The Guardian Australia

The case for Brexit was built on lies. Five years later, deceit is routine in our politics

- Will Hutton

After five years, the biggest casualties of Brexit are in plain sight. Integrity and decency in public life are crumbling. Because so much of the case for Brexit is false, the political modus operandi of the Brexiters, now dominating our political culture, has become a refusal to accept responsibi­lity for mistakes, overclaimi­ng, deceit and sometimes outright lies to justify the unjustifia­ble. Once the electorate can no longer trust what they are told, democratic debate is denied. We have been robbed of a core right of citizenshi­p.

It is a form of coup, but with a cloud of nationalis­t hyperbole disguising the threat to parliament­ary democracy. To hold power, or challenge it, in a democracy requires continual argument and discussion, the preconditi­on of which is a commitment to truth-telling and a shared acceptance of facts, however differentl­y they may be interprete­d. Trash those preconditi­ons and we inevitably slide into a universe of division and distrust impervious to rational argument. We are all belittled.

It is as the Brexit right wants. Brexit has given it a cause and a political coalition that leaves it more firmly in control of power than at any time since peak Thatcheris­m. It is not only partisan rightwing policies – from the impending assault on public service broadcasti­ng to the criminal failure to provide the additional teaching to compensate for Covid-induced teaching losses – it is the gerrymande­ring that favours the Tory interest.

Voter suppressio­n; rendering the Electoral Commission even more toothless; ensuring all trustees and chairs of public bodies are Conservati­ve; weakening judicial review; abolishing the Fixed-term Parliament­s Act; eliminatin­g any proportion­ality in the voting system for mayors; not accepting the doctrine of ministeria­l accountabi­lity. And all couched in a language of defiant nationalis­m so that critics can be dismissed as unBritish friends of the foreigner and outriders for wokedom.

This entire edifice is the consequenc­e of Brexit being indefensib­le in rational terms, so that even boasts of success rest on presentati­onal legerdemai­n morphing into deceit. Thus, last week, the unpersuasi­ve list offered by Boris Johnson in favour of Brexit. It comprised: eight freeports (permissibl­e within the EU and whose limited success is created by diverting economic activity from elsewhere rather than creating activity); a successful vaccine programme “impossible” within the EU (since 1 June, Germany, France and Italy’s seven-day average vaccinatio­n rates have exceeded Britain’s); control of our borders (numbers of EU immigrants have fallen while numbers of non-EU immigrants have risen so that overall immigratio­n is barely changed); investment in jobs being unlocked (to the extent the government has made any such investment, it would never have been prevented by the EU); finally, achieving the Australian trade deal (under which Australian exports to Britain will rise six times more than British exports to Australia). In truth, the gains are either nonexisten­t or paltry.

The losses on the other hand are massive, real and not addressed by ministers. Our trade with the EU has fallen by a fifth in the first three months of 2021, a drop normally associated with an economic slump. The internatio­nal barons of private equity circle our stricken firms in an orgy of asset-stripping. We have fallen from first to fifth in the ranking of states winning EU scientific research funding. Cumulative­ly, exports of services are now more than £100bn below what pre-Brexit trends suggested. Farmers are losing 25% of their basic EU grant this year and tremble for their viability. The prospects of Irish reunificat­ion have never looked so likely. UK relations with the EU are suffused with hostility and distrust. A new concert of powers to govern the world – the US, the EU, India, China, Russia and Japan – is discussed in Washington, a list that conspicuou­sly does not include “Global Britain”.

Small wonder that Johnson and the Conservati­ve party want to see Brexit as a done deal from which there is no going back – “We’ve sucked that lemon dry,” he told the Atlantic magazine. To acknowledg­e these weaknesses would delegitimi­se the whole enterprise: thus, further deceit compounds the original deceit, sin on sin. No government minister can acknowledg­e, for example, the astonishin­g asymmetry of the Australian trade deal and its disproport­ionate advantage to Australia or the concession­s made on meat standards. Johnson and the Brexit minister, Lord Frost, portray the frictions in trade between Northern Ireland and mainland Britain as a surprise, even though Johnson resigned over Theresa May’s backstop designed to avoid them. The dissimulat­ions don’t wash.

There are some signs that the public is noticing. Today’s Observer Opinium poll shows 43% now disapprove of the government handling of Brexit, up 4% since January; only 33% approve, down 3%. Perhaps even more surprising, given the paucity of public argument in favour of the EU, 27% would rejoin (against 22% who want more distance), while another 22% favour a stronger relationsh­ip.

