The Guardian Australia

Ambitious neuroscien­ce project to probe how the brain makes decisions

- Ian Sample Science editor

World-leading neuroscien­tists have launched an ambitious project to answer one of the greatest mysteries of all time: how the brain decides what to do.

The internatio­nal effort will draw on expertise from 21 labs in the US and Europe to uncover for the first time where, when, and how neurons in the brain take informatio­n from the outside world, make sense of it, and work out how to respond.

If the researcher­s can unravel what happens in detail, it would mark a dramatic leap forward in scientists’ understand­ing of a process that lies at the heart of life, and which ultimately has implicatio­ns for intelligen­ce and free will.

“Life is about making decisions,” said Alexandre Pouget, a neuroscien­tist involved in the project at the University of Geneva. “It’s one decision after another, on every time scale, from the most mundane thing to the most fundamenta­l in your life. It is the essence of what the brain is about.”

Backed with an initial £10m ($14m) from the US-based Simons Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, the endeavour will bring neuroscien­tists together into a virtual research group called the Internatio­nal Brain Laboratory (IBL). Half of the IBL researcher­s will perform experiment­s and the other half will focus on theoretica­l models of how the brain makes up its mind.

The IBL was born largely out the realisatio­n that many problems in modern neuroscien­ce are too hard for a single lab to crack. But the founding scientists are also frustrated at how research is done today. While many neuroscien­tists work on the same problems, labs differ in the experiment­s and data analyses they run, often making it impossible to compare results across labs and build up a confident picture of what is really happening in the brain.

“It happens all the time that we read a paper that gets different results from us, and we won’t know if it’s for deep scientific reasons, or because there are small difference­s in the way the science is carried out,” said Anne Churchland, a neuroscien­tist involved in the project at Cold Spring Harbor Lab in New York. “At the moment, each lab has its own way of doing things.”

The IBL hopes to overcome these flaws. Scientists on the project will work on exactly the same problems in precisely the same way. Animal experiment­s, for example, will use one strain of mouse, and all will be trained, tested and scored in the same way. It is an obvious strategy, but not a common one in science: in any lab, there is a constant urge to tweak experiment­s to make them better. “Ultimately, the reason it’s worth addressing is in the proverb: ‘alone we go fast, together we go far’,” said Churchland.

The IBL’s results will be analysed with the same software and shared with other members immediatel­y. The openness mirrors the way physicists work at Cern, the particle physics laboratory near Geneva that is home to the Large Hadron Collider. For now, the IBL team includes researcher­s from UCL, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Ecole Normale Paris, and the Champalima­ud Centre in Lisbon, but over the 10 to 15-year project, more scientists are expected to join.

Decision-making is a field in itself, so IBL researcher­s will focus on simple, so-called perceptual decisions: those that involve responding to sights or sounds, for example. In one standard test, scientists will record how neurons fire in mice as they watch faint dots appear on a screen and spin a Lego wheel to indicate if the dots are on the left or the right. The mice make mistakes when the dots are faint, and it is these marginal calls that are most interestin­g to scientists.

Matteo Carandini, a neuroscien­tist involved in the IBL at University College London, compares the task to a cyclist approachin­g traffic lights in the rain. “If the light is green, you go, and if it’s red, you stop, but there’s often uncertaint­y. Very often you see only a bit of red, you’re not sure it’s even a traffic light, but you need to make a decision.”

Modern neuroscien­ce textbooks have only a coarse descriptio­n of how perceptual decisions are made. When light from a traffic light hits the eye, the retina converts it into electrical impulses that are sent to the visual cortex. The image is interprete­d, and at some point a decision is made whether or not to fire neurons in the motor cortex and move in response. By recording from thousands of neurons throughout the mouse brain, IBL scientists hope to learn how and when neurons are pulled into the process.

The IBL has not set its sights on explaining complex decisions: which flat to rent, who to partner up with, who to vote for. But it is a start. When it comes to human responses to the outside world, neuroscien­ce cannot explain much beyond the knee-jerk response and ejaculatio­n.

“What people often don’t realise is that we have no clue how the brain works,” said Carandini.

 ??  ?? A network of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex. These interconne­cted brain cells form neural circuits which carry out the complex computatio­ns that will be explored by IBL researcher­s. Photograph: Jesper Sjostrom and Michael Hausser, University...
A network of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex. These interconne­cted brain cells form neural circuits which carry out the complex computatio­ns that will be explored by IBL researcher­s. Photograph: Jesper Sjostrom and Michael Hausser, University...
 ??  ?? A ‘brainbow’: a simulation of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex. Photograph: Hermann Cuntz and Michael Hausser, University College London
A ‘brainbow’: a simulation of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex. Photograph: Hermann Cuntz and Michael Hausser, University College London

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