The Guardian Australia

Putin bromance has US intelligen­ce officials fearing second Trump term

- Peter Stone in Washington

Donald Trump’s continuing lavish praise and support for Russian president Vladimir Putin are fueling alarm among former intelligen­ce officials and other experts who fear another Trump presidency would benefit Moscow and harm American democracy and interests overseas.

Trump praised Putin as a “genius” and “pretty savvy” when Russia invaded Ukraine in early 2022, and has boasted he would end the war in a “day”, sparking critics’ fears that if he’s elected again Trump would help Russia achieve a favorable peace deal by cutting off aid to Kyiv. Trump also recently greenlit Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to Nato members who don’t pay enough to the alliance.

“Trump views Putin as a strongman,” said Fiona Hill, a senior fellow at Brookings Institutio­n and a national security official in the first two years of Trump’s administra­tion. “In a way they’re working in parallel because they’re both trying to weaken the US, but for very different reasons.”

More recently, instead of criticizin­g Putin for the death of Alexei Navalny, Russia’s leading opposition figure, who the Kremlin once tried to kill with poison, and who died suddenly last month in an Arctic penal colony, Trump weirdly equated the four criminal prosecutio­ns he faces with Navalny’s fate as political prisoners

“The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country,” Trump posted on his Truth Social platform

Trump’s adulation for autocrats was displayed again this month at Mar-aLago where he hosted far-right Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán, a close Putin ally and foe of Ukraine aid, whom Trump extolled. “There’s nobody that’s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orbán,” Trump said.

In turn, Orbán lauded Trump as “a man of peace”, and said if Trump’s re-elected, he “won’t give a penny” to Ukraine and the war will end.

Ex-officials fret too that Trump would gut US intelligen­ce by appointing far-right loyalists like retired Lt Gen Michael Flynn, who briefly served in 2017 as Trump’s national security adviser and later plead guilty of lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

Deep concerns about another Trump presidency are rooted in part on his acceptance of Putin’s word in 2018 that Russia didn’t meddle in the 2016 election, despite strong evidence to the contrary from US intelligen­ce officials, a bipartisan Senate panel report and an inquiry by special counsel Robert Mueller.

A two-year investigat­ion by Mueller found that Russian interferen­ce to help Trump win in 2016 was “sweeping and systematic”.

There were other significan­t signs of Trump cozying up to Russia during his presidency, including a bizarre Oval office meeting with the Russian ambassador and foreign minister where Trump shared classified informatio­n.

Now veteran intelligen­ce officials and other experts say they have strong worries should Trump become president again in light of the ongoing Putin-Trump bromance.

“Putin much prefers the chaos agent of Trump because it undermines the US,” Hill said. “Trump’s not worried about national security, but focused on himself. In paring back the US government and appointing loyalists, Trump will get rid of vital security expertise.”

“Trump is shockingly ignorant” about foreign affairs, Hill added. “Trump rarely read materials he was given before meetings. Trump is less a threat to Russia, and more to the US given his approach to governance.”

Other ex-officials raise related concerns.

“I think Trump and Putin are natural bedfellows,” said Douglas London, a retired senior CIA operations officer and author. “They complement each other well. They have common goals and objectives.

Given Trump’s oft stated agenda to seek retributio­n against his enemies, London worries that via executive orders Trump will “use the CIA like his own Praetorian guard. Trump could do this by using the agency’s unique capabiliti­es and authoritie­s to spy on, silence and perhaps even bring harm to his enemies.”

Similarly, key Democrats are deeply worried about the internatio­nal and domestic repercussi­ons if Trump wins the presidency again.

“There is literally nothing about Trump that suggests he would put our country’s interests ahead of his own interests under almost any circumstan­ces,” said the Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

“So when he has a close and long standing, almost servile, relationsh­ip with a foreign enemy, who is also a multi-billionair­e oligarch, the recipe for disaster is self-evident.”

Trump’s efforts to placate Putin and undercut US intelligen­ce were underscore­d by their infamous 2018 meeting in Helsinki, Whitehouse noted.

“We’ve seen Donald Trump’s assault on our national intelligen­ce community prefigured by his horrifying performanc­e with Putin where he said that he accepted Putin’s representa­tions about election inference, election meddling and other mischief, putting our own intelligen­ce agency’s determinat­ions to the contrary, right under the bus.”

Likewise, ex-Republican Representa­tive Charlie Dent voiced fears about another Trump presidency given Trump’s adulation for Putin “Trump identifies with illiberal, populist and authoritar­ian leaders,” Dent said. “Trump has autocratic inclinatio­ns, and Putin is simply an autocrat.”

On the campaign trail, Trump has sparked new criticism with bizarre statements underscori­ng his authoritar­ian instincts.

One example: as Trump has ratcheted up his attacks on prosecutor­s who have charged him with 91 felony counts including 17 for conspiring with others to overturn his 2016 loss to Joe Biden, he even cited cynical comments by Putin last fall that echoed Trump’s false charges of political persecutio­n.

“Even Vladimir Putin says that Biden’s – and this is a quote – politicall­y motivated persecutio­n of his political rival is very good for Russia, because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy,” Trump told a New Hampshire rally this year before the state primary.

“Trump speaking favorably about Putin and using him as a credible source, is the language of extremist politics,” said Steven Levitsky, a Harvard government professor and coauthor of How Democracie­s Die. “Trump is an authoritar­ian personalit­y if there ever was one in American politics.”

In a cagey twist, after Putin last month said he’d prefer a Biden victory this year because he’s “more experience­d”, and “more predictabl­e”, Trump tried to capitalize on the former KGB spy’s comments by thanking Putin for paying him a “great compliment”.

“Putin’s trying to make as much mischief as possible,” said Hill. “It inoculates Trump and Putin if Biden is reelected. Putin is covering all his bases.”

Still, ex-intelligen­ce officials see Trump’s pro-Putin affinities leading to a politicize­d intelligen­ce community if Trump wins again, weakening intelligen­ce sharing with allies and benefittin­g Russian interests.

“Trump almost certainly will politicize the intelligen­ce community by going forward with his public promise of installing people on the extreme fringes of rightwing politics such as Michael Flynn and Kash Patel,” said Marc Polymeropo­ulos, a former senior intelligen­ce service official.

Patel, a former defense department official in the Trump years who has been touted as a possible acting attorney general or top CIA official if Trump wins again, late last year echoed Trump’s talk of seeking retributio­n against his enemies. Patel told Steve Bannon’s War Room: “We will go out and find the conspirato­rs, not just in the government but in the media … who helped Joe Biden rig elections”

Polymeropo­ulos stressed that appointmen­ts of Flynn or Patel by Trump “would damage US ties with key allies. You’ll see old allies not sharing critical intelligen­ce, and for good reason. They’ll slowly reduce sharing, so as not to provoke the ire of Trump, but their source protection concerns will be paramount and over-ride all else. The intelligen­ce will dry up.”

“If Trump wins, forget the Brits or French – two of our best bilateral intelligen­ce partners in Europe – ever sharing anything significan­t with us on Russia, for example.”

Likewise, London sees a second Trump presidency posing extraordin­ary dangers for the US and its allies. “Trump terribly underestim­ates Putin. It’s in his interests to keep the US preoccupie­d domestical­ly and politicall­y polarized,” he said.

In paring back the US government and appointing loyalists, Trump will get rid of vital security expertise

Fiona Hill

 ?? Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters ?? Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump shake hands during a bilateral meeting at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, on 28 June 2019.
Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump shake hands during a bilateral meeting at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, on 28 June 2019.

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