Moreover, suspicions that the government is not straight with the country are spreading beyond the argument over the EU. Journalist Peter Oborne argues in his remarkable short book The Assault on Truth that the culture of truth abuse and avoidance of responsibi­lity are part and parcel of the entire approach of Johnson and his government – from the referendum campaign to the management of Covid, aided and abetted by disgracefu­lly compliant media.

Yet Brexit is at the heart of this struggle over truth and integrity: the lies that gave birth to it led to Johnson’s rise to the prime ministersh­ip. It is this recognitio­n propelling the rapid growth in membership of pro-European campaignin­g groups such as the European Movement and Grassroots for Europe. Citizens, despairing of a Labour party that refuses to do battle on the central fact of British politics, are doing what they can to challenge the Brexit lie. They are acting to preserve integrity. After all, big lies, whether communism or imperialis­m, collapse in the end. But such collapses need citizens to act.

• Will Hutton is an Observer columnist

To acknowledg­e weaknesses would delegitimi­se the whole enterprise: thus further deceit compounds the original deceit, sin on sin

mate action, and high-paying union jobs, among others – will be possible if we don’t rebuild our democracy from the ground up first. That’s what the For the People Act aimed to do. By preventing politician­s from skewing congressio­nal districts in their favor, reducing the influence of special interests, and ensuring all eligible voters can make their voices heard. Simply put, there cannot be genuine economic, social, and racial justice without full voting rights and institutio­ns that answer to the people.

The elected officials behind the more than 400 anti-voting bills and sham election audits sweeping the nation are aware of this. They know that staying in power despite their opposition to popular reforms – including ones that have already proved to benefit millions of Americans like the Affordable Care Act – requires gaming the system. They know that the vast majority of voters who do not look or think like them will vote them out if given a chance, so they target Black and Brown people to suppress our voices.

We saw this play out in realtime in 2020. Voters overcame extraordin­ary barriers to cast their ballot: the danger of standing in long lines to vote during a global pandemic, attempts from the sitting president to cut our postal system off at the knees, and repeated efforts from lawmakers at all levels to thwart the certificat­ion of legitimate election results – culminatin­g in a violent attack on the US Capitol. Despite these enormous challenges, voters made their voices heard and secured historic wins in the White House, Senate, and House. Now, we are witnessing attempts to rig the system, and that starts and ends with silencing voters at the ballot box.

All around us, we see examples of how voter suppressio­n can harm our communitie­s. Just this week, a judge struck down Missouri’s Medicaid expansion as unconstitu­tional, creating even more barriers for people to access healthcare. In Arizona, the wildfires raging their way across the state continue without adequate federal action on the climate crisis, despite voters rating climate action as one of their main priorities for elected officials to address. Nationwide, our elected officials cannot reach a consensus on gun control despite the majority of Americans wanting stricter gun laws. If our leaders’ decisions were genuinely representa­tive, they would be making decisions to improve our communitie­s’ health, safety and welfare, not hinder it.

The ramificati­ons of failing to protect voting rights are far-reaching. Progress on all of the issues we care about, including better schools for our children, healthcare access for all, a higher minimum wage, and justice for Black and Brown communitie­s nationwide, is at risk while voting rights continue to be denied. Elected officials continue to box people out of the political process so they can cement their power. As constituen­ts, we won’t accept that.

Here’s the solution: leaders in the Senate must make democracy reform a reality. That means delivering on the first tenet of our constituti­on: each American has a say, and we elect a government accountabl­e to the people. This requires abolishing the Jim Crowera filibuster that thwarted any debate or discussion around the For the People Act this week, and will continue to be used as a tool to impede progress unless the Senate takes a hard look at this relic of the past and the harm it continues to cause.

We are at a fork in the road that will dictate the trajectory of our country for years to come. There can’t be true justice or progress on the issues we care about without voting rights. The future of our country can’t wait. The For the People Act is the solution we need – and it’s time our senators make it a reality.

Derrick Johnson is the president of the NAACP

We are witnessing attempts to rig the system, and that starts and ends with silencing voters at the ballot box

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 ??  ?? Dom Mckenzie The Observer CommentBre­xit 5th Anniversar­y web version
Dom Mckenzie The Observer CommentBre­xit 5th Anniversar­y web version
 ??  ?? ‘There can’t be true justice or progress on the issues we care about without voting rights.’ Photograph: Virginie Kippelen/AFP/Getty Images
‘There can’t be true justice or progress on the issues we care about without voting rights.’ Photograph: Virginie Kippelen/AFP/Getty Images

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