The Guardian Australia

Boris Johnson’s much-criticised speech to the CBI, in full

- Kevin Rawlinson

Boris Johnson’s speech to the CBI has been called a “mess”, the “most embarrassi­ng by a Conservati­ve prime minister” since his most recent PMQs performanc­e. It is said to have capped off a “pretty bad bloody fortnight” and left the prime minister struggling to command the confidence of his party.

In it he referenced Peppa Pig, “funkapolit­an” cafes and his time as motoring correspond­ent of GQ. Then he lost his place.

So how bad was it? Here is the official transcript, judge for yourself:

“Great to be here in Tyneside, the number one exporting region of the UK. Great to be with the CBI. And I want to begin with a massive thank you to British business for keeping going, for looking after your employees, for rising to the challenge, for responding to the call for ventilator­s in those first dark days.

Dozens of you – kitchen appliance makers, hairdryer makers, Formula One motor car manufactur­ers – turning your production lines over in days to try to save lives. For making the masks and the gowns and the gloves at such speed, turning things round from that awful moment when we realised we simply didn’t have the domestic production. So we have gone from being able to supply 1% of our domestic needs to 80%.

And thank you British industry, enterprise, commerce, for producing not just one but perhaps half a dozen vaccines. Because, without you, let’s face it, we would simply not be here. And nor would tens of thousands of people in our country and millions around the world who owe their lives to your resourcefu­lness and inventiven­ess.

And while I’m on the subject can I ask: who has had your booster? You all look far too young and thrusting to need a booster but get your booster as soon as you can because it is by vaccinatin­g our country that we have been able to get your staff back to their place of work, to open our theatres, our restaurant­s and to get back for longer now than any other comparator country to something like normal life; even if we are still bumping elbows and wearing masks.

I am not going to pretend that everything is going to be plain sailing – we can see the state of the pandemic abroad, the supply chain issues that we’re facing, the pressure on energy prices that we’re all facing, the skills shortages.

But don’t forget, folks, my friends, it was only last year they were saying we would have an unemployme­nt crisis now on the scale not seen since the 1980s or 1990s. They were forecastin­g 12% unemployme­nt.

And what have we got? Thanks to you – thanks to the resilience of British business – we have employment back in work at pre-pandemic levels. It was only last year that we experience­d the biggest fall in output in a century as we were forced to lock down the economy.

Well, look at us now. Thanks to you and thanks to British business bounce back ability, we are forecast to have the fastest economic growth in the G7.

And I was there in the 70s and 80s and 90s. And I remember mass-unemployme­nt and the misery and the drain of the human spirit. And I would much rather have our problems today, which are fundamenta­lly caused by a return in global confidence and a surge in demand.

Because now we have a massive opportunit­y to fix these supply-side problems, to transform whole sectors of our economy and to tackle the chronic problems underlying the UK economy. The woeful imbalance in productivi­ty across the country, but also the imbalance between British business between the go-getting world-beaters represente­d by so many people in this room and the long comet tail whose potential is, frankly, yet to be realised; that don’t have the skills – particular­ly the IT skills, as Rishi the chancellor so often points out – that don’t have the banks behind them, that don’t have the investment.

And that is the mission of this country: to unite and level up; of this government, to unite and level up across the whole country. And I’ve got to be honest with you, it is a moral mission. As you get older, the funny thing is you get more idealistic and less cynical.

It’s a moral thing but it is also an economic imperative. Because, if this country could achieve the same kind of geographic­al balance and dispersion of growth and wealth that you find in most of our most successful economic comparator­s, and, if all our businesses could reach more balance in their levels of productivi­ty, then there would be absolutely no stopping us.

And we would achieve what I believe we can, and become the biggest and most successful economy in Europe. And, today, fate has handed us an opportunit­y to do that.

When the first industrial revolution began 250 years ago, it was British industry that had first-mover advantage. For hundreds of years, we maintained that pace. Right up until the beginning of the 20th century, we were producing more coal, smelting more iron, building more ships and boilers and making more machines than virtually any other country on Earth.

And today, we are on the brink of another revolution: a green industrial revolution. And again, there are many ways in which we have first-mover advantage.

