The Guardian Australia

Trusting the government to protect civil liberties? That’s a sick joke

- Claire O'Rourke, Paul Oosting, David Ritter, Sunita Bose and Hannah Ryan

Civil society groups and media organisati­ons are raising alarms bells about two bills the government is hoping to get passed before the byelection­s in July.

A bipartisan deal was reached last week to pass amended legislatio­n to target secret attempts by foreign spies to influence Australia’s politician­s and media (the espionage and foreign interferen­ce bill), and on a second bill forcing individual­s and companies acting on behalf of foreign powers to be listed on a public register (the foreign influence transparen­cy scheme bill).

We asked five non-government organisati­ons about their major concerns.

Claire O’Rourke, Amnesty Internatio­nal Australia: We need clear exemptions for civil society

The espionage and foreign interferen­ce bill appears to be a baldfaced attempt by both sides of politics to hide from the scrutiny of Australian civil society – and moves us closer towards an increasing­ly authoritar­ian Australia.

The bill must be amended to provide clear exemptions for civil society, so charities can continue to hold the government of the day accountabl­e, without fear of prosecutio­n or imprisonme­nt.

Following the release of amendments to the bill, both attorney general Christian Porter and shadow attorney general Mark Dreyfus tried to fob off charities’ concerns, effectivel­y saying “there’s nothing to see here”.

Wit the bill in its current form it could become a crime for charities, including Amnesty, to hold the Australian government to account on its human rights record.

Amnesty’s core work is to expose human rights abuses in all countries. These rights violations often have not previously been made public – that’s exactly the point.

Therefore, politician­s’ claims ring hollow that NGOs would simply need to use the “prior publicatio­n” defence in order to be spared the criminal charges outlined in this bill.

Human rights advocates also hold the Australian government to account by regularly reporting to United Nations bodies on Australia’s progress in meeting internatio­nal legal obligation­s – including on Australia’s breaches of internatio­nal law.

But under this bill, it may become a crime to communicat­e with the UN in this way.

If the government doesn’t intend to prosecute civil society for these new offences, why are they included in the bill at all?

Even if prosecutio­ns aren’t carried out, the mere threat of them could have the effect of silencing civil society.

The UN special rapporteur on the right to privacy expressed concerns the bill would have a negative effect on human rights and the public’s ability to access informatio­n. And indeed, even with the latest amendments, this bill does contravene the Internatio­nal Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and restricts our implied right to freedom of political expression.

Paul Oosting, GetUp: Trusting the government to protect civil liberties? That’s a sick joke

Civil liberties are a common casualty of national security measures, but rarely are they as blatantly oppressive as the Turnbull government’s proposed espionage laws. This bill is so draconian that it has been difficult to convince people of the plain meaning of the text.

So let’s break down precisely what this bill means. Under new espionage offences, a person – be it a journalist or just a concerned citizen – could be imprisoned for reporting on breaches of internatio­nal humanitari­an law by the Australian government in offshore detention facilities.

Protesters who temporaril­y blockade a railway to an export coal mine could face 20 years behind bars for “sabotage”. An aid worker who consults with, for instance, the UN refugee agency to develop a submission to a Parliament­ary Commission could be found guilty of “foreign interferen­ce” and face 15 years behind bars.

Our democracy demands freedom of speech so that we can hold our government accountabl­e – our constituti­on requires as much. These far-reaching laws threaten our million members with long prison sentences for taking to the streets. And even if never prosecuted, this bill gives the green light to the government to surveil its citizens for attending such a protest (and don’t forget, the government is pushing facial recognitio­n laws to allow it to immediatel­y record people’s identities from footage of protests).

These legal realities are not contentiou­s. In the parliament­ary committee’s report, both major parties admitted them, but resolved not to make the simple changes required to protect Australian citizens from gross government­al overreach.

Instead, we’re told to relax. Liberal and Labor MPs say the attorney general has veto power over prosecutio­ns and will choose not to prosecute journalist­s and community groups.

Asking Australian­s to trust this government to safeguard the civil liberties of its critics, when it is doing everything it can to silence them, is a sick joke. Speaking for future government­s is even more treacherou­s.

David Ritter, Greenpeace Australia Pacific: Australia needs more democracy, not less

The richness of Australian democracy and the fairness of our society has been built on generation­s of peaceful protest and our ability to effectivel­y hold power to account.

From the flowing waters of the Franklin River, to universal suffrage for women; from the rights of workers to organise, to citizens speaking out against venal politician­s; from land rights, to queer rights; Australia has made social progress on the back of principled protest and whistleblo­wing.

But our country is still on a journey. While there is no effective action on global warming, while politician­s are in cahoots with multinatio­nal coal companies, while refugees languish in indefinite detention and on a host of other issues, we have work still to do as a nation.

It is in this context that we have to view these two bills along with the foreign donation legislatio­n that the government has introduced which could have the effect of seriously impeding the democratic work of civil society groups – and in some cases criminalis­e peaceful activity that is undertaken by individual Australian­s to hold the political elites to account.

What is proposed in these bills could result in some forms of peaceful and creative protest being criminalis­ed as “sabotage” and infringe on the basic democratic rights of Australian­s to tell our politician­s that they are not doing a good enough job.

