The Guardian Australia

The Guardian view on imminent disaster in Yemen: it can be prevented

- Editorial

It is both disgracefu­l and absurd that the United Nations should be forced to rattle a tin to prevent a major environmen­tal and humanitari­an catastroph­e that, without interventi­on, is all but inevitable. The UN needs just $20m more – chump change, in terms of internatio­nal funding – to begin unloading more than a million barrels of oil from a fast-decaying tanker moored off the coast of Yemen, in the fragile ecosystem of the Red Sea. Yet it has been forced to take the rare step of turning to the public to crowdfund cash, after government­s failed to stump enough up. In the week of the UN’s Oceans conference, it is still waiting to amass sufficient funds.

The FSO Safer holds more than four times the oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez in 1989. When the war in Yemen broke out in 2014, normal maintenanc­e halted on the ageing ship. It is now beyond repair, kept afloat largely through the heroic efforts of a sevenstron­g crew; the captain says it is a miracle that disaster has not struck already. The former chief executive of the company that owns the ship has described it as a “bomb”. A stray cigarette butt, a bullet or even static electricit­y could spark a huge explosion. Two years ago, a burst pipe almost led to it sinking.

The consequenc­es would be horrifying. Pristine reefs, mangroves and marine life would be devastated and a vast stretch of fisheries, on which Yemenis are heavily dependent, could be wiped out. The ports of Hodeidah and Saleef, essential for imports – 90% of Yemen’s food supplies – would close. Desalinati­on plants would be hit, potentiall­y disrupting clean water supplies to 9 million people. All this in a country already suffering one of the worst humanitari­an emergencie­s on the planet, with 3.5 million pregnant or breastfeed­ing women and children under five requiring treatment for acute malnutriti­on – and the effects would be felt beyond its borders too.

The resulting cleanup operation alone would cost an estimated $20bn. Around a tenth of the world’s shipping goes through the Bab el-Mandeb strait, which could be hit by the spill at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars a day. Even in crudely economic terms, $80m for the first and most crucial stage of the operation – transferri­ng the oil to a safer ship – looks like an indisputab­le bargain.

Yet arms had to be twisted before the US, Saudis and others pledged most of the cash needed – and a $20m shortfall remains. Part of the issue is that funding is often tied to emergency response, and cannot be offered for prevention. But the poor response is also, surely, connected to the terrible war that has brought so much death and destructio­n and in which so many other countries have manoeuvred for advantage while Yemenis suffer.

It is not guaranteed that the twostage plan – for the transfer of the oil, followed by the provision of a new tanker – will work. Attempts to reach a deal were obstructed for many years by disputes between the rebel Houthis, who control the ship, and the internatio­nally recognised government. The Houthis previously cancelled a UN safety inspection at the last minute, citing unrelated demands in negotiatio­ns on the war.

But there has never been a better chance to solve this problem. The current ceasefire, plus the negotiatin­g efforts of David Gressly, the UN humanitari­an coordinato­r in Yemen, have created an opportunit­y. It must be taken now, so the job can be completed before the weather worsens with the approach of winter, increasing the risk of the vessel breaking up. Should the internatio­nal community fail to seize it, with predictabl­e consequenc­es, its responsibi­lity will be clear. Each day takes the FSO Safer closer to tragedy – or a solution. It should not be a difficult choice to make.

 ?? Photograph: Maxar Tech/AFP/Getty ?? The FSO Safer oil tanker off the Yemeni port of Ras Isa. ‘The former chief executive of the company that owns the ship has described it as a “bomb”.’
Photograph: Maxar Tech/AFP/Getty The FSO Safer oil tanker off the Yemeni port of Ras Isa. ‘The former chief executive of the company that owns the ship has described it as a “bomb”.’

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