The Knitter



Using 4mm needles and the long-tail or thumb method, cast on 117 sts. Row 1 (RS): K2, *cast off 5 sts (1 st left on needle, K3; rep from * to last 7 sts, cast off 5 sts (1 st left on needle), K1. 52 sts. Row 2: K1, *KFB twice, K2; rep from * to last 3 sts, KFB twice, K1. 78 sts. Row 3: Sl 1 wyif, knit to end, dec 1 st at centre of row. 77 sts. Row 4: Sl 1 wyif, P5, knit to last 6 sts, P5, K1. Row 5: Sl 1 wyif, K1, yo, sk2po, yo, knit to last 5 sts, yo, sk2po, yo, K2. Row 6: As row 4. Row 7: Sl 1 wyif, knit to end. Row 8: Sl 1 wyif, P5, knit to last 6 sts, P5, K1. Rows 5 to 8 set garter st and lace edging. Work 14 rows more as set by rows 5 to 8, ending with RS facing for next row. Cont as folls: Row 1 (RS): Patt 6, knit to last 6 sts, patt 6. Row 2 and every foll WS row: Patt 6, purl to last 6 sts, patt 6. Row 3: Patt 6, K2, (pm, work row 1 as set on Chart, K3) 3 times, pm, work row 1 as set on Chart, K2, patt 6. (These markers will help you place the pattern once the shaping starts.) Rows 2 and 3 set st st and Chart placement. Cont as set on Chart, repeating rows 1 to 8 as set on Chart 5 times. Next row: Patt 6, skpo, work row 9 as set on Chart, (K3, work row 1 as set on Chart) 3 times, K2, patt 6. 76 sts. This row sets decreases and new chart placement, working rows 10 to 26 on first pattern repeat and first 8 rows of chart repeated on all other pattern repeats, cont as folls:Work 17 rows, dec 1 st as set on 2 foll 6th rows. 74 sts. (You have now completed the diamond section on the first pattern repeat while continuing the stem pattern on the other repeats.) Remove marker for first pattern repeat. Now working in st st across first chart repeat section and working in stem pattern as set on rem sections, work 6 rows, dec 1 st as set on first row, ending with row 8 of chart and RS facing for next row. 73 sts. ** Next row: Patt 6, skpo, work to first chart placement marker, work row 9 as set on chart, (K3, work row 1 as set on chart) twice, K2, patt 6. 72 sts. This row sets decreases and new chart placement, working rows 10 to 26 on first pattern repeat and first 8 rows of chart repeated on all other pattern repeats, cont as folls:Work 17 rows, dec 1 st as set on 2 foll 6th rows. 70 sts. (You have now completed the diamond section on the first pattern repeat while continuing the stem pattern on the other repeats.) Now working in st st across first chart repeat section and working in stem pattern as set on rem 3 sections, work 6 rows, dec 1 st as set on first row, ending with row 8 of chart and RS facing for next row. 69 sts. Remove marker for first pattern repeat. ** Cont as set until all lace panels have been worked to row 26 of chart. 61 sts. Now working lace edging as set and all rem sts as st st, dec 1 st as set on next and every foll 6th row to 13 sts. Now dec as set on every foll RS row, (so that the first lace panel is worked across the top of the one at the end of the row) to 7 sts. Knit 2 rows. Cast off knitwise on WS. Weave in ends but do not trim. Wet block project to measuremen­ts given, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band, then trim yarn ends.

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