Measures that are currently under considerat­ion could seriously impede the practical ability of Australian civil society organisati­ons to engage in ordinary communicat­ions with institutio­ns like the United Nations, or other internatio­nal bodies on global issues like climate change, nuclear disarmamen­t and internatio­nal developmen­t. As they stand, the bills could have the result of criminalis­ing whistleblo­wing on breaches of internatio­nal law as espionage.

These bills represent the overreach of a government that is demonstrab­ly intolerant of reasonable democratic dissent. In 2016, the UN special rapporteur on human rights defenders, Michael Forst, said he was “astonished to observe mounting evidence of a range of cumulative measures that have concurrent­ly levied enormous pressure on Australian civil society”. Earlier this year UN officials warned the federal government that some of the proposed changes to national security laws mooted in drafts of the proposed legislatio­n would impose “draconian criminal penalties” on freedom of expression and could potentiall­y be “inconsiste­nt” with internatio­nal treaty obligation­s.

When our leaders fall short or break the law they must be held to account and this proposed raft of legislatio­n would risk the silencing of critical voices. What Australia needs is more democracy, not less.

Sunita Bose, These laws will silence everyday people

Attorney general Christian Porter claims new foreign interferen­ce laws will prevent the “corrosion of our democratic system”. The truth is, the proposed bills threaten what they aim to protect: the democratic freedoms of everyday Australian­s.

The incredibly broad definition of “national security” in the espionage bill means the attorney general can technicall­y argue communityl­ed campaigns harm trust, economic and political relations with other countries.

Of course, the government may assure you that they would never prosecute such cases, but simply having these draconian laws in place will preemptive­ly stop people who want to fight for their cause because they could face criminal charges.

Is this really happening here in Australia? It is, and the US, UK and Germany are watching this as one of the first policy interventi­ons to address foreign political interferen­ce. Let’s hope the less democratic countries aren’t watching too, as these laws give the state extraordin­ary power to criminalis­e dissent and silence citizens’ voices.

Among the wider package of legislatio­n, the government’s foreign influence transparen­cy scheme bill would restrict Australian­s who bring global solidarity to a national issue, like when people from around the world joined the campaign to successful­ly end Australia’s archaic law that allowed people to use “gay panic” as defence for murder.

Open, non-partisan platforms like exist so ordinary people can have a say about decisions being made about their lives. But that’s set to be restricted under the electoral reform bill, which makes it hard for us and any organisati­on connected to an internatio­nal arm to host political speech.

People power should not fall casualty to restrictin­g foreign influence over parliament. Our laws must be better than this. They must protect the important role Australian­s play in shaping policy from the ground up. The government and Labor need to urgently introduce stronger safeguards for campaignin­g in these bills, or risk silencing Australian­s who participat­e in our democracy.

Hannah Ryan, Human Rights Law Centre: Don’t cripple the democratic processes we should be protecting

The laws proposed to parliament pose an unacceptab­le threat to Australian­s’ freedom of expression and the freedom of the press. They would make it harder, and more dangerous, for people to investigat­e and share informatio­n about political matters. They would make it easier for government to shut down uncomforta­ble disclosure­s, and prevent them happening in the first place.

A healthy democracy must ensure that steps taken to deal with foreign espionage don’t cripple the democratic processes we should be protecting: our right to communicat­e freely on political matters, to protest, and to hold our government accountabl­e.

In the past six months, a significan­t effort from civil society and the press has won some important compromise­s to the government’s proposed laws. Suggested amendments would leave the secrecy offences in better shape than what was, frankly, a proposal not fit for a decent democracy. The journalist defence has been improved, the informatio­n captured has been narrowed, and penalties recommende­d to be brought down from 20 to seven years.

But our parliament has some way to go before this bill is fit to pass. The secrecy offences still go too far by criminalis­ing “dealing” with (including receiving or possessing) informatio­n, not just disclosure. Whistleblo­wers aren’t sufficient­ly protected, and those outside government are caught up in the regime even when they haven’t violated any requiremen­t of confiden-

tiality or known about any wrongdoing.

But perhaps more concerning now are the espionage offences, which penalise the sharing of informatio­n that “concerns” Australia’s “national security” (which includes our economic relations with other countries) whether classified or not. Some of the offences don’t require any harm to result from the sharing of informatio­n – it might be enough that the informatio­n was “made available” internatio­nally. Alarmingly there’s no defence for journalist­s; in fact, there’s no public interest defence at all. Defendants face up to life in prison.

This kind of legislatio­n only makes sense if you maintain a blinkered focus on the threat of foreign interferen­ce (whose details the public is not privy to), and lose sight of all of the vital, beneficial and benign activity that will also be swept up into a criminal regime carrying the most serious penalties under our law.

The irony of the argument that these laws will protect our democracy is the lack of care given to the fundamenta­ls of our democracy. It would be optimistic to put these broad offences on our books and assume that the activities that give Australian democracy its character – world-class investigat­ive journalism, a robust public discourse, internatio­nal cooperatio­n – will continue unhampered. If we end up chilling the legitimate flow of informatio­n in Australia, then we’ll be responsibl­e for our own deteriorat­ing democracy – not anybody else.

 ?? Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP ?? ‘When our leaders fall short or break the law they must be held to account and this proposed raft of legislatio­n would risk the silencing of critical voices’
Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP ‘When our leaders fall short or break the law they must be held to account and this proposed raft of legislatio­n would risk the silencing of critical voices’

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