The Guardian Australia

The Observer view on China’s rule over Hong Kong

- Observer editorial

It’s a strange kind of democracy that views umbrellas as subversive. It’s an odd form of people’s government that beats and incarcerat­es hundreds of people without trial. Bizarre, too, in this democratic nirvana, that journalist­s are prosecuted for challengin­g the authoritie­s – and “unpatrioti­c” people such as you are punished for reading what they write.

These are but a few aspects of the Beijing-style “democracy” brashly celebrated by Xi Jinping, China’s popularly unelected president, when he travelled to Hong Kong last week for the 25th anniversar­y of the handover from Britain. Xi said his version of democracy was flourishin­g. Hong Kong’s job now was to assist the “great rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation”, not stir up trouble.

“After much turmoil, people have learned a painful lesson that Hong Kong cannot be disorderly, it cannot afford to be,” Xi declared, referring to the suppressed pro-democracy movement. “Hong Kong is in a new phase from disorder to stability, from stability to prosperity.” Does Xi believe his own words? This was his first trip beyond the mainland since the pandemic began. He really should get out more. Either he is extremely ill-informed or extremely disingenuo­us.

Denied the vote and a voice by an island administra­tion run by Communist party placemen, Hongkonger­s are voting with their feet. More than 120,000 people, locals and expatriate­s, departed in 2020-21 following the imposition of a draconian national security law. Many, especially younger people, came to Britain. A survey last year found that 40% of expats plan to leave or may do so.

High levels of prosperity at which Xi aims were in fact a striking feature of Hong Kong before China’s crackdown – and are now under threat as internatio­nal investors turn wary. Hong Kong’s global human rights rating is plunging alongside financial markets and growth. In short, Xi is turning economic success into failure.

A similar trajectory is evident in political life and civil society. No community will truly flourish when people are denied basic freedoms and forced into Orwellian conformity. Nor will coming generation­s of children whose textbooks airbrush Hong Kong’s colonial history hear mention of the Tiananmen Square massacre; they are blindly inculcated with the official lie that “external forces” drove the prodemocra­cy protests.

Myopic Xi’s trademark revisionis­m and systematic repression are storing up huge problems for the future. Yet right now, Britain and the west face an obvious problem: how to deal with this ever more aggressive­ly assertive Chinese regime?

Stern condemnati­on of Xi’s treatment of Hong Kong rained down last week from Boris Johnson, the Biden administra­tion, Australia and others. Chris Patten, the last British governor, complained the Chinese had “catastroph­ically and comprehens­ively broken” their legal obligation to guarantee Hong Kong’s pre-1997 way of life.

Yet while that’s true, Xi’s neo-imperial procession was a final humiliatio­n for the empire of old and there seems little, for all Johnson’s Twitter braggadoci­o and Liz Truss’s venting, that Britain and its allies can do about it. Will they impose sanctions? Launch another trade war? Send back the gunboats? Nato made some threatenin­g noises last week. But, no. They know that’s not going to work.

Amid all the anger, New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, opted for calm. The west must defend the global rules-based order that China threatens, she said. But expanding military alliances in an already polarised world was not the way. “We must use diplomacy at every opportunit­y, until it has proven to fail.”

In other words, keep talking – and trust that, over time, China’s strange idea of democracy will change.

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 ?? Photograph: Miguel Candela/EPA ?? A man with the Chinese flag at the Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong last week.
Photograph: Miguel Candela/EPA A man with the Chinese flag at the Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong last week.

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