The Guardian Australia

Stay, go, delay: Joe Biden is trapped and has no good choices in Afghanista­n

- Simon Tisdall

Of all the foreign hazards, snares, pitfalls and timebombs left behind by Donald Trump, Afghanista­n is arguably the worst. Joe Biden must decide in the coming days whether or not to abide by his predecesso­r’s shabby “peace deal” with the Taliban and withdraw all US troops by the end of April. It’s a president-sized trap.

The point being, there is no peace, no viable deal, and no easy answer. All three main options – leave now, delay the US and Nato departure by, say, six months, or stay indefinite­ly – are fraught with danger. Biden may be damned whatever he does. The war is a hole dug by others. But he’s in it now – and it risks becoming his hole.

Biden’s lucky, in the sense that, for him, this is a political problem. For Afghans, it’s a matter of life and death. UN figures for 2020 reveal a surge in violence after Trump recklessly ordered what amounted to a dishonoura­ble retreat. The final three months of last year saw 2,792 civilian casualties, including 891 deaths.

The same period brought a rise in assassinat­ions of civil society activists, government workers, and journalist­s, particular­ly women, even as Taliban and US negotiator­s discussed future power-sharing and a permanent ceasefire. Those talks are now on hold pending Biden’s decision. Meanwhile, fighting in southern Afghanista­n is intensifyi­ng.

Almost exactly 20 years after George W Bush invaded, with UK and Nato backing, Afghanista­n’s misery can be quantified in many other ways. The Save the Children charity reported last year that at least 26,000 children were killed or maimed between 2005 and 2019 – an average of five children every day.

Exactly 12 years after Barack Obama doubled US troops in a desperate bid to win the war, the number of civilians killed by US and allied airstrikes has risen, up 330% since 2017. Yet the original American target – al-Qaida terrorists – retain a strong foothold, facilitate­d by the Taliban as in 2001, notwithsta­nding their denials.

Despite billions of dollars’ worth of often misappropr­iated internatio­nal aid and assistance, Afghanista­n still features on the UN’s list of least developed countries. Hard-won progress in democratic governance, education, health and women’s rights is threatened by a fundamenta­list comeback and endemic corruption.

Many Afghans rightly fear the collapse of the elected but fragile government of the current president, Ashraf Ghani, and a return to the anarchy of the pre-9/11 period when the Taliban violently imposed regressive Islamist beliefs and laws while fighting opposing warlords and non-Sunni minorities.

This appears to make the first option – leave now and don’t look back – an all but impossible choice, personally and morally, for Biden. As Obama’s vice-president, he criticised the futility of an unwinnable conflict squanderin­g American lives. But he says he is “haunted” about what happened in Vietnam the last time the US cut and ran. He has pledged to “end the war responsibl­y”.

Yet the downside of not leaving promptly could be significan­t. The war is unpopular; polls suggest most Americans want out. Any new US casualties would be blamed on Biden. So, too, would the ongoing strategic, diplomatic and financial cost when, for many, the pandemic, China, and the climate crisis are more pressing priorities.

The opposite option – staying on indefinite­ly until the war is won and a functionin­g democracy capable of protecting its people is created – attracts similar objections. The US would be back at square one, with no clear path to victory, with a government lacking incentives to stand on its own feet, and facing unchecked military escalation.

Taliban spokesmen insist all 2,500 remaining US troops must leave by 1 May, as previously agreed. If not, direct hostilitie­s, confined at present to clashes with government forces, may resume. In such a scenario, Biden might have to send reinforcem­ents – and ask Nato allies to do likewise. To say they would be reluctant is an understate­ment.

That leaves the middle way: negotiatin­g a time-limited extension to the withdrawal (which has already been put on temporary hold by Nato). The breathing space could be used, in theory, to agree a more credible national roadmap to durable peace and ensure the Taliban stick to their promises, especially on unfriendin­g al-Qaida and Isis.

Some analysts believe the Taliban would welcome extended talks if they elevated their future role in government and conferred internatio­nal legitimacy. The US has carrots to dangle: a lifting of UN sanctions, prisoner releases, and removal from its list of terrorist groups.

An extension is thus Biden’s most likely course – in line with the advice of the independen­t, congressio­nally mandated Afghanista­n Study Group. Its report, published this month, urges the US to stay until its objectives and interests are met and current levels of violence are greatly reduced.

But Stephen Walt, Harvard pro

fessor of internatio­nal relations, argues that could take for ever. The report broadly defines US interests as establishi­ng an “independen­t, democratic and sovereign Afghan state”, eliminatin­g the al-Qaida threat, halting illegal migration and drugs traffickin­g, protecting human rights, encouragin­g self-reliance and reinforcin­g regional stability.

“These are worthy goals, but they are not remotely in sight given where Afghanista­n is today,” Walt wrote. His verdict is brutal but accurate. This is the trap that could ensnare Biden. However long he hangs on for a better deal, however hard he pushes for a better future, there is no sure prospect it can be achieved. So why keep trying?

Walt does not have an answer to this conundrum. In truth, no one does. Anyone who claims otherwise is a fool or a fraud. The gulf between Afghan aspiration and reality yawns ever wider. Each day it is silently measured in hopes crushed, blood spilled, and tears shed.

 ?? Photograph: Jalil Rezayee/EPA ?? US soldiers, deployed to train Afghan forces, in Herat.
Photograph: Jalil Rezayee/EPA US soldiers, deployed to train Afghan forces, in Herat.

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