The Gold Coast Bulletin



There’s nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competitio­n. But should we be making winners and losers out of creators and artists? Today, as the results of the Grammys are announced and prizes are awarded to the world’s biggest selling musicians, let’s not forget that these are industry awards for commercial sales, and that a little golden gramophone can’t be the only barometer by which we judge success. Following the link of Venus to Mars there’ll be more meaningful ways to measure achievemen­t.


We talk about white lies as though there’s a grey area between truth and falsehood. We move into this territory when we’re trying to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. Or hoping to avoid an argument. Yet, however much people might want to believe us, we all know when we’re being lied to. We’re aware that something isn’t quite right. You know you haven’t been told the whole truth about something. But the withholdin­g of informatio­n was to your advantage. Time needed to pass. Now, you’re ready to deal with the reality.

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LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

We love making a fuss. Given half a chance we enjoy leaping into action and getting over excited. Nothing’s going to stop you from playing that game today. But you don’t need to. All is well. In fact, you’ll be much more able to keep a problem at bay if you don’t run to embrace it (or even attempt to stir things up just to prove that a suspicion is well-founded). No matter what’s being said, don’t let it distract you. If you really need to act, you’ll know. But it’s more likely that sticking your head in the sand will work to your advantage.

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Why bother investing all your time trying to resolve a problem that will sort itself out? If you’re feeling edgy and anxious, it’s because you think you need to directly intervene in a situation in order for it to work. Even though you’re uncertain about the action you’re going to take, you’re in no doubt that you need to do something. But is that true? The legacy of the Full Moon enables you to see that a difficulty is less difficult than it appears. Standing back, and reassessin­g will help you see why trusting things to unfold is your best option.

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We were talking recently about the line between the sea and the shoreline where two worlds meet. The ocean obeys a totally different set of laws to the land. It stretches for innumerabl­e miles creating a vast area where humans struggle to exist. The water’s edge is a meeting place between two extremes. That’s what makes it so magical. The legacy of the full moon allows you to unite two reconcilab­le forces. If you can agree a compromise, you’ll find a way to connect with someone that enables you to work surprising­ly well together.

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The trouble with this world is that it’s jam-packed full with other people. It’s fine when you’re just passing them by. It’s as soon as you get involved in the intricacie­s of their lives that it starts to get problemati­c. That’s when you realise that they’re not the same as you. And they haven’t understood the fact that you have superior qualities. Perfection, after all, isn’t easily achieved. And you’ve worked long and hard to be as perfect as you can be. So be gentle with anyone you come into contact with today. They’re just doing their best.

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Light wouldn’t exist without shade. Joy would be meaningles­s without sadness. As Johnny Burke sang: “If you want the things you love, you must have showers. So when you hear it thunder, don’t run under a tree. There’ll be pennies from heaven, for you and me.” These lyrics advocate the importance of embracing the messy, awkward aspects of life on planet Earth. You don’t need a metaphoric­al umbrella today. Even if you see clouds gathering in the distance, there’s no need to fear the sound of thunder. Your outlook is bright.

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Magazines that publish photos of celebs doing their shopping sell millions of copies. Pictures of the world’s rich and famous wearing a pair of Marigold rubber gloves as they embark on the washing-up make us smile. But, who knows, maybe it’s how they choose to relax!.Maybe, they enjoy household chores. And even if they’ve been caught unawares, surely it wouldn’t affect their success? If you have to spend your day dealing with mundanitie­s, do them with a glad heart. The process could reveal enriching informatio­n that leads to success.

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Why not reach for the stars? Deep down you know that something is attainable and that you’re under no obligation to settle for anything less. So why not set your fears and worries to the side and disregard the discouragi­ng remarks being made? Other people might have low expectatio­ns but that doesn’t mean they’re right – or that you should lower yours. Amazing possibilit­ies are trying to make their way into your world. You just need to ensure you welcome them. And that you have faith in your claim to them.

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If you find yourself dealing with an impossible situation today, you don’t need to put up with it. Just because you don’t have access to a magic wand doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to transform it. But it’s going to entail a change of attitude. It’s almost as if you feel offended by the fact that you face this problem. So much so that you’re not motivated to do anything about it. “If that can go wrong so can everything else”. But that’s untrue. The legacy of the full moon in your opposite sign means you have power. Use it.

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The pressure’s been building. The full moon highlighte­d an issue that was hidden, which now needs to be addressed. A truth must be acknowledg­ed. The longer it’s denied, the more awkward and unsatisfyi­ng a situation will become. Where an error has been made it must now be corrected. But first it needs to be understood. Fortunatel­y, you’ve got the insight that other people are lacking. And the perception to know the best way to go about instigatin­g a necessary change. Be brave. You stand to profit from taking action.

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It feels as if you’re lacking an important resource. It’s possible that you might have just enough, but you’re concerned that if something goes even slightly wrong, you’ll find yourself in a difficult position. There’s no room for error. Although it’s unsettling to be living so close to the edge, you’re not going to be in this perilous situation for long. You just need to be resourcefu­l and confident. As long as you don’t waste precious energy being over-cautious, you’ll find that you have enough of what you need. Have faith in yourself today.

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People say if we want something done, we should ask a busy person. The idea, of course, is that they’re already so busy they won’t notice an extra task. But it doesn’t necessaril­y mean they’ll do a good job. If a process demands careful thought and delicate decisions it won’t be best handled by someone who’s already got too many plates to spin. Yes, you’ve got lots to deal with. But one particular issue can’t be rushed. Prioritise today. Be efficient, and make sure you take full responsibi­lity. It will save you time in the long run.

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