The Guardian Australia

The healthy child who wouldn’t wake up: the strange truth of ‘mystery illnesses’

- Suzanne O'Sullivan

I cannot resist a news headline that refers to a mystery illness and there is no shortage to keep me interested. “Mystery of 18 twitching teenagers in New York”; “Mysterious sleeping sickness spreads in Kazakhstan­i village”; “200 Colombian girls fall ill with a mysterious illness”; “The Mystery of the Havana Syndrome”. One medical disorder seems to attract this descriptio­n more than any other: psychosoma­tic illness. That the body is the mouthpiece of the mind is evident in our posture, in the smiles on our faces, in the tremor of our nervous hands. But, still, when the body speaks too explicitly, when the power of the mind leads to physical disability, it can be hard to understand why. This perplexity is most apparent when psychosoma­tic disorders affect groups, spreading from person to person like a social virus, in a phenomenon often referred to as mass hysteria.

We are currently caught in a pandemic. We have been ordered to hide and to search our bodies for symptoms. If there was ever a time for a psychosoma­tic disorder to spread through anxiety and suggestion, this is it. The threat of a virus can affect health in more ways than one. Since 2018 I have been visiting communitie­s affected by suspected contagions of psychosoma­tic illness. I have seen what fear can do to our physical health. I have also seen the curative effect of hope.

My journey started with a 10-yearold girl called Nola. She was lying in bed when we met, her eyes closed and her thick black hair spread out on her pillow like a halo. She looked very much as if she was asleep, except that she was unrousable. When her father tried to sit her up she was limp like a rag doll. In fact, Nola had not moved, she had not even opened her eyes, for 18 months. She was being kept alive by her parents who fed her a liquid diet through a tube. They kept her joints mobile with passive exercises and massaged her skin to keep her in physical contact with the world. Belying Nola’s deeply unresponsi­ve state, scans and tests suggested her brain was awake.

Nola is one of hundreds of children who have fallen into a prolonged coma due to a newly coined medical condition called resignatio­n syndrome. This is a disorder that causes an impenetrab­le comatose state, but where there is no disease to explain it. Medical test results are always normal. It appears in specific geographic­al locations: until very recently, people with this syndrome came exclusivel­y from families seeking asylum in Sweden.

When I visited Nola I was hoping to get some insight into what was prolonging her coma, but I left her bedside feeling frustrated about the opaque way in which resignatio­n syndrome was being discussed. The doctor who facilitate­d my visit was desperate for me to propose a brain mechanism to explain why children like Nola can’t wake up. Swedish scientists had invested considerab­le time in scans and blood tests to find an answer. The media, meanwhile, marvelled at the seeming impossibil­ity of this “mystery illness”.

Resignatio­n syndrome is certainly a highly unusual disorder – comas that are as deep and long-lasting as Nola’s, where testing implies the brain is healthy, are very rare. But does this illness really deserve all the headlines? After all, we know what causes it – and how to treat it. In the face of being deported from Sweden, children such as Nola withdraw from society, becoming increasing­ly apathetic, until they cease to interact with the world. They pull down their physiologi­cal shutters. The cure for resignatio­n syndrome is to offer the child asylum.

It seemed to me that resignatio­n syndrome was a social disorder masqueradi­ng as a medical one. When the children display their need through physical symptoms, and others conceptual­ise it through neurotrans­mitters and brain connection­s, their suffering is given some substance. Physical disability attracts more help than psychologi­cal or social distress. There are children seeking asylum all over the world but until they wash up on beaches, or become so overwhelme­d that they withdraw into a coma, they are easy to neglect.

Having met Nola, it was clear to me that the Swedish children’s plight would not be solved by a neurologis­t or a brain scan. Resignatio­n syndrome is a language of distress. It made me wonder about all the other mystery illness outbreaks and what they might be trying to say.

When, in 2011, a group of American schoolgirl­s began twitching uncontroll­ably, their neurologis­ts diagnosed them with a psychosoma­tic disorder, but a celebrity-driven media frenzy cast doubt over that diagnosis and sent their community on a fruitless hunt for an environmen­tal toxin. In 2016 two dozen American diplomats in Cuba were struck down by a constellat­ion of neurologic­al symptoms, including headaches, dizziness and unsteadine­ss. A diagnosis of mass hysteria was widely mooted but, likening psychosoma­tic illness to malingerin­g, the diplomats’ doctors insisted their patients were not “pretending” to be ill. Despite the lack of evidence for it, the doctors attributed the outbreak to an attack by a sonic weapon.

