The Guardian Australia

Senate inquiry into ABC suspended after Labor and Greens motion gets cross-bench support

- Amanda Meade

A government-led inquiry branded “political interferen­ce” by ABC chair Ita Buttrose has been voted down by Labor and the Greens in the Senate.

But minutes before the adjournmen­t on Tuesday night Liberal senator Gerard Rennick sought leave to have his vote re-committed, meaning the outcome is likely to be reversed in the morning.

Last week the prime minister, Scott Morrison, backed a Senate inquiry into the public broadcaste­r’s handling of complaints after extraordin­ary pushback from Buttrose, and rejected suggestion­s the ABC had been singled out for special treatment.

It had been set up by the environmen­t and communicat­ions legislatio­n committee’s Liberal chair Andrew Bragg who announced a snap inquiry into complaints handling by the ABC and SBS, to report by 28 February.

But the ABC board had already commission­ed an independen­t review of the public broadcaste­r’s editorial self-regulatory system and complaints handling, headed by Prof John McMillan, a former commonweal­th and New South Wales ombudsman and Jim Carroll, a former head of SBS and Ten news.

Last week Greens media and communicat­ions spokespers­on, Sarah Hanson-Young, said the inquiry was a backdoor process to attack and undermine the independen­ce of the ABC, and foreshadow­ed a move to suspend it until an external ABC review is finished.

On Tuesday a Greens and Labor motion was backed by the cross bench and the inquiry was suspended.

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“This inquiry was a partisan attempt to use the legislatio­n committee to undermine the independen­ce of the public broadcaste­r,” Hanson-Young said.

“It was another tactic in a long line of attacks from the Liberals and Nationals who have spent eight years trying to crush the ABC.

“An independen­t review of the ABC’s complaints system is under way. A senate inquiry establishe­d outside of normal processes and running in parallel was inappropri­ate. It is nothing more than political interferen­ce by the Morrison government.”

Bragg said he was disappoint­ed and the motion was “a backward step for our democracy”.

“The parliament­ary privilege attached to Senate submission­s means people can say what they like without the threat of expensive and protracted legal action,” Bragg said.

“It sets a terrible precedent for the Senate to close public access, especially where more than a dozen submission­s have already been received as evidence.”

Editorial complaints at the ABC are examined by five members of a complaints-handling unit called Audience and Consumer Affairs.

ABC editorial director, Craig McMurtrie, has explained the unit is at arm’s length from the editorial division and reports regularly to the ABC board.

“Complaints about content represent a fraction of all ABC output, but every one of them is taken seriously,” McMurtrie said.

“Where mistakes are made there are written apologies to complainan­ts, on-air and online correction­s, revisions to published content with explanator­y editors notes, staff are counselled or other disciplina­ry action taken and further training is provided.”

The ABC welcomed the vote of the Senate “to defend the ABC’s independen­ce and suspend the communicat­ions legislatio­n committee Inquiry,” an ABC spokespers­on said.

“The ABC will now continue with the independen­t review of the complaints system commission­ed by the board in October.”

The ABC said an issues paper will be released shortly for public comment.

 ?? Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP ?? Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young. Labor and the Greens voted down the Coalition government’s inquiry into the ABC with cross-bench support in the Senate.
Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young. Labor and the Greens voted down the Coalition government’s inquiry into the ABC with cross-bench support in the Senate.

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