The Guardian Australia

The Guardian view on Boris Johnson and the crown: a clear abuse of power


When Boris Johnson arrived in Downing Street, he brought with him a reputation for duplicity in matters personal and profession­al. Only his most credulous cheerleade­rs expected that to change when he became prime minister. The pessimists did not anticipate how swiftly and egregiousl­y Mr Johnson’s worst attributes would be displayed. Even by his own shabby standards it is an achievemen­t already to have corrupted the relationsh­ip between a prime minister and the monarch. A court has judged that parliament was unlawfully prorogued. Scottish appeal judges accepted arguments that the purpose of the move was “stymying parliament” with intent to obstruct scrutiny of the executive in contravent­ion of constituti­onal principle. Downing Street insists prorogatio­n was required because a new government needed a new session to enact its agenda.

That explanatio­n does not withstand much interrogat­ion. The government failed to provide a witness statement supporting its account. Before the case came to court there had not been much effort by ministers and supporters of the government to conceal a link between Commons resistance to a no-deal Brexit and Mr Johnson’s determinat­ion to shut the legislatur­e down. If the real motive had been a technical reboot ahead of a Queen’s speech, prorogatio­n could have lasted a couple of days, not five weeks. The legality of such a cynical move is still moot, despite Wednesday’s judgment. A parallel case was heard by the high court in London last week with a different outcome. The judges neither rejected nor accepted the claimant’s view of the government’s ulterior motive. They declared instead that a prime minister’s agenda for prorogatio­n was a point of political contention, so not justiciabl­e.

This vexed matter now passes on to the supreme court. If the Scottish appeal court’s verdict prevails, prorogatio­n will have to be undone. The prime minister will be steeped in disgrace to depths that would once have submerged the career of any politician. Even if the English high court interpreta­tion ends up being preferred, the dishonesty of Mr Johnson’s prorogatio­n gambit has been recorded as a matter of fact. The salient technical question is not whether he is a liar, but whether a constituti­onal procedure based on his lies should be invalidate­d.

In purely political terms there should be no doubt that Mr Johnson abused his power. In well-functionin­g democracie­s the executive does not close down the legislatur­e by fiat just to eliminate opposition and evade scrutiny. A British prime minister acquires the unusual capacity to do such a thing only by misappropr­iating the royal prerogativ­e. Mr Johnson took a ceremonial function of the crown and weaponised it for ultra-partisan ends. The Palace is rightly sensitive to anything that looks like political activism and so, by default, Elizabeth II grants prorogatio­ns when requested by her prime minister. That is the unwritten contract upholding a constituti­onal monarchy. The whole arrangemen­t is perverse and archaic – overdue for modernisat­ion – but in the absence of reform the only safety valve is trust. It requires whoever sits in No 10 to operate by some basic code of decency and responsibi­lity. Mr Johnson does not play by those rules. He gamed the vulnerabil­ity in the system, inveigling the Queen into a potentiall­y unlawful enterprise.

The prime minister could still prove his respect for law by conceding that the prorogatio­n was ill-conceived and seeking its reversal, although that would be out of character. It is revealing that Downing Street’s initial response to Wednesday’s ruling, briefed anonymousl­y, insinuated that a Scottish court might be less reliable than an English one; not impartial on Brexitrela­ted matters. Clarificat­ions were hastily issued, but the damage was done. A trustworth­y government does not have to make explicit its belief in the independen­ce of the judiciary and its readiness to uphold the rule of law. But this administra­tion holds fundamenta­l precepts of democracy in contempt. Since Mr Johnson has no respect for the unwritten convention­s that underpin the British constituti­on, he plainly cannot be trusted with the powers afforded by those convention­s to the office of prime minister.

 ?? Photograph: Victoria Jones/AFP/Getty
Images ?? ‘Mr Johnson took a ceremonial function of the crown and weaponised it for ultra-partisan ends.’
Photograph: Victoria Jones/AFP/Getty Images ‘Mr Johnson took a ceremonial function of the crown and weaponised it for ultra-partisan ends.’

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