“Mass hysteria” is an ambiguous term. It is used to describe any number of behaviours: excitement; rioting; stampedes; panic buying; mass shootings. As a medical disorder, under the name mass psychogeni­c illness (MPI), it refers to contagious symptoms that spread through a close-knit group of people, propagated by fear and anxiety.

The medical condition hysteria has had many incarnatio­ns. The name comes from the Greek word for womb. It was once thought to be found only in women, linked to childbirth and sexuality. In Freudian theory, hysteria became a psychologi­cal disorder caused by repressed trauma converted into physical symptoms. More recently, it has been presented as a biological problem, arising through the interplay between psychologi­cal mechanisms and physiologi­cal brain processes. With this latest formulatio­n, people are starting to accept the reality of psychosoma­tic suffering. Although, many are still uncomforta­ble about talking openly about it.

The group phenomenon of mass hysteria is one of the most misreprese­nted disorders in medicine. It is inextricab­ly linked to cliches and stereotype­s, ogled at by the media and caricature­d by art. All too often it is presented as a disorder found in emotionall­y overwrough­t girls. Books and films reduce it to a product of female sexual frustratio­n. Allusion to witchhunts, and references to Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, are never very far away. News reports liken modern outbreaks to centuries-old laughing and dancing epidemics, as if no time had passed. One newspaper headline referred to the twitching US schoolgirl­s as “The Witches of Le Roy”. I know of no other medical disorder that still carries the burden of 17th-century beliefs.

The way in which the condition is discussed isn’t much better among those with medical training. Many doctors still mistake hysteria for malingerin­g, just as the diplomats’ doctors did. They assume that it is a condition of the fragile and the female, and as such reject the diagnosis for men. Many still use Freudian theories, often linked to sexual abuse, to explain it. Is it any wonder that groups affected by this disorder will go to great lengths to distance themselves from it?

By presenting MPI as faked illness, the doctors left the diplomats no choice but to look elsewhere for answers. The history of the US embassy in Cuba was fraught enough to make an attack believable. Politician­s told embassy staff they were in danger and advised them to hide. In New York, where doctors made a firm diagnosis of a psychosoma­tic illness, the media took that to mean the girls were troubled and began picking over their social problems. As honours students and cheerleade­rs, the teenagers simply did not experience their lives as bleak. If mass hysteria was caused by unhappines­s and stress, then the diagnosis couldn’t be right.

Once the psychosoma­tic explanatio­n had been belittled and dismissed, both these communitie­s were pushed into endless cycles of medical testing that led to repeated dead ends. The schoolgirl­s recovered, while five years on in Cuba, some are still looking for a sonic weapon. It makes you wonder, what suffering could have been prevented had the tropes associated with mass hysteria been cast aside.

Mass psychogeni­c illness is also called mass sociogenic illness. It seems a more fitting name because it suggests it is a social disorder, more than a psychologi­cal or biological one. Sometimes doctors are so busy looking inside people’s heads that they forget the social factors creating illness. Or, more likely even, they are afraid to look too closely at their patients’ social worlds for fear that they will be accused of blaming the person, their family or their community for the illness. So, they avoid the frank conversati­on. Which is how resignatio­n syndrome ceased to be the product of a worldwide immigratio­n crisis and became a “mystery”.

It is two years since I met Nola and I’m happy to report that she’s awake now. Her feeding tube has been removed. She can eat and even goes to school sometimes. But she can’t talk yet, so there’s progress to be made. Her family has been granted permission to stay in Sweden, at least for the foreseeabl­e future. Her cure did not come from medical doctors or psychologi­sts, it came by offering her hope of a safe future.

• The Sleeping Beauties: And Other Stories of Mystery Illness by Suzanne O’Sullivan is published by Picador. To order a copy go to guardianbo­ Delivery charges may apply.

When it comes to mass hysteria, allusions to witch-hunts or The Crucible are never very far away

 ?? Photograph: Magnus Wennman/AP ?? ‘A disorder that causes an impenetrab­le comatose state, but where there is no disease to explain it’ ... Two sisters who were diagnosed with resignatio­n syndrome, pictured in Horndal, Sweden, 2017.
Photograph: Magnus Wennman/AP ‘A disorder that causes an impenetrab­le comatose state, but where there is no disease to explain it’ ... Two sisters who were diagnosed with resignatio­n syndrome, pictured in Horndal, Sweden, 2017.
 ?? Photograph: Gary Doak/Alamy ?? ‘I have seen the curative effect of hope’ … Suzanne O’Sullivan.
Photograph: Gary Doak/Alamy ‘I have seen the curative effect of hope’ … Suzanne O’Sullivan.

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