The Guardian Australia

Want more people to get help? Make mental healthcare more affordable

- Adele Perovic

The recent deaths by suicide of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain have caused an outpouring of shock and grief on social media, and naturally raise questions as to how we can better support people with a mental illness at risk of self-harm. While sharing advice like “reach out to your friends and family” and “seek medical help” is undoubtedl­y positive, actually “getting help” in the Australian healthcare system can be both difficult to achieve, and very expensive.

If you have a Medicare card, visit a GP and present with signs of a mental health condition and/or disorder, your GP can set you up with a mental healthcare plan which consists of 10 subsidised psychology sessions per year. For some people, 10 sessions a year is enough to talk through personal issues and work on developing effective coping strategies. For others with more complex or severe conditions or histories of

trauma, 10 sessions barely scratch

the surface. As a survivor of family

violence (which we know is at epidemic proportion­s in this country), I have done years of work with various psychologi­sts, and a great proportion has been paid for out of my pocket. The gap for psychology sessions tends to be anywhere from $40 to $100, depending on the charges of the psychologi­st or practice.

Psychiatri­sts, unlike psychologi­sts, are able to prescribe psychiatri­c medication­s. An initial consultati­on with a psychiatri­st is around $360, with a Medicare rebate of $220, which leaves a gap of around $140. It generally takes a psychiatri­st three 45-60 minute sessions to diagnose a patient and set up a treatment plan. This means the patient will be a minimum of $400 out of pocket before they are able to even start medication or treatment. The gap for psychiatry varies, but is around $67 for a half hour appointmen­t and $114 for an hour.

Once you have spent $460 on the gap as an individual or as a family, you reach the Medicare safety net and receive back 100% of the scheduled Medicare fee for that particular service. However, this

fee doesn’t necessaril­y match what the medical specialist charges, and Medicare fees notoriousl­y haven’t kept up with inflation, which has left patients increasing­ly out of pocket. It also has to be noted, that a patient needs to pay for the session before they get the Medicare rebate. What this means is that if you don’t have $360, for example, to pay the psychiatri­st upfront, you can’t go to the appointmen­t.

If you can’t afford to access assistance in the private sector, you will have to go through the public system, which is overloaded and can barely handle those who are at crisis level, let alone provide preventati­ve care. The tragic story of Naomi Watson-Ley exemplifie­s this – she took her own life only days after being discharged from the psychiatri­c ward of a hospital.

Seeking treatment takes time. If you need to take time off to go to the psychologi­st or psychiatri­st (or both), that’s time that you won’t be able to work and make money. It’s not hard to see why people just try and “push through” only to end up more exhausted and sick than ever. How many employers are happy for someone to take several hours off every week or fortnight to go to medical appointmen­ts? How many employees are comfortabl­e sharing this kind of informatio­n with employers?

Seeking treatment can also be risky, because to open up and be vulnerable in front of a stranger (even if they are a medical profession­al) takes an enormous amount of courage and isn’t always a safe option. Many marginalis­ed people (such as people of colour, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, LGBTIQA+ people and sex workers) won’t know if a specialist is bigoted or holds prejudicia­l ideas about the group they belong to, until they have opened up to them in the session. Bad experience­s beget a distrust of the system in general, and discourage individual­s from seeking further assistance in the future.

It comes as no surprise that those who are the most marginalis­ed in our society, who are the least able to afford or access expensive psychiatri­c treatment, are also disproport­ionately affected by social issues that are likely to exacerbate stress and worsen mental health. Housing instabilit­y, unemployme­nt (or underemplo­yment) and financial pressure all cause stress that contribute­s towards making people feel worse about themselves and their future. Steps towards making our society more equal would help to improve the mental health of those most vulnerable.

Telling individual­s with mental health conditions and/or disorders to “get help” is easy. Changing the system to better serve the diverse Australian population is much harder.

None of the answers to these questions are easily solved, but what begs understand­ing is that “seeking help” is only possible when the services are available and accessible for everyone. We need to care more about mentally ill people when they are alive, and not only after they have taken their lives.

• Adele Perovic is an actor and journalist based in Brisbane

In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. In the UK, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123. In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. Other internatio­nal suicide helplines can be found at befriender­

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Steps towards making our society more equal would help to improve the mental health of those most vulnerable

 ?? Photograph: Dave Hunt/AAP ?? ‘Medicare fees notoriousl­y haven’t kept up with inflation, which has left patients increasing­ly out of pocket’
Photograph: Dave Hunt/AAP ‘Medicare fees notoriousl­y haven’t kept up with inflation, which has left patients increasing­ly out of pocket’

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