The Guardian Australia

The Guardian view on mass unemployme­nt: inflation will drop without this pain


Sharply raising central bank interest rates might prove catastroph­ic, rather than just inappropri­ate, as a solution to the current inflationa­ry environmen­t. That was the message lurking in the speech of one of the Bank of England’s monetary policymake­rs, Silvana Tenreyro, last week. It’s hard to disagree. While inflation is hurting the poor disproport­ionately because of their low incomes, rate hikes are a “cure” that is worse than the disease.

The Bank regards growing unemployme­nt as a necessary trade-off to prevent the accelerati­on of inflation. Its central projection for rising interest rates suggests almost 2.5 million people would be jobless in 2025 – with the worst-case scenarios seeing 3 million out of work. This would lead to widespread misery. Nobody wants to be jobless. Karl Marx’s reserve army of the unemployed is full of conscripts, not volunteers. Many are already deserting its ranks, preferring to leave the labour force entirely rather than be jobless.

Both higher unemployme­nt and higher inflation lower wellbeing. The economist David Blanchflow­er showed in 2014 that unemployme­nt makes people much more unhappy than inflation. Every one percentage point increase in the unemployme­nt rate, he suggested, lowered wellbeing by more than five times as much as a one percentage point increase in the inflation rate. More recent work suggests people suffer “between nine and 13” times the daily anguish from unemployme­nt than they do from inflation.

Given the UK economy has only just emerged from Covid, orchestrat­ing a deep recession is chilling. The Bank is operating under a flawed logic: that the more it increases rates, the more unemployme­nt is pushed up and the quicker inflation is reduced. But this relationsh­ip between unemployme­nt and inflation does not exist.

It is striking that the current low unemployme­nt rates are now considered “unsustaina­ble” even though similar unemployme­nt rates were fine pre-pandemic. For a decade after the 2008 global financial crisis, inflation remained largely unresponsi­ve to the fall from 9% to 4% in the UK’s unemployme­nt rate. Real pay was stagnant. Such a drop in joblessnes­s should have produced rapid wage growth. This did not happen because of what the economist Michał Kalecki described as an economy’s “degree of monopoly”. This allows companies to limit the ability of workers, consumers and regulators to influence the markup of selling prices over costs and to defend the share of wages in output. Since 2008, UK average markups increased from 20% to 35%.

Prof Blanchflow­er correctly-forecast that in the US price rises would begin to slow. The Federal Reserve was caught unawares by last week’s lowerthan-expected inflation readings. The economist thinks Britain will probably follow the same path. The biggest driver of UK inflation in October will be the higher energy price cap. But to see this month’s inflation keep rising at the same rate as September’s would require prices to jump by about 10 times their historical average. That seems unlikely. Disinflati­on is the more probable outcome.

After the initial blast of higher energy costs and Covid disruption­s fade, there are few ways for the inflationa­ry shock to propagate. One mechanism would be firms marking up sustained cost changes. With no interventi­on to fix prices or a competitio­n watchdog with teeth, Britain is a treasure island for firms to gouge profits using price rises. If that is happening, then the Bank’s interest rate hikes threaten to push the economy into recession and harm millions of people – with little impact on the overall inflation rate.

 ?? Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA ?? ‘The Bank of England regards growing unemployme­nt as a necessary trade-off to prevent the accelerati­on of inflation.’
Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA ‘The Bank of England regards growing unemployme­nt as a necessary trade-off to prevent the accelerati­on of inflation.’

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