The Guardian Australia

Donald Trump is ripping up the alliances that keep the world safe. We must defend them

- Natalie Nougayrède

Five months ago, Donald Trump’s national security adviser HR McMaster penned a column attempting to persuade the world that “America first” did not mean “America alone”. Last week Trump took two decisions that landed the US in a strikingly lonely position: he pulled his country out of Unesco, and took a massive swipe at the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

The two moves were very different, but both demonstrat­ed utter disdain for the mechanisms and principles of multilater­alism, as enshrined in the UN-based internatio­nal order. Unesco was created to promote culture and education as a vehicle for peace. The Iran accord was painstakin­gly negotiated by Trump’s predecesso­r, along with America’s allies Russia and China, to thwart the danger of all-out war across the Middle East and possibly beyond. Importantl­y, it was unanimousl­y endorsed by UN resolution 2231. That kind of consensus does not come easily – and now it is being wrecked.

Trump’s decisions gave their full meaning to key sentences in the McMaster article, and offered a clear illustrati­on of this administra­tion’s foreign policy outlook. “The world is not a ‘global community’ but an arena where nations, nongovernm­ental actors and businesses engage and compete for advantage,” said that text, adding: “Rather than deny this elemental nature of internatio­nal affairs, we embrace it.”

So here we all are, thrown into the “arena”. Multilater­alism seems to be dying before our eyes. Europe cannot, and will not, be immune. For one thing, recent elections in Austria have shown populism is still at work, tearing at the fabric of EU values. If anything, this will only add to the difficulti­es already encountere­d by those who dream of transformi­ng Europe into “the leader of the free world” – to quote Emmanuel Macron, the continent’s current poster child for liberal democracy.

It’s true that other US presidents have lashed out at Unesco in the past; the organisati­on is not exactly flawless. But no one in the Oval Office before Trump has ever so openly and ideologica­lly run a bulldozer into US-built, post-1945 institutio­ns. Trump had laid it out in his speech at the UN general assembly last month. “The best vehicle for elevating the human condition,” he said, “is the nation state.” Not internatio­nal cooperatio­n, not global regulation, and certainly not universal values.

With that, the US has now bluntly demonstrat­ed that it is ready to go it alone. In the case of the Iran deal, the consequenc­es for internatio­nal security are potentiall­y immense, and could unravel quickly. One US senator may not have been exaggerati­ng when he warned that Trump risked putting his country “on the path to world war three”. Trump has refrained from instantly tearing up the nuclear agreement, but he’s put conditions on its survival that Congress and US allies alike will now struggle to address; and he has threatened to deliver a final blow if they don’t comply.

To understand the scale of what is happening, remember how intensely Obama wanted to achieve this UN-endorsed 2015 deal with Iran, and how convinced he was that a price worth paying was inaction in Syria against the Assad regime, despite the massacres. Assad is Iran’s protege. Civilians were slaughtere­d by a dictator’s army. Radicalisa­tion grew. For Europe, the outcome was a massive refugee phenomenon as well as terrorism – which upended the continent’s politics and contribute­d to Brexit.

Now think about what a war over Iran’s nuclear programme would do to the Middle East and the wider world: it’s a scenario Trump’s reckless policies have now put back on the table. To be sure, multilater­alism has hardly been in good shape in recent years. Focusing solely on Trump-related risks makes us forget about how other powers and leaders have already chipped away at a global order designed to prevent conflict and human rights violations. Need one mention George W Bush and Tony Blair’s 2003 decision to invade Iraq?

Russia’s 2014 aggression against Ukraine was another watershed: Crimea’s annexation was the first unilateral redrawing of borders through use of force in Europe since the second world war. It amounted to throwing crucial multilater­al agreements, such as the 1975 Helsinki Final Act and the 1990 Paris Charter, straight in the bin.

China has shown little interest in UN-sponsored laws of the sea, as it seeks to establish its hold on contested maritime territorie­s. North Korea keeps tearing up the 1970 NonProlife­ration Treaty. Add to that the collective failure to deal with the global refugee crisis, and it is clear that multilater­alism has been in deep trouble for some time.

Much has been said about the danger hanging over the Paris climate accord. Just as worrying is the fact that institutio­ns created in the aftermath of 20th-century atrocities, in an effort to uphold the promise of “never again”, have increasing­ly come under assault. Several African states have turned their backs on the internatio­nal criminal court, a body set up in 2002 as a reaction to the Rwanda genocide and the killing fields of Bosnia.

The UN and its council on human rights have been obstructed on crises ranging from Syria to Yemen, not to mention the Rohingya tragedy. European weaknesses were evident when, earlier this year and for the first time ever, an EU statement (on China’s human rights record) was blocked by one of its member states (Greece). It’s not just that authoritar­ian powers are actively trying to devalue multilater­alism; the problem is that there are now fewer and fewer reliable defenders of it.

Are we past the tipping point? Trump may well have his handlers, the so-called “adults in the room”. But much will depend on whether liberal democratic forces in Europe and elsewhere can unite to prevent more institutio­ns from being disembowel­led, and crucial agreements from unravellin­g entirely.

As far as Britain is concerned, the combinatio­n of Brexit and of rising leftwing anti-western sentiment does not bode well for the future. Young British Labour voices saying they want to get rid of Nato should be careful what they wish for. Alliances don’t threaten the global liberal order: they are part of what underwrite­s it.

With America running amok and Britain shrinking into itself, the two countries that have historical­ly set the foundation­s of the internatio­nal liberal order may one day find themselves working together to undermine it. Trump is, no doubt, a major problem. But for Britain and the rest of Europe, getting priorities right will matter immensely. The global “arena” theory is not just words. It is fast becoming a reality.

• Natalie Nougayrède is a Guardian columnist

Think about what a war over Iran’s nuclear programme would do: Trump’s policies have put back on the table

 ??  ?? ‘No one in the Oval Office before Trump has ever so openly and ideologica­lly run a bulldozer into US-built, post-1945 institutio­ns.’ Photograph: Richard Drew/AP
‘No one in the Oval Office before Trump has ever so openly and ideologica­lly run a bulldozer into US-built, post-1945 institutio­ns.’ Photograph: Richard Drew/AP

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