaints about services such as whitegoods repairs, removalist services and cleaning companies.

Cases dealt with by the OFT last year included a consumer who was refunded $38,000 after being sold a dodgy camper trailer and a person who had their new vinyl flooring replaced after freshly laid flooring started to lift and became uneven.

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