The Knitter

Riley Stripe

Jeanette Sloan


Elegant slip-stitch wrap

Lightweigh­t, draping scarf has a graphic pattern worked in soft spring colours

INSPIRED BY the abstract, dynamic art of Bridget Riley, Jeanette Sloan has created this attractive scarf. It features two distinct slip stitch patterns, worked in contrastin­g shades of pink and yellow. The first section is worked then cast off, before stitches are picked up along the short edge to work the second patterned section. Jeanette has knitted her scarf using two yarns from Isager - a pure lambswool, and a linen-viscose blend; the contrast in textures helps to highlight the slip stitch patterning.


All stitches are slipped purlwise, with the yarn held at the back on RS rows, and with the yarn held at the front on WS rows. Because the side edges of the scarf will be visible when it’s worn, it is important to take care to twist the yarns neatly up the side of the work as you knit, and you should avoid joining in new balls or yarn in the middle of a row. The scarf is knitted in two sections using contrastin­g stitch patterns that are given in chart form. The first section begins with a two-colour cast-on, and finishes with a two-colour cast-off. The stitches for the main section are picked up and worked off the straight side of the first piece, and also finish with a two-colour cast-off edge with slip stitch edges, giving the scarf a defined border at each long side. If you find it hard to control the tension of the two-colour cast-off, try using a needle one or two sizes larger.


Using 3.5mm needles and one end of each colour held together, make a slip knot and place it on the needle. Then threading one yarn over the thumb and the other over the index finger of your preferred hand in the slingshot position, use the two-colour method to cast on 173 sts. (This tutorial is for double knitting, but the technique is the same: From this point you’ll be using only one colour at a time, starting with yarn A and working two rows in each colour. As you alternate the colours, take care to twist the yarns neatly up the side of the work. Begin Chart A, working 3 repeats of the 52-row chart, then work Rows 1-26 once more. Cast off in two colours.


Now with the RS of the first section facing and using yarn B, pick up and knit 93 sts evenly across the straight edge of the piece, but avoid working into the slip stitch edge worked in yarn A. Next row: Knit. Using yarn A and alternatin­g colours as before, begin Chart B, working the 8-st pattern 11 times. Having establishe­d placement of the pattern, continue working from chart alternatin­g colours as before until 20 repeats of the chart have been completed, then repeat Rows 1 and 2 once more. Cast off in two colours.


Weave in all ends. Carefully pin the scarf to given measuremen­ts and steam gently, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

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Jeanette Sloan Riley Stripe

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