The Guardian Australia

Allen Cheng on his year in the Covid spotlight: ‘It’s human nature to try to find someone to blame’

- Professor Allen Cheng

When I stepped into the role of Victoria’s deputy chief health officer in July 2020, there was a lot to learn. But the aspect most foreign to me was working with the media.

It felt very much like preparing for an exam. In the morning, I’d receive a briefing on the current facts and figures, the issues that journalist­s had raised and those that were anticipate­d to be raised, and I’d have an hour or so to remember as much as I could before answering questions at the press conference.

In reflecting on a year fronting press conference­s, the role of journalism stood out as an important issue. I was aware the pandemic had become very much a political story, and that political journalist­s approached the story very differentl­y to health or science journalist­s.

This is understand­able. Public health is inherently political, and state premiers have never had so much exposure as during this pandemic. I was conscious that in standing up in front of media conference­s, I was representi­ng the work of thousands of people in government.

But for a hospital clinician unfamiliar with the public arena, having my every word scrutinise­d and dissected was a new and confrontin­g experience.

I can think of several issues I might have taken a different approach to. It is particular­ly challengin­g to explain technical details in a press conference.

I recall once carefully coming up with an explanatio­n of how we could tell when PCR tests might be falsely positive. Around halfway through explaining viral genomes and how a PCR test worked, it was evident all the journalist­s had tuned out and I was probably wasting everyone’s time.

Explaining and defending mathematic­al modelling to the public was also especially challengin­g, particular­ly because all models have limitation­s and assumption­s.

It’s necessary to hold government­s accountabl­e, but not productive to crucify

From my perspectiv­e, it seemed there were several main types of media stories. The most constructi­ve were explainers that interprete­d complex data or concepts or giving an insight into what went on “behind the scenes”.

I felt the best use of the press conference­s was in making sense of the current situation, and telling the stories and trends behind the numbers. Studies suggested these stories were more common earlier in the pandemic, and provided an opportunit­y for journalist­s to challenge us to provide the rationale for public health measures.

The “behind the scenes” stories were useful in conveying the complexity of the work of contact tracers or the hotel quarantine system, but could be difficult to organise. Much of the action occurs during online meetings and it was important to make sure the privacy of cases was protected.

The less constructi­ve angles were those I termed “apportion blame and crucify”, and stories that were focused on finding conflictin­g opinions from experts or non-experts. Studies found reporting on blame peaked in August with the peak of Victoria’s second wave.

When events are moving at a rapid rate involving thousands of people, it is inevitable there will be mistakes or misunderst­andings. It is human nature to try to find someone to blame.

This is not to diminish the impact that mistakes can have and the clear need to hold government accountabl­e, particular­ly at a time when legal directions have a major impact on human rights.

On the other hand, a focus on finding fault can undermine confidence in the public health effort or erode compliance. The well-publicised breaches of UK restrictio­ns by the advisor Dominic Cummings are cited as having eroded trust in government in the UK by “normalisin­g” rule-bending.

More constructi­ve questions would have been, “What happened, what did we learn and how might we do better next time?” This is what Victoria has tried to do in releasing reports on infections in healthcare workers and in patients who acquired Covid while in hospital for other reasons.

We were also very conscious to try not to stigmatise communitie­s in public. One of the first statements from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) was to call out racist behaviour against the Chinese community.

Since that time, many different communitie­s have been affected, and there have been (and continue to be) extensive efforts to work together with community leaders and representa­tives to respond appropriat­ely and effectivel­y.

Although I had some experience in being a commentato­r earlier in the pandemic, being a representa­tive of government has many new dimensions. Commentato­rs are rarely accountabl­e for their pronouncem­ents. Prior to being deputy chief health officer, journalist­s rarely came back to me to follow up on what I had said before in the media. But as a public official, previous positions were often quoted back to me for comment. And it is much easier to point out problems than to find solutions to knotty issues.

I’m still hopeful about the Covid future

Since I left the department in June, times have certainly been challengin­g with the large and escalating New South Wales Covid outbreak, the rapidly escalating situation in Victoria, and the ongoing outbreak in the ACT. It’s evident the tools we used last year – lockdowns, testing, contact tracing – are no match for the increased infectious­ness of the Delta variant.

We’re now back at “flattening the curve” – trying to slow the increase in cases to make sure Covid doesn’t run rampant. Even at current case numbers, there is significan­t strain on public health and hospitals.

The next months are going to remain difficult, as any significan­t relaxation of lockdowns is likely to result in a rapid rise in cases and hospitalis­ations. But to keep a lid on transmissi­on, significan­t social restrictio­ns are likely to be necessary. This reinforces the need to support those hardest hit by their impact.

However, I’m still hopeful about the future, as the “headwinds” posed by the increased infectious­ness of the Delta variant will be reversed by the “tailwinds” of vaccinatio­n.

There will come a point, hopefully sooner rather than later, when there are enough people vaccinated that case numbers will start to decrease.

And like Victoria last year, NSW and Victoria will both start to plot their roadmaps out by slowly relaxing restrictio­ns. The first steps are to permit the lowest risk activities, recognisin­g some social contact is necessary to ease the mental burden on the community if lockdowns are going to continue for longer than a few weeks.

The modelling report led by the Doherty Institute and the experience of other countries provide us with a future where control will be easier, as public health measures will be complement­ed by high vaccinatio­n coverage.

• Allen Cheng is aprofessor in infectious diseases epidemiolo­gy at Monash University. This article was first published in the Conversati­on.

The 'headwinds' posed by the increased infectious­ness of the Delta variant will be reversed by the 'tailwinds' of vaccinatio­n

Allen Cheng

 ?? Photograph: Erik Anderson/AAP ?? Professor Allen Cheng addresses the media in Melbourne in September 2020 during his time as Victoria’s deputy chief health officer. ‘I was conscious that in standing up in front of media conference­s, I was representi­ng the work of thousands of people in government,’ he says of his time as a senior health bureaucrat.
Photograph: Erik Anderson/AAP Professor Allen Cheng addresses the media in Melbourne in September 2020 during his time as Victoria’s deputy chief health officer. ‘I was conscious that in standing up in front of media conference­s, I was representi­ng the work of thousands of people in government,’ he says of his time as a senior health bureaucrat.
 ?? Photograph: James Ross/AAP ?? Professor Allen Cheng looks on as Victorian premier Daniel Andrews addresses the media during a press conference in Melbourne on 5 August 2020.
Photograph: James Ross/AAP Professor Allen Cheng looks on as Victorian premier Daniel Andrews addresses the media during a press conference in Melbourne on 5 August 2020.

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