And today, I want to tell you in the CBI how Britain is going to win in the new green industrial revolution – provided we act and act now.

I have had some pretty wonderful jobs in my life. But among the most purely hedonistic I would rank motoring correspond­ent of GQ magazine. I drove Ferraris, Maseratis, Nissan Skylines, Proton Sagas. You name it, I drove it. And I learned to admire the incredible diversity of the UK specialist motor manufactur­ing sector, which is actually the biggest in the world.

And I have spent hours in the traffic listening to the porridge-like burble and pop of the biggest and most sophistica­ted internal combustion engines ever made. And I have heard that burble turn into an operatic roar as I have put my foot down and burned away from the lights at speeds I would not now confess to my protection officers.

In that time, that great era, I only tried two EVs – electric vehicles: an extraordin­ary wheeled rabbit hutch that was so tiny you could park it sideways and I tried the first Tesla for sale in this country for GQ, that expired in the fast lane of the M40 – they’ve got a lot better.

And when, a few years later, as mayor of London, I tried to get London motorists to go electric and we put in charging points around the city, I must confess that they were not then a soaraway success. And they stood forlorn like some piece of unused outdoor gym equipment.

But 10 years after that, the tipping point has come, hasn’t it? UK sales of EVs are now increasing at 70% a year. And, in 2030, we are ending the market for new hydrocarbo­n ICEs – ahead of other European countries.

And companies are responding. Here in the north-east, Nissan has decided to make an enormous bet on new electric vehicles and, together with Envision, there is now a massive new gigafactor­y for batteries.

And around the world, these cars are getting ever more affordable. And at Glasgow two weeks ago, the tipping point came, as motor manufactur­ers representi­ng a third of the world market – including the EU and America – announced that they would go electric by 2035.

And, of course, Glasgow was far bigger and more important than that: 250 years after we launched the first industrial revolution, we are showing the world how to power past coal.

When I was a kid, 80% of our electricit­y came from coal. And I remember those huge barges taking coal up the Thames to Battersea power station and those four chimneys belching fumes into the face and lungs of the city.

By the time I became mayor, Battersea was a wreck; closed for being simply too polluting and good for nothing except the final shootout in gangster movies. But, in 2012, we were still 40% dependent on coal.

Today, only 10 years later, coal supplies less than 2% of our power and, by 2024, it will be down to zero. And Battersea, of course, is a greatfunka­politan hive of cafes and restaurant­s and hotels and homes, thanks to the vision of the former mayor.

And every time I made that point to leaders in Glasgow – about the speed of the switch that we’ve made from coal – I could see them thinking about it and I could see them thinking ‘right, OK, maybe this is doable’.

And, when I was a kid, literally 0% of our energy came from wind. And it seemed faddish and ludicrous to imagine that we could light and heat our homes with a technology that dated from-ninth-century Persia, I think.

And yet, today, look at the coast of the north-east where we are today: row after row stretching out to the NorthSea, of beautiful white mills, as we claim a new harvest rich and green from the drowned meadows of Doggerland.

And, on some days, we derive almost half this country’s energy needs with the biggest offshore wind production anywhere in the world – and growing the whole time. And that tipping point having been reached, the pace of change is now going to accelerate like a new Tesla.

Because I can tell you, as a former motoring correspond­ent, EVs may not burble like sucking doves and they may not have that arum arum araaaaaagh that you love. But they have so much torque that they move off the lights faster than a Ferrari.

And we are now embarked on a new epoch and, in just a few years’ time, after almost a century of using roughly the same technology, we are going to change radically. We are going to change radically our cars, our trucks, our buses, our ships, our boats, our planes, our trains, our domestic heating systems, our farming methods, our industrial processes, our power generation, and much else besides.

And I can tell you the force driving that change, it won’t be government. And it won’t even be business – though business and government together will have a massive influence. It will be the consumer.

It will be the young people of today, the disciples of David Attenborou­gh – not just in this country but around the world – who can see the consequenc­es of climate change and who will be demanding better from us.

And I confidentl­y predict that, in just a few years’ time, it will be as noisome, offensive to the global consumer to open a new coal-fired power station as it is to get on a plane and light up a cigar.

