The Guardian Australia

Revealed: how Church of England’s ties to chattel slavery went to top of hierarchy

- Desirée Baptiste and Jon Ungoed-Thomas

An archbishop of Canterbury in the 18th century approved payments for the purchase of enslaved people for two sugar plantation­s in Barbados, documents seen by the Observerha­ve revealed.

Thomas Secker agreed to reimburse a payment for £1,093 for the purchase of enslaved people on the Codrington Plantation­s, as well as hiring enslaved people from a third party. It was stated the measures were “calculated for the future lasting advantages of the estates”.

The papers are among a cache of documents found in the archives of Lambeth Palace Library which detail the direct links between the Church of England and chattel slavery on plantation­s owned by its missionary arm, The Society for the Propagatio­n of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG).

In response to the Observer’srevelatio­ns, Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, said: “Every new piece of evidence around the Church’s involvemen­t in the slave trade is sobering, and reading that a former archbishop of Canterbury was involved in the purchase of enslaved people is particular­ly painful.

“It is also a reminder that this work is not finished and there is more we need to do to examine our role in the trade in enslaved Africans, which was a blasphemy against God’s creation in treating men, women and children as less than human.

“While nothing can fully atone for these crimes, we are committed to finding out more, realising that this will take many years and could span generation­s.” He said research into “the most egregious aspects of our history” was

“most welcome”.

The SPG was left the two sugar plantation­s in 1710 by the colonial administra­tor Christophe­r Codrington. His will stipulated that he wanted the plantation­s to be worked with 300 enslaved people and a college to be founded on the estate. It has been estimated the plantation­s generated £5m a year in today’s money.

The SPG was founded in 1701 by royal charter to convert people in the colonies and its governance meetings were regularly chaired by the incumbent archbishop of Canterbury. Successive archbishop­s of Canterbury were sworn in as SPG president throughout the period that enslaved persons worked on the plantation­s, from 1710 to 1838.

At meetings chaired by Secker in November 1758 and August 1760, payments were approved to reimburse accounts for the purchases of “new negroes”, as well as hired enslaved labour, according to the documents in the Lambeth Palace Library archive.

Trevor Prescod, a Barbados MP and chair of the Barbados National Taskforce on Reparation­s, said the evidence showed the involvemen­t of the church in slavery on the plantation­s “right up to the archbishop”.

“The church was at the centre of establishi­ng slavery and was probably one of the biggest benefactor­s,” he said. “No one can understand the seriousnes­s of this crime against humanity better than the church itself and it now has a responsibi­lity to compensate all the victims of slavery.”

Enslaved people on the Barbados plantation­s owned by the Church of England’s missionary arm were branded with irons and forced to work “under the whip”. A document listing those on the plantation­s in 1781 revealed 73 children among the enslaved people.

The Church of England apologised in 2006 for “its involvemen­t in the slave trade” and operation of the Codrington Plantation­s but has not previously acknowledg­ed the role of an archbishop of Canterbury in approving funds for the purchase of enslaved Africans.

The Church Commission­ers, the body that manages the church’s financial assets, published a full report in January last year on its financial links to the chattel slavery trade via the Queen Anne’s Bounty, a fund used to supplement the income of clergy. It pledged £100m in a fund to “address past wrongs”.

A report by an independen­t oversight group to advise the Church Commission­ers on historic links to transatlan­tic chattel slavery recommende­d in March that the church “fund research to uncover the full picture of the Church’s involvemen­t in African chattel enslavemen­t and use of the wealth derived from it”.

In September last year, the United Society Partners in the Gospel, the successor organisati­on to the SPG, issued an apology over chattel slavery at its plantation­s which it recognised as “crimes against humanity”. It said enslaved people were branded and were not provided with proper care, resulting in many deaths.

The Church Commission­ers said: “We have committed to undertake and enable further research, in the knowledge that our archives will have far more to tell about other ways in which the Church was involved in African chattel enslavemen­t.

“This includes the Codrington Plantation­s – for example, a letter was recently discovered which shows that there was awareness at a very senior level of the horrors of enslavemen­t on these plantation­s. We have published this letter on the Lambeth Palace Library website, as well as referring to Codrington on our own website where we have published the findings of our research into the Church Commission­ers’ links to African chattel enslavemen­t.”

The church was at the centre of establishi­ng slavery and was probably one of the biggest benefactor­s

 ?? Photograph: Appreciati­ve Snaps/Shuttersto­ck ?? Codrington College, an Anglican theologica­l college in St John, Barbados.
Photograph: Appreciati­ve Snaps/Shuttersto­ck Codrington College, an Anglican theologica­l college in St John, Barbados.

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