The Guardian Australia

LNP refers Queensland election fundraisin­g events attended by leader Deb Frecklingt­on to watchdog

- Ben Smee

Weeks before the Queensland election, the Liberal National party has referred concerns about a series of private election fundraisin­g events featuring its own leader, Deb Frecklingt­on, to the electoral commission.

The ABC reported on Tuesday the party had issued an internal “show cause” notice to Frecklingt­on, related to five exclusive political events attended by the opposition leader, wealthy party donors and property developers.

Several of the events were also promoted as featuring the federal home affairs minister, Peter Dutton, alongside Frecklingt­on.

Property developers are banned from making political contributi­ons in Queensland and there is no suggestion the LNP accepted any fundraisin­g from prohibited donors at these events, or otherwise.

However, the party subsequent­ly referred its concerns about those private events to the Electoral Commission of Queensland and warned party members that the presence of prohibited donors at political events so close to the state election was “highly problemati­c”.

In a statement released after the ABC story was published, the LNP said it had not referred Frecklingt­on specifical­ly to the electoral commission.

“The ABC’s allegation that the LNP has referred Deb Frecklingt­on to the ECQ is false. It has not,” a party spokesman said. “The LNP regularly communicat­es with the ECQ to ensure that we comply with the act.”

Speaking to reporters at an election campaign stop on Tuesday, Frecklingt­on said the party had not accepted money from any prohibited donors.

“Politician­s attend supporters’ dinners, politician­s mix with and go to events with every manner of type of business people,” she said. “Anyone can attend a fundraiser, but a prohibited donor cannot donate. And let’s make it really clear I stand by my integrity.

“There are various matters that the party have advised me that they write to the ECQ to seek that advice [about], and there is nothing untoward about that. I stand by my integrity.”

Frecklingt­on’s office bluntly denied it had organised the fundraisin­g events.

Guardian Australia understand­s from party sources that LNP headquarte­rs did not organise the events. The sources said the party’s contact with the ECQ was not framed as a request to investigat­e Frecklingt­on’s actions, but to “triple check” that the unsanction­ed fundraisin­g had been conducted appropriat­ely.

“But her name is on the flyers and she attended the dinners, so [the party would] have known that distancing themselves from it, that [the ECQ] looking into Deb’s actions would be the logical outcome,” one LNP figure said.

“Whether or not the wrong thing has happened, it speaks volumes about the relationsh­ip between Deb and HQ, and the state of our election campaign.”

Developers who attended those fundraiser­s told the ABC they did not pay to attend or make any donation, and that they were aware of the rules prohibitin­g them from doing so.

The events come amid significan­t internal and faction wrangling within the LNP, including concerns about its fundraisin­g.

In August, the party’s honorary treasurer, Stuart Fraser, stood down from his position.

Guardian Australia understand­s his resignatio­n was not connected to concerns about Frecklingt­on’s fundraisin­g. But the situation left the LNP headquarte­rs without a chief party fundraiser just months before the 31 October election.

Some within the party had been concerned the LNP was already at a fundraisin­g disadvanta­ge given the ban on developer donations and new expenditur­e caps it had claimed would allow unions to run third-party campaigns and advantage Labor.

Party figures pointed out the events appear to have been held soon after influentia­l backroom figures – known internally as “the cabal” – attempted to replace her as state leader.

“Deb had been close with the cabal, and it’s clear that relationsh­ip has broken down. I’m just frustrated that, less than three weeks until the election, we can’t just shut up and get on with it.”

Frecklingt­on’s office told the ABC that: “Anyone who donates to the party must complete a declaratio­n that they are not a prohibited donor.

“There is transparen­cy about who has donated and who hasn’t donated.”

 ??  ?? The Queensland Liberal National party leader, Deb Frecklingt­on, says there is ‘nothing untoward’ about the referral of the fundraisin­g events to the electoral commission. Photograph: Dave Hunt/AAP
The Queensland Liberal National party leader, Deb Frecklingt­on, says there is ‘nothing untoward’ about the referral of the fundraisin­g events to the electoral commission. Photograph: Dave Hunt/AAP

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