The Guardian Australia

Biden mulls border crackdown in face of Trump’s migrant-bashing rhetoric

- Lauren Gambino in Washington

Heading into the heat of the 2024 election season, Joe Biden is weighing major changes to US immigratio­n policy that would toughen border enforcemen­t and address an issue that has emerged as one of the president’s biggest political vulnerabil­ities ahead of a likely rematch against his antiimmigr­ation rival Donald Trump.

But it is also a risk for Biden, who entered the White House in 2021 promising to “restore humanity and American values to our immigratio­n system” after Trump’s four-year crackdown on immigratio­n.

Shortly after being sworn in, Biden set to work unwinding his Republican predecesso­r’s immigratio­n policies and, at the same time, sent Congress a sprawling legislativ­e proposal that included pathways to citizenshi­p for millions of immigrants living in the United States.

That aspiration­al legislatio­n landed with a resounding thud on Capitol Hill, where Democratic leaders had little appetite for a political scrap over the perenniall­y thorny issue of immigratio­n reform. But the politics of immigratio­n have shifted sharply to the right since then, leaving Democrats – and the president – in a political bind as they negotiate with Republican­s over border measures they once denounced.

Exceptiona­lly high levels of migration at the southern border with Mexico – and withering Republican attacks on the president’s response – have vaulted immigratio­n to the fore. On Wednesday, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, met with Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for talks aimed at limiting migrants reaching the US south-western border.

A bipartisan group of Senate lawmakers have been engaged in talks with the White House over a border deal that would unlock aid to Ukraine and Israel.

“We all know there’s a problem at the border – the president does, Democrats do,” Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, said before sending senators home for their holiday recess. “Our goal is to get something done as soon as we get back.”

But for many Democratic officials, immigratio­n activists and progressiv­e leaders, the dramatic changes Biden is considerin­g to asylum law and border enforcemen­t are nearly indistingu­ishable from the policies his predecesso­r. They argue that the US has a humanitari­an responsibi­lity to provide refuge to the millions of migrants fleeing violence, poverty and natural disasters.

“A return to Trump-era policies is not the fix. In fact it will make the problem worse,” the California senator Alex Padilla, a Democrat, said in a speech on the steps of the Capitol earlier this month, in which he urged the president to oppose Republican­s’ border security proposals. “Mass detention, gutting our asylum system, Title 42 on steroids. It is unconscion­able.”

Yet for many Americans, especially Republican­s, the upswing in undocument­ed migrants arriving at the southern border is an urgent concern.

Nearly half of US adults said tightening security at the US-Mexico border should be a “high priority” for the federal government, according to an APNORC poll. Meanwhile, surveys consistent­ly show deep, cross-party dissatisfa­ction with Biden’s handling of immigratio­n and border security.

In a December Wall Street Journal poll, 13% of voters ranked immigratio­n and the US-Mexico border as their top issue, second only to concerns about the economy. It found voters disapprove­d of Biden’s handling of the border by a more than two-toone margin. And asked who voters believed would better handle the issue, 54% said Trump compared with 24% who said Biden – by far the widest spread between the two candidates of all the issues tested.

It marks a reversal from the Trump years, when voters tended to give Democrats the edge on immigratio­n and largely rejected Republican efforts to stoke fear over migration.

Democrats have long struggled to articulate a cohesive, proactive immigratio­n agenda. Their divisions over how to fix the nation’s tattered immigratio­n system faded during the Trump years, as the party united against his immigrant-bashing rhetoric and hardline policies. In 2020, Biden campaigned on a promise to reverse Trump’s approach.

But as record numbers of undocument­ed immigrants arrive at the border, and seek shelter in cities hundreds of miles away, Biden is under pressure from Republican critics and Democratic allies to address a problem that both parties now agree has reached “crisis” levels.

“It is a very dangerous moment politicall­y that this White House is operating in,” said Vanessa Cárdenas, executive director of America’s Voice, a pro-immigratio­n group.

Cárdenas said the answer was not to “cave” to Republican demands but to double down on the administra­tion’s “unpreceden­ted” efforts to expand legal immigratio­n pathways and work permits.

She acknowledg­ed the limitation­s of what Biden can achieve through executive action, but urged the president to be “bold” or risk further alienating core Democratic constituen­cies, such as young people and progressiv­es.

“This administra­tion needs to show that they’re willing to [do] something meaningful for immigrant communitie­s,” she said. “Unless they do that, it’s going to be really hard for people who care about immigratio­n and immigrant rights to vote for them.”

But the president appears willing to gamble that a deal with Republican­s on border security will do more politicall­y to help than hurt. Those who agree say supporters of immigrant rights are unlikely to back Trump, whose policies they abhor, and will likely be motivated to turn out by other issue such as abortion and democracy.

