The Guardian Australia

The Guardian view on Julian Assange: why he should not be extradited

- Editorial

It is not a secret that Julian Assange can divide opinion. But now is a time to put all such issues firmly to one side. Now is a time to stand by Mr Assange, and to do so on principle, for the sake of his freedom – and ours. There can be no divide over the attempt by the United States to have the WikiLeaks founder extradited from Britain to face charges under the US Espionage Act, which reaches a critical stage in London this week. The applicatio­n embodies not just a threat to Mr Assange personally. It is also, as this newspaper has consistent­ly argued over many years, an iniquitous threat to journalism, with global implicatio­ns. It poses the most fundamenta­l of questions about free speech. On these grounds alone, Mr Assange’s extraditio­n should be unhesitati­ngly opposed.

In 2010, WikiLeaks published revelatory US government documents exposing diplomatic and military policy in the Afghan and Iraq wars. Four years ago, during the Trump presidency, the US justice department issued a Wiki-Leaks-related indictment of 18 counts against Mr Assange. It charged him with multiple breaches of the 1917 Espionage Act, a statute that originally clamped down on opposition to America’s entry into the first world war. In recent years, though, the act has mainly been invoked against leakers.

Earlier targets included the Pentagon Papers whistleblo­wer Daniel Ellsberg, who passed documents to the New York Times exposing US government lies about the Vietnam war. Those charges were eventually dismissed, but it was a close-run thing. The Espionage Act contains no public interest defence. A person charged under it cannot present evidence about the content of the material leaked, cannot say why they did what they did and cannot argue that the public had a right to know about the issues.

Those restrictio­ns are no more acceptable in Mr Assange’s case than in Mr Ellsberg’s time. The free press still matters. Journalist­s sometimes depend on whistleblo­wers. The relationsh­ip between them is particular­ly delicate and important in cases where national security is invoked. When the unequalled global power of the US is involved, the stakes are especially large.

But even national security, and certainly the national security of a global superpower, cannot in every single circumstan­ce invariably override the public interest in publicatio­n and the right to know. That was the core issue in the Ellsberg case, as it also was in the WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden cases. In Espionage Act prosecutio­ns, however, that public interest argument is always muzzled.

This week, Mr Assange’s lawyers will seek leave to appeal against the extraditio­n decision made in 2022 by the then home secretary Priti Patel. If he is extradited, and unless the UK relents or President Biden intervenes, he faces a criminal trial in which his arguments will be silenced, and a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison for each of the Espionage Act charges. If convicted, he could be locked away for his lifetime.

The implicatio­ns for journalism are every bit as serious. This newspaper’s journalism, and that of potentiall­y every newspaper based in the US or an allied country, would be at risk too. If the prosecutio­n succeeds, the New York Times lawyer in the Pentagon Papers case has said, “investigat­ive reporting based on classified informatio­n will be given a near death blow”. That prospect is on the line in the courts this week. A society that claims to uphold freedom of the press cannot possibly remain indifferen­t.

 ?? Photograph: NurPhoto/Getty Images ?? ‘The [extraditio­n] applicatio­n embodies not just a threat to Mr Assange personally. It is also an iniquitous threat to journalism’.
Photograph: NurPhoto/Getty Images ‘The [extraditio­n] applicatio­n embodies not just a threat to Mr Assange personally. It is also an iniquitous threat to journalism’.

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