The Guardian Australia

The Windrush scandal is institutio­nal racism, pure and simple

- Hugh Muir

The home secretary is politicall­y dead: long live the home secretary. Amber Rudd having sinned, and having in recent days performed her duty as a lightning rod for a perenniall­y sinful prime minister, has been cast aside. Her successor will seek to draw the line on Windrush. The prime minister, as far as she is able, will huddle down in her safe room.

The basic narrative in this disturbing soap opera is so gripping and fast moving that we risk missing the underlying themes and lessons.

One is that today, the cost-benefit analysis ratio of government changed. Rudd may claim to have known nothing about the migrant deportatio­n targets – and if that is so, her own position damned her as unfit to do the job – but we know for sure that some officials in her department knew of the policy and the disproport­ionate effect it was having on black Britons of long-standing and positive contributi­on. Someone did the cost-benefit analysis and decided that the risk that the Windrush victims would be in a position to make a fuss, or that anyone would help them or listen to them was outweighed by the benefit of making a government hurtling towards Brexit, with an immigratio­n-fixated prime minister, look tough.

That equation, having cost Rudd her job and any pretension­s she may have had to lead her party, will now be revised. The Windrush victims did make a fuss, people – alerted by our own reporter Amelia Gentleman – did help them. And the public did listen. Today’s Commons debate was triggered by the protest petition which quickly amassed 100,000 signatures. In terms of community cohesion, this is good news. Not perhaps the unequivoca­l embrace of diverse Britain some would like, but a clear indication that an argument abut fairness, properly framed, can supersede even the post-Brexit vote hostility to difference. Whitehall might bear that in mind before embarking again on schemes to further disadvanta­ge the disadvanta­ged.

But now might also be a moment to think about how we got here. On the 25th anniversar­y of the death of Stephen Lawrence, it is worth pondering on what William Macpherson said in part two of his inquiry about institutio­nal racism. It’s the most controvers­ial element of his findings. People who like the rest, about dodgy coppers and vicious cowardly killers, tend to shy away from or become hostile to his warning that otherwise good people, unwittingl­y biased, can in their collective actions disadvanta­ge and discrimina­te against people of colour. There is, I think, a deliberate misunderst­anding from individual­s and pundits who cry: “How dare you call me racist.” Paul Condon, at the Lawrence inquiry itself, refused to accept the phenomenon might apply to his force. Just recently, one of the most senior officers in the Lawrence case again dismissed the idea of collective institutio­nal bias as rubbish.

But to look at the Windrush scandal is to vividly see institutio­nal racism at work. Theresa May, Rudd, Brandon Lewis, who admits he did know of the deportatio­n targets, all the officials involved; they may be good people. They may have good intentions. They may, in part, be liberal in intent. But together they pursued and defended a policy that in its applicatio­n, discrimina­ted – not wholly but in large measure – against black Britons. Their lack of empathy or care at worst, lack of peripheral vision at best resulted in what is pretty much a textbook example of institutio­nal racism from the department which commission­ed Macpherson in the first place.

Given the convulsion­s, there will almost certainly be an inquiry into Windrush and by following the paper trail, we should pretty easily be able to find out exactly what has happened. But that will not be enough. Behind the scandal were questionab­le philosophi­es, assumption­s and attitudes and it is those we need to unearth.

• Hugh Muir is associate editor of Guardian Opinion

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