The Guardian Australia

Boris Johnson’s rogues play as dirty as the Russians

- Stewart Lee

Clues to the causes of the tragedy of Grenfell Tower are at last emerging, and they do appear to be providing some comfort. For example, people who died in the fire, according to Jacob Rees-Mogg, lacked “common sense”. The inferno could thus be viewed as a useful cull of some of society’s least valuable members, a purificati­on by fire that the eugenicist­s of the 1930s would recognise as entirely valid.

Rees-Mogg’s own home, the £2.9m, 17th-century Gournay Court, is built of red sandstone and Bath stone, and has not been thoughtles­sly smothered with explosive material. But were it to suddenly turn into an unpreceden­tedly fierce inferno, it is certain that ReesMogg would have had the common sense to tell Nanny to evacuate the family immediatel­y; not down a blazing narrow tower block fire escape, of

course, but down the impressive inter

nal staircase, which rises from the east

end of Gournay’s inner hall to the first floor and has decorated covered urns as finials and pendants on the newel posts, its balusters forming an arcade in the Jacobean fashion.

Having already establishe­d that firefighte­rs were to blame for the deaths, apparently for having no experience of firefighti­ng in a building that was actually covered in material designed to burst into flame, we now learn that the dead are to blame for their own deaths anyway, for being too stupid to stay alive.

Meanwhile, we will have to wait until the back end of next year for a decision on the culpabilit­y of the contractor­s. Appropriat­e blame has, however, managed to be apportione­d to the once lauded firefighte­rs and feckless residents through the first phase of the report and Jacob Rees-Mogg’s personal LBC radio trumpet respective­ly.

Bizarrely, Boris Piccaninny Watermelon Letterbox Cake Bumboys Vampires Haircut Wall-Spaffer Spunk-Burst

er Fuck-Business Fuck-the-Families Get-Off-My-Fucking-Laptop Girly-Swot Big-Girl’s-Blouse Chicken-frit HulkSmash Noseringed-Crusties DeathHumbu­g Technology-Lessons Surrender-Bullshit French-Turds GetStuffed Johnson who, when mayor of London, responded to London assembly member Andrew Dismore’s criticisms of his cuts to fire services budgets by telling him to “get stuffed!”, remains at large.

But is there no muck sticky enough to stick to Johnson and his gang of total liars? I’m not even a real journalist, just a minor comedy celebrity with enough plausible columnist skills to conceal that fact I’ve been placed here in an act of cynicism to drive traffic through a dying medium, but even I can see that Johnson gets a free pass.

Two weeks ago the rightwing press, or “the press” as it is perhaps more accurately known, ran photos of Jeremy Corbyn asleep on a train at 9am while travelling to campaign in Scotland. Corbyn should have been watching England playing New Zealand at rugby so sleeping meant he was unpatrioti­c and anti-English; a bit like Stalin who, in 1938, famously chose to sleep through the premiere of the lightheart­ed Russian comedy film VolgaVolga in Moscow, rather than watch England play Scotland at Twickenham.

Well, not only was I also asleep when England beat New Zealand, I didn’t even know there was a rugby tournament until I saw Corbyn sleeping through it. And if not being interested in rugby makes me unpatrioti­c then fashion an effigy of me out of old trousers, charge people a penny to see me, throw me on a bonfire and toast my immolation with hot cider, for a patriot I be not. That said, the picture of snoozin’, England-hatin’ Corbyn doubtless did some electoral damage. As would the cameraphon­e film of Boris Johnson being hurried out of Addenbrook­e’s hospital, after an unschedule­d publicity op went pear-shaped on Halloween, in a hail of boos and jeers from staff and patients, if anyone had seen it. The footage has had an intermitte­nt presence online, as a result of copyright claims, and never made the national news.

This was fortunate for Dominic Cummings, because it wouldn’t have been possible to dismiss a whole hospital’s worth of unsolicite­d Johnsonboo­ers as undercover Labour party activists, like the dad with the sick kid in Whipps Cross who questioned Johnson’s honking promise trumpets to TV cameras the prime minister insisted weren’t there, even as he spoke into them to deny their existence. If only the media had been so circumspec­t in its coverage of Ed Miliband eating that bacon sandwich in a funny way in 2014, maybe there would have been no EU referendum and Jo Cox would still be alive.

This is why the suppressio­n of the report into Russian electoral meddling and underhand media manipulati­on is important. Not because it is about Russia specifical­ly, but because it concerns electoral meddling and underhand media manipulati­on. Twitter knows that Russian accounts paid for Brexit adverts; and Cardiff University’s Crime and Security Research Institute’s 2017 study suggested fake Russian “sock puppet” accounts were, for example, behind the rapid spread, that March, of a politicall­y weaponised and cynically decontextu­alised image of a Muslim woman walking past victims of the Westminste­r Bridge attack.

We know the Conservati­ves specifical­ly, and Leave-supporting organisati­ons generally, employ similar tactics, despite Fiona Bruce getting her facts wrong on Halloween Question Time concerning the legality of Vote Leave’s campaign, an error for which no BBC apology has been forthcomin­g. And we know the Conservati­ves manipulate media because the crusading liberal investigat­ive journalist Piers Morgan called them out for it on Wednesday, after government propagandi­sts re-edited and circulated online an interview with Keir Starmer on Good

Morning Britain to replace his thorough explanatio­n of Labour’s complicate­d Brexit fudge, with him saying nothing, as if he had no answer.

Why should the current government care about Russian media manipulati­on? They are too busy getting on with it, and getting away with it, themselves. And no one at the cuckolded BBC will call them out on it.

Stewart Lee’s new book, March of the Lemmings, is available now, as is a download and DVD of his last standup show, Content Provider.National dates are on sale for his latest live show, Snowflake/Tornado

If only the media had been so circumspec­t in its coverage of Ed Miliband eating that bacon sandwich

 ?? Illustrati­on by David Foldvari. ??
Illustrati­on by David Foldvari.

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