The Guardian Australia

It’s official: the Brexiter v remainer battle will never, ever end

- Andrew Brown

The Cambridge Analytica scandals have made it obvious that some people’s votes can be predicted and manipulate­d by knowing their emotional triggers. But new research suggests that the way people think, in apparently unemotiona­l ways, is also a reliable predictor of political attitudes, and in particular, of nationalis­m and enthusiasm for Brexit.

Leor Zmigrod, a Cambridge University psychologi­st, set out to investigat­e whether a preference for clear categories in thought mapped on to a preference for clear national boundaries and precise, exclusiona­ry definition­s of citizenshi­p. Instead of relying on self-reported habits of thought, as previous surveys have done, she had participan­ts (who were not students) take part in some standard psychologi­cal tests. One of them tested how easy it is for participan­ts to adapt to changes in the rules of the game they are playing; the other is a test of the ability to associate words and ideas across different contexts, so that it works as a measuremen­t of cognitive flexibilit­y, or woolly-mindedness, as the more rigid would no doubt say.

Even with a reasonably small sample of about 330, the difference­s that appeared were large and startling. In particular, her team found that less cognitive flexibilit­y correlated strongly with “positive feelings toward Brexit and negative feelings toward immigratio­n, the European Union, and free movement of labour”. This not to say that there is anything abnormal about people on either side of the question. There is a lot of normal variation in temperamen­t and imaginatio­n among perfectly healthy and sane people, even those who disagree with us. But it is still extraordin­ary to think that some political difference­s can quite reliably be traced to cognitive ones which seem to have no connection with politics at all.

One of the strongest links was between cognitive flexibilit­y, as measured by these two tests, and disagreeme­nt with Theresa May’s statement that “a citizen of the world is a citizen of nowhere”.

These cognitive styles do not work directly on attitudes to Brexit, says Zmigrod. They predispose people to wider ideologica­l attitudes, and those in turn determine the attitudes people took to the referendum. And the test results she found work differentl­y to each other: in particular, nationalis­m and authoritar­ianism were very strongly predicted by a preference for fixed rules and categories, whereas political conservati­sm (as self-reported) was influenced by an inability to take words out of familiar contexts and make fresh connection­s between them (which the second test measures).

Nonetheles­s, the correlatio­n between the style in which people think and the way that they voted was very much stronger than any of the other factors in the sample: controllin­g for class, age and sex only changed the results by 4%, although there was a strong, and possibly related, correlatio­n with the length of time in education.

“The way the brain constructs internal boundaries between conceptual representa­tions and adapts to changes in environmen­tal contingenc­ies has been shown here to be linked to individual­s’ desire for external boundaries to be imposed on national entities and for greater homogeneit­y in their cultural environmen­t. Informatio­n-processing styles in relation to perceptual and linguistic stimuli may also be drawn upon when dealing with political and ideologica­l informatio­n,” she writes.

What this suggests to me is that some kinds of political argument are going to be literally interminab­le. Obviously this isn’t true of any particular issue. Even the question of our relations with Europe will be settled some time before the heat death of the universe. But it may be replaced by something else which arouses the same passions and splits the population in the same way, because the cognitive traits she is analysing are all part of the normal variation of humanity.

Despite what you learn on the internet, the people who disagree with you about Brexit do not all have something terrible wrong with their brains. Progress is not necessaril­y on our side. Nor is it even on the other side. One of the underlying tendencies of political argument at the moment is that both left and right expect the other side to be proved conclusive­ly wrong by history – either to be swept away be progress or to be destroyed by the return of traditiona­l reality. But if ideologies arise in part from difference­s in cognitive style which are evenly distribute­d through the population, the war between progress and reaction will continue for as long as humanity does.

• Andrew Brown is a Guardian columnist

 ??  ?? ‘Some kinds of political argument are going to be literally interminab­le.’ Luke Skywalker takes on Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back. Photograph: Lucasfilm/ Fox/Kobal/Rex Features
‘Some kinds of political argument are going to be literally interminab­le.’ Luke Skywalker takes on Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back. Photograph: Lucasfilm/ Fox/Kobal/Rex Features
 ??  ?? A March for Europe, through the centre of London in July 2016. Photograph: Alamy
A March for Europe, through the centre of London in July 2016. Photograph: Alamy

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