The Guardian Australia

Warren and Booker lead candidates at environmen­tal justice forum

- Nina Lakhani

Only six candidates turned out for the first ever presidenti­al forum on environmen­tal justice at South Carolina State University on Friday night.

Issues such as lead-contaminat­ed water, food deserts, childhood asthma and proximity to polluting chemical plants and industrial pig farms disproport­ionately affect low-income communitie­s, tribal nations and people of colour.

The Democratic candidates who participat­ed were Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker; former members of Congress John Delaney and Joe Sestak; the billionair­e Tom Steyer; and the author Marianne Williamson.

Warren, who launched an ambitious climate and environmen­tal justice plan last month, said a third of the $3tn she has pledged to spend combating global heating over the next decade would be ring fenced for communitie­s devastated by generation­s of environmen­tal racism.

She pledged to tackle big corporatio­ns including big polluters by introducin­g anti-corruption legislatio­n on her first day as president.

Asked about Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg’s recently leaked comment that a Warren presidency would “suck” for the company, she responded: “Boo-hoo.”

Steyer, the hedge-fund manager turned environmen­tal philanthro­pist who bankrolled an “impeach Trump” ad campaign, said he would declare a state of emergency on his first day in office to tackle the climate crisis.

He compared current environmen­tal inequaliti­es to Jim Crow segregatio­n laws implemente­d after the abolition of slavery, when people of color and native Americans had inadequate and inferior public services.

“If we’re going to repair these injustices, the people affected have to be at the front of the line for green jobs,” said Steyer.

The Flint water scandal in 2014 propelled environmen­tal inequaliti­es on to the national stage. Since then, it has emerged that thousands of water sources in communitie­s across the US are contaminat­ed with lead. This includes Newark, New Jersey, where Booker was mayor. He pledged to fund a national programme to replace lead pipes.

The New Jersey senator, who founded the first environmen­tal justice caucus, is vegan, because of what he says to the cruel and polluting “corporate animal industry” responsibl­e for massive greenhouse gas emissions and health problems in nearby communitie­s.

Booker defended supporting nuclear power, a position criticized by environmen­tal justice groups given the health risks posed by nuclear waste, arguing that it was the only way to meet climate targets within 12 years.

“Fifty percent of our non-carbon energy producing capacity come from nuclear,” he said. “So I’m a realist.”

Delaney, a former congressma­n from Maryland, said cutting carbon emissions to net zero by 2030 would be impossible under the Green New Deal, a broad social and economic pact supported by high-profile Democrats such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The deal plans legislatio­n to achieve universal healthcare and higher minimum wages as well as clean energy, sustainabl­e infrastruc­ture and green jobs.

Delaney said he wants to cancel fossil-fuel tax subsidies, freeing up money to invest in technology to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The environmen­tal justice forum was hosted by the National Black Caucus of State Legislator­s and leaders from frontline and tribal communitie­s, civil rights, youth and environmen­tal organizati­ons.

It was moderated by Mustafa Santiago Ali, a former Environmen­tal Protection Agency official, and Amy Goodman from the independen­t news organizati­on Democracy Now.

The caucus will host a forum on gun violence and mental health next month.

This article was amended on 9 November 2019. It originally said John Delaney said cutting carbon emissions to net zero by 2050 would not be possible. In fact, he said 2030.

50% of our noncarbon energy producing capacity come from nuclear, so I’m a realist

Cory Booker

 ?? Photograph: Sean Rayford/Getty Images ?? Elizabeth Warren addresses the audience at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg.
Photograph: Sean Rayford/Getty Images Elizabeth Warren addresses the audience at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg.

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