The Guardian Australia

Ardern under pressure as staffer accused of sexual assault quits

- Eleanor Ainge Roy in Dunedin

Pressure is growing on Jacinda Ardern to explain when she was made aware of serious sexual assault allegation­s in her party after the staffer at the centre of the furore resigned.

The individual remains unnamed but is known to have worked in a senior role in Parliament House and had regular interactio­n with senior Labour ministers.

According to allegation­s published on the Spinoff website on Monday, the staffer is alleged to have seriously assaulted a 19-year-old Young Labour member at his home early last year. The alleged victim claimed the Labour party ignored her numerous official complaints about the matter.

On Thursday, the man sent a statement to RNZ denying “the serious alle

gations made against me” but saying he was resigning due to stress and to avoid distractin­g from the government’s work.

“I am cooperatin­g fully with the Dew inquiry that is now under way and will continue to do so, having been assured that this process will be fair to all parties,” the statement said.

Scepticism is mounting as to when the prime minister found out about the allegation­s, and Ardern has been accused of letting down survivors who viewed her as a champion for women’s rights and equality.

Ardern has repeatedly said she first became aware of the allegation­s from reports on Monday, but documents obtained by domestic media show senior Labour figures were sent testimony of the sexual assault allegation­s last year.

A number of political journalist­s said the allegation­s were a critical moment for Ardern’s leadership. Newshub’s Duncan Garner said the idea that the prime minister did not know about the allegation­s was a “massive stretch”, while Stuff ’s Andrea Vance said the prime minister’s insistence that she did not know was “hard to swallow”.

The prime minister faced a barrage of questions over the issue from the press on Thursday as she announced policies on mental health and the school curriculum.

A QC has been appointed to investigat­e Labour’s handling of the complaint and is due to report back to Ardern within a month.

On Wednesday, the party’s president, Nigel Haworth, resigned after emails showed he had been sent testimony detailing the alleged sexual assault last year, despite claiming to have not been told about it.

There were at least six other complaints against the man relating to misconduct, of which he was cleared by an internal Labour investigat­ion earlier this year.

The allegation­s are the worst crisis to face Ardern since she took office in 2017, not least for her strong focus on women’s and young people’s rights.

Speaking last year at the UN general assembly, she said the #MeToo movement must become “we too”.

Ardern told the assembly: “It seems surprising that in this modern age we have to recommit ourselves to gender equality, but we do. And I for one will never celebrate the gains we have made for women domestical­ly, while internatio­nally other women and girls experience a lack of the most basic of opportunit­y and dignity.”

 ?? Photograph: Nick Perry/AP ?? Jacinda Ardern has been criticised for letting down survivors who saw her as a champion of women’s rights.
Photograph: Nick Perry/AP Jacinda Ardern has been criticised for letting down survivors who saw her as a champion of women’s rights.

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