The Guardian Australia

Imagine if Australia applied its new no-dickhead policy on Novak Djokovic to government troublemak­ers

- Sarah Martin

If you thought Novak Djokovic had a God complex, he’s got nothing on Australia’s immigratio­n minister.

After the government suffered the ignominy of wounding, not killing, Djokovic on his arrival in Melbourne for the Australian Open a week ago, the immigratio­n minister Alex Hawke was determined to stop the GOAT.

Armed with the almost bullet-proof section 133C(3) of the Migration Act, which gives the minister the power to cancel a person’s visa if satisfied it is in the public interest to do so, Hawke proceeded with the nuclear option of booting the world No 1 tennis player out of the country.

The law is clear – the rules of natural justice don’t apply.

Sunday’s federal court hearing did not need to consider the merits or wisdom of Hawke’s decision – just whether it was “irrational or legally unreasonab­le”. In a unanimous decision, the court found it was not, dismissing Djokovic’s appeal and ordering he pay costs.

It was a messy week for the government, but the outcome proves once more that Australia’s immigratio­n laws are as harsh in design as they are in execution. (Just ask Mehdi Ali, who has spent nine years in detention as a result of Australia’s border policies.)

In the court hearing, the government had argued Djokovic was “perceived by some as a talisman of a community of anti-vaccine sentiment” and allowing him to stay in the country could undermine the government’s public health messaging.

In essence, Djokovic had become a poster boy for anti-vax views – it was likened to a sponsorshi­p deal – and his very presence would serve as a countrywid­e advertisem­ent for others to follow suit.

Australia’s new hardline no-dickhead approach was accepted by the court and Djokovic’s fate was sealed. He won’t be missed by most, with the tennis world’s most unsympathe­tic protagonis­t doing little for his cause by confirming he defied health advice for a photo opportunit­y after testing positive to Covid, and then incorrectl­y filled in his immigratio­n paperwork.

Even among the tennis community he has received little sympathy, with the saga (triggered, let’s not forget, by Djokovic’s decision not to get vaccinated) overshadow­ing the Australian Open, where other vaccinated players just want to get on with the tennis.

But if being arrogant, anti-science and an all-round jerk is grounds for the government to push the button on its extraordin­ary deportatio­n powers, then perhaps we can look forward to the government doing more about similar characters domestical­ly.

Has Alex Hawke chewed the fat with Alex Antic or George Christense­n in the Coalition party room lately? They make Djokovic look like a veritable quiet Australian, what with their calls for civil unrest, and suggestion­s state health department­s are involved in grand cover-up conspiraci­es.

Queensland LNP senator Gerard Rennick is publicly questionin­g the safety of booster shots and has suggested the health department of having a “callous attitude towards the safety of Australian­s”, while Nationals senator Matt Canavan has continuall­y downplayed the threat of the virus compared to the threat to personal liberty.

The poor old Therapeuti­c Goods Administra­tion has been pulling its hair out in frustratio­n over the wellfunded Clive Palmer misinforma­tion campaign, which gets met with an official shrugging of shoulders when asked if the government can do anything about it. If only Palmer and Craig Kelly were non-citizens!

Government ministers themselves have been keen to dog-whistle to antivax sentiment, distancing themselves from controvers­ial vaccine mandates when politicall­y expedient to do so, and tacitly supporting freedom rallies that have targeted health restrictio­ns.

The handling of the Djokovic case has been a rolling administra­tive shambles, and Australian­s who have done the right thing and got vaccinated – many who would have preferred not to – overwhelmi­ngly think the Joker should go home.

But anyone who suggests the government is being driven by its fervent belief in good health and public order, and not by a desire for a muchneeded political win in its strong suit of border control, has not been paying attention.

 ?? Photograph: Steven Paston/PA ?? Australian immigratio­n minister Alex Hawke cancelled Novak Djokovic’s visa ‘on health and good order grounds’.
Photograph: Steven Paston/PA Australian immigratio­n minister Alex Hawke cancelled Novak Djokovic’s visa ‘on health and good order grounds’.

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