The Guardian Australia

Phages: the tiny viruses that could help beat superbugs

- Clément Girardot

It is, say enthusiast­s, the cure that the world forgot. An old therapy that could take on the new superbugs.

Discovered in 1917 by French Canadian biologist Félix d’Hérelle, phages – or bacterioph­ages – are tiny viruses that are natural predators of bacteria. In many countries they were supplanted during the second world war by antibiotic­s but continued to be used for decades in eastern Europe.

They are now being seen by some scientists as a complement – and perhaps an alternativ­e –to antibiotic­s, the overuse of which has led to increasing bacterial resistance and the advent of the superbug.

Tobi Nagel, a California-based biomedical engineer, launched Phages for Global Health (PGH) in 2014 to help developing countries fight antimicrob­ial resistance (AMR). She had become disillusio­ned with the inequality in the pharmaceut­ical industry, in which she worked for 15 years, and says: “We have 30 years until the worst of this crisis. Phages could be made into drugs in less than 10 years.“I was becoming increasing­ly frustrated that the drugs I was working on in the US, which typically cost $1bn to develop, were not accessible to most people living in developing countries.”

Unlike antibiotic­s, phages must be used in a highly targeted way, because each phage is effective against only a limited number of bacteria. They have, says Nagel, undergone important therapeuti­c and commercial developmen­t.

“In the near future, phages will be secondary to antibiotic­s as they can still work against most pathogens. Phages will be the last option when you have no choice,” says Sivachandr­an Parimannan, a researcher at the Centre of Excellence­at AIMST University in Kedah, Malaysia.

According to the World Health Organizati­on (WHO), antimicrob­ial resistance is a rising threat to global health, jeopardisi­ng decades of medical progress and transformi­ng common infections into deadly ones. A UN report published last year suggested yearly deaths from drug-resistant diseases could rise from the current 700,000 to 10 million in 30 years if no action is taken.

“In principle, phages are cheaper and quicker to develop than convention­al drugs, can be designed to minimise future bacterial resistance and have no reported side-effects,” says Nagel. “They can be produced with relatively simple equipment that is readily available to scientists in developing countries, which are the most endangered by the rise of AMR.”

According to a 2014 study commission­ed by British authoritie­s, by 2050 approximat­ely 90% of deaths attributab­le to AMR are expected to occur in Africa and Asia.

Research in phage therapy, relaunched over the past 10 years in Europe and the US, is still in its infancy in developing countries. Phage for Global Health hopes to promote a transfer of skills and knowledge.

There are downsides – phages are slower than antibiotic­s. Not readily available, they cannot be used in an emergency setting and time is usually needed to find the right phage to target the relevant bacteria. They have a narrow spectrum and are less stable than chemical drugs.

Phage therapy tends to be used in a personalis­ed way which makes comparison­s difficult and it is likely they are more efficient against certain bacteria, while antibiotic­s are more efficient against others, so new studies suggest it is better to combine both. Phage therapy centres such as the ones that exist in Poland and Georgia claim to have a success rate of 75-85%.More research is needed to know if phage use has any negative effect on the human body, but so far few side-effects have been reported.

“There are specific needs in developing nations. Even common bacterial infections will have their own strains associated with specific countries,” says Martha Clokie, professor of microbiolo­gy at the University of Leicester and a trainer with PGH. “For example Salmonella food poisoning is a problem worldwide, but each African country will likely have different strains of the bacteria and therefore need specific phages.”

Since 2017, four two-week workshops have been organised in Africa, training about 100 scientists who have passed on what they have learned to more than 1,000 students.

A fifth workshop planned for Malaysia has been postponed to next year due to the pandemic. The global disruption has led Nagel to shift some activities online. Part of the learning material will be soon available on the website phage. directory thanks to a grant from the Mozilla Foundation.

“The training in Malaysia will sensitise more researcher­s from south-east Asian countries to the use of phages, which is not limited to human health but has applicatio­ns for agricultur­e, livestock and food,” says Heraa Rajandas, a lecturer at AIMST, which will host the event.

At the end of the workshops, trainees know how to take phages from nature, isolate those correspond­ing to the target bacteria and characteri­se them, making use of DNA sequencing, to ensure that the phage does not have undesirabl­e genetic properties.

Due in part to a lack of technologi­cal, financial and human resources, scientific teams working in the global south often focus more on animal and plant health, as well as food decontamin­ation.

“The use of antibiotic­s by Ugandan farmers is massive, and this is a selection pressure for resistant organisms which can get to the human beings,” says Jesca Nakavuma, a microbiolo­gist at Makerere University in Kampala who hosted the first PGH training in 2017. With funding from the African Union, she is working on phage cocktails that act against fish pathogens for aquacultur­e and now hopes to market them.

“There are also other ongoing projects from former participan­ts on bovine mastitis, crop pathogens and on bacteria which are multidrug resistant such as E. coli,Klebsiella and Pseudomona­s,” says Clokie.

PGH is also coordinati­ng two transnatio­nal research programmes involving scientific institutio­ns from Europe, North America and Africa. “In Kenya, two teams I collaborat­e with are working on phage cocktails against Campylobac­ter and Salmonella to decontamin­ate poultry meat, which is the cause of many food-borne infections,” says Nagel. The second project aims to test cholera phages in Bangladesh and then apply this treatment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

While producing phage-based drugs for food decontamin­ation is already possible in some countries, the developmen­t of phage therapy for human health faces bigger hurdles. The lack of clinical trials meeting internatio­nal standards means that – outside the former Soviet bloc – access to phages is either nonexisten­t or restricted to compassion­ate use. Many countries lack an appropriat­e regulatory framework.

In western countries, the manufactur­e of medicines must comply with strict criteria before they reach the market. “GMP standards can increase the production cost of a drug by 10 times; this is a major obstacle for all players. There are other forms of controlled production which might enable developing countries to access drugs they desperatel­y need at prices they can actually afford,” says Nagel, who, with several colleagues, has outlined the role the WHO could potentiall­y play in overseeing the use of phage-based products in developing nations.

The WHO has not officially included phage therapy in its action plan against antibiotic resistance, but Nagel hopes this could change if new clinical trials prove positive.

 ?? Photograph: UC San Diego Health Sciences/PA ?? A false-coloured micrograph of phage therapy in action against for alcoholic liver disease.
Photograph: UC San Diego Health Sciences/PA A false-coloured micrograph of phage therapy in action against for alcoholic liver disease.
 ?? Photograph: Samyukta Lakshmi/Bloomberg/Getty ?? An agar plate containing bacterioph­age at a laboratory in Bengaluru, India.
Photograph: Samyukta Lakshmi/Bloomberg/Getty An agar plate containing bacterioph­age at a laboratory in Bengaluru, India.

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