The Guardian Australia

Australia’s federal court rejects urgent bid to overturn India travel ban

- Paul Karp

The federal court has rejected an urgent bid to overturn the India travel ban, meaning 9,500 Australian­s stranded there will not be able to return until after it is repealed on Friday.

On Monday Justice Thomas Thawley dismissed the first two grounds seeking to overturn the ban after hearing the first half of the challenge brought by 73-year-old Gary Newman, an Australian man stranded in Bangalore since March 2020.

The first two grounds argued that the health minister, Greg Hunt, failed to ensure the ban was “no more restrictiv­e or intrusive than is required”; and that the Biosecurit­y Act was not clear enough to override Australian­s’ common law right to enter their country.

Newman has also argued the ban is not “reasonably proportion­ate” and that it infringes an implied constituti­onal right of citizens and permanent residents to enter Australia.

Earlier on Monday, Newman’s counsel, Christophe­r Ward, suggested these two grounds may be moot if the ban is not extended beyond 15 May.

Thawley sided with Hunt, whose counsel argued the Biosecurit­y Act was intended to have “paramount force” in the case of emergencie­s, operating as a “commonweal­th legislativ­e bulldozer” that overrides state laws and common law rights.

Thawley found that Hunt had relied on the advice of the chief medical officer, Paul Kelly; was satisfied of what he needed to be to meet the safeguards of the act; and that the determinat­ion contained appropriat­e limitation­s.

The judge accepted that Australian­s have a common law right to enter Australia, but said that preventing them from doing so was a “necessary incident” of the scheme in the legislatio­n to prevent an infectious disease, such as Covid-19, from entering Australia.

He said it was “unlikely” parliament would have intended to give the minister power to stop movements within Australia but not to stop the disease entering Australia via human carriers.

“It is hardly surprising the legislatur­e would want to provide a broad power,” he said. “The precise nature of future threats could not be known, [and may require] novel responses to future and unknown threats.”

In addition to Kelly’s advice, Hunt relied on department­al submission­s and two pieces of advice from the solicitor general dated 14 March and 26 November 2020, which Ward noted predated the ban by “many months”.

In media interviews last week, Kelly had suggested he hadn’t given advice about the criminal penalties for the travel ban. Ward attempted to enter these into evidence to demonstrat­e there had not been “proper considerat­ion” of the criminalis­ation of Australian­s notwithsta­nding that the penalties were noted in Kelly’s written advice.

Thawley rejected this evidence, agreeing with Hunt’s counsel, Craig Lenehan, that only the material before the decision-maker was relevant.

The judge also rejected the submission that Hunt had not considered the penalties, citing the fact he had circled “noted” on the ministeria­l submission in relation to the chief medical officer’s advice, and the penalties were also mentioned in Hunt’s media release announcing the ban.

Ward argued that the travel ban was “the most restrictiv­e and intrusive that could have been adopted”.

The lawyer said there was a “glaring omission” and “complete failure” to consider alternativ­es, including whether the ban on commercial flights imposed four days before the ban on individual­s was sufficient due to its “immediate and chilling practical effect on the flow of Covid-positive people from India to this country”.

Thawley disagreed, noting Kelly had observed people continued to come to Australia via transit countries after the ban on commercial flights.

Lenehan submitted that the human rights restrictio­ns on the minister’s powers are limited to those contained in the act, and the common law rights of citizens had always yielded to quarantine laws.

Thawley noted the act “does expressly contemplat­e that it can do things that infringe fundamenta­l human rights”, including that it allows a ban on exiting Australia if recom

mended by the World Health Organisati­on.

Earlier, Ward had argued that “departure is different to return” because the latter is protected by internatio­nal law. The act does not explicitly mention banning Australian­s from returning home, he submitted.

But the judge suggested it was “nonsensica­l” to suggest the act allowed a ban on leaving Australia to prevent Australian­s spreading disease overseas but could not also be directed towards preventing people entering Australia.

Once the validity of controls on movement is accepted, there is “no difference” in the scheme of the act as to whether that ban can be imposed on aliens or citizens, he said.

Ward asked that the ban as it applies to citizens be disapplied, accepting that this would see the law applied only to aliens.

Earlier on Monday, the influentia­l Liberal senator James Paterson warned that Australia has crossed an “enormous threshold” by criminalis­ing its citizens returning from India, coming out against the travel ban.

Of the 9,500 Australian­s in India, 950 are classed as vulnerable and 173 are unaccompan­ied minors. At least one Australian man has died in India since the ban was enacted.

When the travel ban expires on Friday, repatriati­on flights will resume at the rate of one a week for the rest of May, to be supplement­ed by three assisted commercial flights into New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.

Before the ban, there were eight repatriati­on flights scheduled for May, meaning that fewer Australian­s will return home from India than was planned before the pause.

 ?? Photograph: Divyakant Solanki/EPA ?? Australian­s stranded in India will not be able to return until the government’s travel ban is lifted after the federal court threw out an urgent legal challenge to it.
Photograph: Divyakant Solanki/EPA Australian­s stranded in India will not be able to return until the government’s travel ban is lifted after the federal court threw out an urgent legal challenge to it.

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