“As far as the Democrats are concerned, this is a big liability,” said Ruy Teixeira, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and co-author of, Where Have All the Democrats Gone? “They would be wise to start trying to undo some of the damage here.”

In focus groups, Teixeira says voters, including Latinos, express deep anxieties about migration and view the border as “out of control”. He said Biden needed to stop worrying about the blowback from immigrant rights groups and progressiv­es and start boasting about the actions his administra­tion is taking to stem the flow of migrants, such as building a section of Trump’s wall.

“To simply do it and then shamefaced­ly allude to it every once in a while and say your hands are tied, it’s the worst of both worlds,” he said. “He gets attacked by the left of his party and voters have no idea what he did.”

Earlier this year, a number of Republican governors began bussing and flying thousands of migrants from their states, especially Texas, to Democratic-led cities such as New York, Washington and Chicago, a tactic condemned by immigrant rights groups as inhumane and nakedly political. But it also highlighte­d the strain facing US cities, where Democratic officials say an influx of migrants has overwhelme­d shelters, schools and hospitals.

In recent months, several Democratic mayors and governors have called on the White House to step up its federal response to what the Illinois governor, JB Pritzker, called a “national humanitari­an crisis”.

After a three-month rise that approached all-time highs, arrests for illegal crossings along the southern border fell 14% in October before ticking up again in November, according to US Customs and Border Protection data.

Despite concerns about the border, a July Gallup poll found that two-thirds of Americans still consider immigratio­n a good thing for the country. And Democrats note that Republican­s are demanding new restrictio­ns on legal immigratio­n as economists say the US needs more workers to address labor shortages.

“We need workers. We need a workforce. We’ve got to be competitiv­e in the future,” Congresswo­man Veronica Escobar, a Texas Democrat, said recently. “Immigrants make us better.”


For much of his presidency, Biden described the wave of migration to the US as a hemispheri­c challenge, with rising violence, economic crises and political upheaval pushing millions of migrants to America’s borders. In response, the Biden administra­tion has pursued a combinatio­n of new legal pathways for immigrants to enter the country with more restrictio­ns for those who cross the border illegally.

Aspects of the approach have earned praise from immigrant rights groups. But some have also accused the administra­tion of policy “whiplash”.

This year, the Biden administra­tion extended temporary legal status to nearly 500,000 Venezuelan­s who arrived in the US before 31 July, fleeing the economic and humanitari­an crisis in their home country. Weeks later, the US announced it was resuming deportatio­n flights to Venezuela. The move, which sparked fierce backlash from immigrant rights groups, came after border agents arrested more Venezuelan­s than Mexicans for the first time.

The Biden administra­tion also recently announced that it had no choice but to build up to 20 miles of barriers along the border with Mexico, breaking a campaign pledge not to build another foot of Trump’s border wall. The administra­tion, which waived more than 20 federal laws and regulation­s to allow for the constructi­on of barriers in Texas’s Rio Grande Valley, said it had no choice in the matter because the funds had already been authorized by Congress during Trump’s presidency.

On the campaign trail, Biden is focusing on his rival. The president recently condemned Trump’s demonizing rhetoric, including nativist comments that undocument­ed immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country” and a vow to be a dictator on “day one” to close the southern border with Mexico. His campaign has also seized on reports that Trump is planning an even harsher immigratio­n crackdown if elected to a second term with plans that include mass deportatio­ns and detention camps.

Meanwhile, the White House says Trump’s immigratio­n policies are to blame for creating some of the backlog that is overwhelmi­ng immigratio­n courts. Officials also argue that Congressio­nal Republican­s have stood in the way of requests to fund more border patrol agents, social workers, judges and court officials.

But those arguments have so far failed to resonate with voters who believe the president has done little to address the problem. If the border talks between the Senate and the White House are successful, the White House hopes it will enable Biden to show progress on an issue that’s dogged his presidency.

Some Democrats are skeptical. They accuse Republican­s of negotiatin­g in bad faith, saying they are only interested in weaponizin­g the issue, not addressing it. Cárdenas said Republican­s won’t stop attacking Biden on immigratio­n, even if he meets their border enforcemen­t demands.

“The goalposts always get moved,” she said. “And then you’re stuck with policies that don’t even address the problem in the first place.”

 ?? Photograph: Rebecca Noble/Reuters ?? People cross through a pillar cut by smugglers in the US-Mexico border fence near Lukeville, Arizona, on 23 December.
Photograph: Rebecca Noble/Reuters People cross through a pillar cut by smugglers in the US-Mexico border fence near Lukeville, Arizona, on 23 December.
 ?? Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/ Getty Images ?? Joe Biden walks along the US-Mexico border fence in El Paso, Texas, on 8 January 2023.
Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/ Getty Images Joe Biden walks along the US-Mexico border fence in El Paso, Texas, on 8 January 2023.

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