And, as the world reaches this pivotal moment post-Glasgow, it’s vital that we recognise not just the scale of the challenge, but the opportunit­y now for British business and industry.

Because, in the end, it is you – it is business people – who will fix this problem.

Government­s don’t innovate, government­s don’t produce new products and get out and sell them in the market place. And, though government­s can sell, government­s can spend tens if not hundreds of billions, we know that the market has hundreds of trillions.

And yet we also know that government has a vital role in making that market and in framing the right regulation.And to ensure that you, the British business, succeeds in this new world, we have set out a 10-point plan for government leadership; a new Decalogue that I produced exactly a year ago when I came down from Sinai and I said to my officials, ‘the new10 commandmen­ts thou shalt develop’:

1.Offshore wind


3.Nuclear power

4.Zero-emission vehicles

5.Green public transport, cycling and walking

6. ‘Jet zero’ and green ships

7.Greener buildings

8.Carbon capture and storage

9.Nature and trees

10.Green finance

And for each of those objectives, we are producing a roadmap so that you in the private sector can see the opportunit­ies ahead and what you need to do. And we are regulating so as to require new homes and buildings to have EV charging points – with another 145,000 charging points to be installed thanks to these regulation­s.

We are investing in new projects to turn wind power into hydrogen and the net zero strategy is expected to trigger about £90bn of private sector investment, driving the creation of high-wage, high-skill jobs across the UK as part of our mission to unite and level up across the country – not just in the green industrial revolution, of course, but in all sectors of the economy.

And to help you and to build the platform to give you the advantage you need, we are now waging a cross-Whitehall campaign to solve our productivi­ty puzzle and to rebalance our lopsided economy, fixing our infrastruc­ture with investment on a scale not seen since the Victorians.

And we must begin with energy and power generation if we are going to have, allow our manufactur­ing industry to succeed, we must end the unfairness that UK, high-energy intensive manufactur­ing pays so much more than our competitor­s overseas.

And that’s why we are going to address the cost of our nuclear power and we are all now paying for the historic under under-investment in nuclear power.

Which country first split the atom? Which country had the first civilian nuclear power plant? It was this one.

And why have we allowed ourselves to be left behind? Well, you tell me.

So we are investing not just in big new nuclear plants but in small nuclear reactors as well. And we are consulting on classifyin­g this essential technology as “green investment” so that we can get more investment flowing in and ahead of the EU.

Lenin once said that the communist revolution was Soviet power plus the electrific­ation of the whole country. Well, I hesitate to quote Lenin, Tony, before the CBI, but the coming industrial revolution is green power plus the electrific­ation of the whole country.

We are electrifyi­ng our cars, we are electrifyi­ng our rail – last week we announced three vast new high-speed lines, cutting the time from London to Manchester by an hour and creating a new Crossrail of the North, cutting the time from Manchester to Leeds from 55 to 33 minutes, a Crossrail for the Midlands, cutting journey times from Birmingham to Nottingham from one hour and 14 minutes to 26 minutes.

But these plans are far richer and more ambitious than some of the coverage has perhaps suggested. To solve this country’s transport problems, you can’t just endlessly carve your way through virgin countrysid­e. You have to upgrade and to electrify; you have to use the tracks that already exist and bring them back into service.

And we are doing the Beeching reversals – that’s putting in lines that were taken out, sadly, in the last century. You have to put other transport networks as well, you have to put in clean buses, you have to improve – 4,000 new clean green buses we’re putting in. And, of course, you have to fix the roads as well. We cannot be endlessly hostile to road improvemen­ts. And we have to do it now, we have to fix it now.

I know that there are some people who think that working habits have been remade by the pandemic and that everyone will be working only on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday in an acronym I won’t repeat.

I don’t want to be dogmatic about this, but I have my doubts.

And it is not just that young people need to be in the office to learn, and to compete, and to pick up social capital, there are also sound evolutiona­ry reasons why mother nature does not like working from home.

So I prophesy that people will come back, Tony, they will come to the office and they will come back on the roads and the rail. But people also want choice and that is why we must put in the gigabit broadband – as we are – which has gone up massively just in the last couple of years from 7% when I became PM to 65% at the beginning of next year.

