The Guardian Australia

Medics in Tigray plead with Ethiopia for insulin airlift as supplies run out

- Lizzy Davies

Doctors at Tigray’s main hospital are urging the Ethiopian government to allow supplies of insulin to be airlifted into the region, warning that their stocks will run out within a week and that patients with type 1 diabetes are “at serious risk of death”.

At the Ayder referral hospital in Mekelle, the largest in the region of 7 million people, staff have been told they only have 150 vials of insulin left and no oral diabetes medicines, according to a statement late on Friday.

“This very limited amount will only allow us to serve our patients in need for less than a week,” warns the statement, published on the website of the Internatio­nal Diabetes Federation (IDF) and signed by a group of experts, some of Tigrayan origin.

The stark warning is a further sign of the intense strain placed on the region’s healthcare services by the 14month conflict between Tigrayan and federal government forces, which has been marked by widespread human rights abuses and deepening humanitari­an strife.

If left unresolved, doctors fear the insulin crisis could affect thousands of people. More than 6,000 people were being treated for type 1 diabetes throughout the region before the war began, about 2,500 of them at Ayder. The Observer has not been able to independen­tly verify the claims.

The UN accuses prime minister Abiy Ahmed of maintainin­g a de facto blockade on the region to deprive it of basic resources including food, fuel and medical supplies.

The government denies this, saying forces loyal to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) have disrupted supplies by attacking critical infrastruc­ture and seizing aid trucks.

“In conflicts there are always many wrongs, often on both sides, but we feel denying medical care to innocent civilians under any circumstan­ces is unethical. We appeal to healthcare profession­als around the world … to help avert this blockage of critically important, life-saving medicines,” says the statement to the IDF.

“In 2022, 100 years after the discovery of insulin, please let us not deliberate­ly sentence our type 1 diabetes population to inevitable and agonising death through collective inaction.”

Doctors at Ayder have not received any diabetes medicine from the government in Addis Ababa since July and have been using expired medicines since September, the statement says. Now even those supplies are dwindling, it adds. “A diabetes catastroph­e is … unfolding as people with type 1 diabetes cannot live without insulin,” warn the doctors.

The hospital has also run out of IV fluids, they add, forcing them to treat patients with acute diabetic complicati­ons with just water. This is “extremely difficult because of co-existent nausea and vomiting, resulting in avoidable deaths,” the statement warns.

An additional complicati­on is the fact that so many patients are coming in to hospital malnourish­ed, “further reducing their resilience”. The UN’s World Food Programme estimates that around 5.2 million people in Tigray are in need of food assistance.

In the statement, signed by the IDF’s president, professor Andrew Boulton of Manchester University, the medics say Ayder hospital has been assured that insulin “earmarked for Tigray” is available in Addis Ababa. They urge authoritie­s to allow supplies to come in on the weekly flights for humanitari­an staff that still operate between Mekelle and the national capital.

Last week, the director general of the World Health Organizati­on, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s, attacked the Ethiopian authoritie­s for the humanitari­an crisis in Tigray, saying that the WHO had not been permitted to send medical supplies to the region since July. It was “dreadful and unimaginab­le”, he said, that “a government is denying its own people for more than a year food and medicine”.

The foreign ministry reacted furiously to the condemnati­on, accusing Tedros, who is Tigrayan, of spreading misinforma­tion and compromisi­ng the WHO’s “reputation, independen­ce and credibilit­y”.

Earlier this month, when doctors at Ayder raised concerns about supplies of various medicines and equipment, government spokesman Legesse Tulu told Reuters: “What is happening in Tigray currently is the sole responsibi­lity of TPLF.”

 ?? Photograph: Tiksa Negeri/Reuters ?? Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed has been accused by the UN of a de facto blockade on vital supplies to Tigray.
Photograph: Tiksa Negeri/Reuters Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed has been accused by the UN of a de facto blockade on vital supplies to Tigray.
 ?? Photograph: Denis Balibouse/Reuters ?? The WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s has attacked the Ethiopian authoritie­s for the humanitari­an crisis in Tigray.
Photograph: Denis Balibouse/Reuters The WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s has attacked the Ethiopian authoritie­s for the humanitari­an crisis in Tigray.

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