The Guardian Australia

Meloni ‘turning Italian broadcaste­r into megaphone for far right’

- Angela Giuffrida in Rome

The European Commission has been urged to investigat­e alleged attempts by Italy’s far-right government to turn the public broadcaste­r, Rai, into a “megaphone” for the ruling parties before the European elections.

The appeal from the European Green party came after the Italian parliament’s supervisor­y committee for Rai approved a measure allowing the broadcaste­r’s news channel to televise political rallies in full and without any journalist­ic mediation in the run-up to the vote in early June.

Agcom, the communicat­ions watchdog, rejected an attempt by politician­s from the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni’s, Brothers of Italy party, the League and the smaller coalition partner, Noi Moderati, to allow ministers unrestrict­ed airtime during the campaign period to discuss their “institutio­nal and government activity”. However, they will still be entitled to do so during limited slots that critics argue could be exploited for electionee­ring.

“Meloni wants to turn Italian media into unrestrict­ed propaganda channels for the ruling parties,” Bas Eickhout, a lead election candidate for the European Greens, told the Guardian.

“Free and independen­t press are a prerequisi­te for fair and free elections. These interferen­ces by the Meloni government, which includes a [Forza Italia] member of Ursula von der Leyen’s European People’s party, undermine the freedom of the press and the fair election process.”

Terry Reintke, another lead European Green party candidate, said: “The media is the guardian of democracy. We cannot accept that Meloni is trying to turn it into a megaphone for her government. We stand with journalist­s in Italy and across Europe who are courageous­ly fighting for press freedom and truth.”

Agcom’s par condicio,or “level playing field”, regulation­s for communicat­ion through the media during election campaigns are usually followed by both private and public TV networks, although parliament’s supervisor­y committee for Rai has the power to make changes, which the authority can then approve or not.

“For the first time, there are two different regimes for the public and private TV networks,” said Elisa Giomi, an Agcom commission­er who was the only person on the authority’s board to vote against all of the amendments made by the parliament­ary committee. “For Rai viewers, it will be difficult to decipher what is communicat­ion of government activity and what is electionee­ring.”

In an unpreceden­ted action, news anchors on Rai’s three main TV channels last week read a statement from the journalist­s’ union, Usigrai, condemning Meloni’s administra­tion for “turning Rai into a government megaphone”.

Daniele Macheda, Usigrai’s president, criticised Agcom for approving the rule allowing political rallies to be broadcast in full on Rai. “Regardless of which party rally it is, it is wrong,” he said. “Live rallies, especially those without any input from journalist­s or commentato­rs, are for YouTube and other social media, not a public informatio­n service. Could you imagine the BBC doing this?”

Since coming to power in October 2022, Meloni’s government has been accused of increasing­ly wielding power over the press. A Brothers of Italy politician last week proposed toughening penalties for defamation, including jail terms of two to three years.

Meanwhile, journalist­s from AGI, Italy’s second-largest press agency, have held several strikes in recent weeks in protest over the company’s potential sale to Antonio Angelucci, a parliament­arian with the League.

“In Italy, we are witnessing a Hungarian drift,” said Vittorio Di Trapani, the president of FNSI, the national federation of the Italian press and journalist­s’ union, alluding to the tight grip Viktor Orbán’s government has on domestic media.

“The government controls Rai in an increasing­ly suffocatin­g manner: from a public service it is becoming a government service. Then it wants to sell the second biggest news agency to a parliament­arian from the government majority. On top of that, we have the liberticid­al laws such as those on defamation.

“Italy is increasing­ly distant from Europe and from the standards of the European Media Freedom Act.”

 ?? Photograph: Antonio Masiello/Getty Images ?? The Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, on the set of the TV show Porta a Porta at the Rai studios in Rome earlier this month.
Photograph: Antonio Masiello/Getty Images The Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, on the set of the TV show Porta a Porta at the Rai studios in Rome earlier this month.

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