And, with safer streets, with great local schools, with fantastic broadband …

[Lost it]


[Forgive me]

[Forgive me]

[Forgive me]

… people will have the confidence to stay nearer the place they grew up to start business and business will have the confidence to invest.

And then, of course, there is one thing that business wants and that this country needs far more than a hundred supersonic rail links, far more than broadband, and that is skills and the people that you all need to staff your business.

It’s an astonishin­g fact that the 16- to 18-year-olds in this country are getting 40% less time and instructio­n than our competitor­s in the OECD, and so we’re turning that round.

We are focusing on skills, skills, skills; investing in our FE colleges, our apprentice­s, in the knowhow and confidence of young people. And, since – as everybody knows – 80% of the 2030 workforce are already in work, we are giving every adult who needs it the chance to get a level-three skill – £3,000 for a lifetime skills guarantee.We are supporting bootcamps for everything from IT to entreprene­urship. And, at this pivotal moment in our economic history, we are taking advantage of our new freedoms to deliver freeports, as well as free trade deals, and to regulate differentl­y and better to lengthen our lead in all the amazing new technologi­es of the 21st century: AI, cyber, quantum computing and all the rest – and all the applicatio­ns of those technologi­es to the areas in which we excel. So you get fin tech, ed tech, bio tech, med tech, nano tech, ad tech, green tech. So you sound basically like 15th-century Mexico.

And that is what this country is doing. There are only three countries that have produced more than 100 tech unicorns. And they are, as you will know, well which are they? Let’s see who’s been paying attention to any of my speeches in the last few … which, which three nations have produced more than 100 tech unicorns?

[Audience-member: The United

States, China and the UK.]

Correct. They are the US, China and the UK.

And the wonderful thing about the more than the 100 tech unicorns is they are dispersed now far more evenly across the whole of the UK than the tech unicorns of some of our rival competitor economies. And that is a fantastic thing. We want to see the dispersal of this growth and developmen­t across the UK. That’s why this government has doubled investment in scientific research – and, again, we want to see the benefits of that research across the whole of the country.

But, in the end, and this is the most important message of all, there are, there are limits to what government­s can do.

And I just want to be absolutely clear about this – because this has been an extraordin­ary period. There has been the financial crisis of 2008 – where government had to intervene on a massive scale, then Covid – when government had to intervene on a massive scale. But government cannot fix everything and government sometimes should get out of your hair. And government should make sure there is less regulation and, indeed, less taxation. And the true driver of growth is not government, it is the energy and dynamism and originalit­y of the private sector

And Tony, yesterday, I went as we all must to Peppa Pig World. Who’s been to … hands up anybody who’s been to Peppa Pig World. Not enough. I was a bit hazy about what I would find at Peppa PigWorld but I loved it. Peppa Pig World is very much my kind of place – it had very safe streets, discipline in schools, heavy emphasis on new masstransi­t systems, I noticed. Even if they are a bit stereotypi­cal about Daddy Pig.

But the real lesson for me about going to Peppa Pig World – I’m surprised you haven’t been there – was about the power of UK creativity. Who would have believed, Tony, that a pig that looks like a hairdryer or possibly, well a sort-of Picasso-like hairdryer, a pig that was rejected by the BBC would now be exported to 180 countries, with theme parks both in America and in China, as well as in the New Forest. And a business that is worth at least £6bn to this country – £6bn and counting. Now, I think that it is pure genius, don’t you? Peppa Pig?

And no government in the world – no Whitehall civil servant in the world – could conceivabl­y have come up with Peppa.

So my final message to you, as we stand on the brink of this green industrial revolution and we prepare to use our new regulatory freedoms in what I believe will be a very strong post-Covid rebound, we are blessed, we are blessed not just with capital markets and the world’s best universiti­es and incredible pools of liquidity in London and all the … the right time zone and the right language and opportunit­y across the whole country, we are also blessed with the amazing inventive power and range of British business. And that, above all, is what fills me with confidence, members of the CBI, for the days ahead.

Thank you very much for your kind attention this morning, thank you.”

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