The Guardian Australia

The Guardian view on Sturgeon’s Indyref2: a fight ends up in court

- Editorial

The supreme court has been asked to decide whether a Scottish independen­ce referendum can take place legally next October. No one should be surprised. One of the court’s responsibi­lities is to decide whether a bill in a devolved legislatur­e falls outside its legislativ­e competence. Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP first minister, has been looking for a legal way to hold a nonbinding vote on Scotland’s 315-year-old union with the UK. She is hoping judges give her the authority to hold one. The court might say a “consultati­ve” referendum – Indyref2 – is legal. But since unanimousl­y declaring Boris Johnson’s “prorogatio­n” of parliament unlawful, the court seems wary of constituti­onal confrontat­ions.

Ms Sturgeon has had to gamble because the prime minister is opposed to another independen­ce referendum, arguing that the 2014 vote was a “once in a generation” event. If the bench were to endorse another vote, then Lord Reed, the court president and an experience­d Edinburgh judge, might become – perhaps to his dismay – a folk hero to Scottish nationalis­ts. If judges decline to do so, Ms Sturgeon says she will fight the next UK general election on the issue of independen­ce. This is clearly about politics as much as principles.

The SNP sees a win-win situation for itself. It heads a pro-independen­ce majority in Holyrood and is the thirdlarge­st party in Westminste­r. Its activists have been clamouring for a new vote on quitting the UK since they lost the last one. Mr Johnson has a point when he says that with a cost of living crisis and Covid recovery to deal with, now is not the time to revisit the independen­ce question. However, the Scottish first minister is also right to say that Brexit means the circumstan­ces in which Scotland voted against independen­ce in 2014 no longer exist. In Britain’s referendum on leaving the EU, every single area of Scotland voted remain. The Scottish question has returned to the fore because many Scots feel they have been taken on a journey to a destinatio­n they did not vote for.

All nations are created. They are made by people, events, and social and economic forces – and they can be unmade by the same forces. There is some evidence that Scottish identity has increased in the last decade. This is hardly a surprise given that it has become politicise­d and to a certain degree aligned with class. Most recent polls, however, do not suggest that a majority of Scots back independen­ce. Ms Sturgeon and Mr Johnson represent very different political points of view when it comes to society and economics, yet both are nationalis­ts. The struggle for self-determinat­ion in Ukraine suggests that this is not always a bad thing. Nationalis­m is often distinguis­hed between a civic variant, based on citizenshi­p, and a much more problemati­c ethnic one.

Independen­ce is sometimes seen as a divorce. It is an odd form of separation that leaves a former couple living next door to each other. Sovereigni­sts might be better off thinking how relationsh­ips might change over time, rather than how they end entirely. Nations, eventually, must get on with their neighbours. The lesson since 2014 is that neither Brexit nor Scottish independen­ce offer the kind of clean break that many might anticipate or hope for.

 ?? Photograph: Russell Cheyne/Reuters ?? Nicola Sturgeon announces her plans for an independen­ce referendum at the Scottish parliament on Tuesday.
Photograph: Russell Cheyne/Reuters Nicola Sturgeon announces her plans for an independen­ce referendum at the Scottish parliament on Tuesday.

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