The Knitter


Men’s button-neck sweater

- Pat Menchini


(worked over 14 sts) Row 1 (RS): P1, T3F, P6, T3B, P1. Row 2: K2, P2, K6, P2, K2. Row 3: P2, T3F, P4, T3B, P2. Row 4: K3, P2, K4, P2, K3. Row 5: P3, T3F, P2, T3B, P3. Row 6: K4, P2, K2, P2, K4. Row 7: P4, T3F, T3B, P4. Row 8: K5, P4, K5.


(worked over 14 sts) Row 1 (RS): P4, T3B, T3F, P4. Row 2: K4, P2, K2, P2, K4. Row 3: P3, T3B, P2, T3F, P3. Row 4: K3, P2, K4, P2, K3. Row 5: P2, T3B, P4, T3F, P2. Row 6: K2, P2, K6, P2, K2. Row 7: P1, T3B, P6, T3F, P1. Row 8: K1, P2, K8, P2, K1.


Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 107 ( 119: 131: 143: 157) sts. Row 1 (RS): K2, (P1, K1) to last st, K1. Row 2: K1, (P1, K1) to end. Rep these 2 rib rows until work meas 8cm, ending after Row 1. Next row: P4 ( 3: 2: 8: 8), [mp, P3 ( 4: 5: 5: 5), mp, P4 ( 4: 4: 4: 5)] 14 times, mp, P to end. 136 ( 148: 160: 172: 186) sts. Change to 4mm needles and pattern. Row 1 (RS): P2, tw2, (P4, tw2) 0 ( 1: 2: 3: 1) times, (work 14 sts from row 1 of Panel A, tw2, P1, tw2, work 14 sts from row 1 of Panel B, tw2, P1, tw2) 3 ( 3: 3: 3: 4) times, work 14 sts from row 1 of Panel A, (tw2, P4) 0 ( 1: 2: 3: 1) times, tw2, P2. Row 2: K2, P2, (K4, P2) 0 ( 1: 2: 3: 1) times, (work 14 sts from row 2 of Panel A, P5, work 14 sts from row 2 of Panel B, P5) 3 ( 3: 3: 3: 4) times, work 14 sts from row 2 of Panel A, (P2, K4) 0 ( 1: 2: 3: 1) times, P2, K2. Rows 3-8: Rep rows 1-2 three times but working rows 3-8 of panels. These 8 rows set the pattern. ** Cont in pattern until work meas 66 ( 66: 67: 67: 68) cm from beg, ending after a RS row.


Cast off 9 ( 10: 11: 12: 13) sts at beg of next 8 rows, then 11 ( 12: 12: 13: 15) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Slip rem 42 ( 44: 48: 50: 52) sts to a holder.


Work as for Back to **. Cont in patt until work meas 46cm from beginning, ending after a RS row.


Next row (WS): Patt 64 ( 70: 76: 82: 89), cast off next 8 sts (centre sts), patt to end. Work straight on last group of sts for 14cm, ending at neck edge.


Cast off 12 ( 13: 15: 16: 17) sts at beg of next row. Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 5 rows. 47 ( 52: 56: 61: 67) sts. Work straight until Front meas same as Back to shoulder shaping, ending at side edge.


Cast off 9 ( 10: 11: 12: 13) sts at beg of next row and the 3 foll alt rows. Work 1 row straight. Cast off rem 11 ( 12: 12: 13: 15) sts. With RS facing, rejoin yarn neatly to rem 64 ( 70: 76: 82: 89) sts. Complete to match left half of neck.


Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 45 ( 47: 49: 51: 53) sts. Work in rib as on Back for 7cm, ending after row 1. Next row: P7 ( 8: 9: 10: 11), (mp, P5) 6 times, mp, P to end. 52 ( 54: 56: 58: 60) sts. Change to 4mm needles and pattern.

Row 1 (RS): K9 ( 10: 11: 12: 13), P5, tw2, P1, tw2, work 14 sts from row 1 of Panel A, tw2, P1, tw2, P5, K9 ( 10: 11: 12: 13).

Row 2: P 9(10:11:12:13), K 5, P 5, work 14 sts from row 2 of Panel A, P 5, K 5, P 9(10:11:12: 13).

Rows 3-8: Rep Rows 1-2 three times but working Rows 3-8 of Panel A. These 8 rows set the pattern. Cont in pattern, shaping Sleeve by inc 1 st at each end of next row, then on every foll 6th ( 6th: 6th: 4th: 4th) row until there are 82 ( 88: 92: 98: 104) sts, taking extra sts into st st. Work straight until Sleeve meas 47cm, ending after a RS row. Cast off kwise.


Join shoulders. Using 3.25mm needles, with RS facing, pick up and K12 ( 13: 15: 16: 17) sts from right front neck cast-off sts, pick up and K22 ( 22: 25: 25: 26) sts evenly up right side of neck, K across 42 ( 44: 48: 50: 52) sts from stitch holder, pick up and K21 ( 21: 24: 24: 25) sts evenly down left side of neck, finally pick up and K12 ( 13: 15: 16: 17) sts evenly from left front neck cast-off sts. 109 ( 113: 127: 131: 137) sts. Row 1: P2, (K1, P1) to last st, P1. Row 2: K2, (P1, K1) to last st, K1. Rep these 2 rows 13 times more. Cast off in rib. Place a marker at each end of ribbing between the 14th and 15th rows.


Using 3.25mm needles, with RS facing, pick up and K14 sts from marker to base of neck, now pick up and K39 sts evenly along side edge of neck opening. 53 sts. Row 1: K1, (P1, K1) to end. Row 2: K2, (P1, K1) to last st, K1. Rows 3-4: As Rows 1-2. Row 5: Rib 8, (cast off 3 sts, rib 9 – including st on right needle after cast-off) 3 times, cast off 3 sts, rib to end. Row 6: As Row 1, casting on 3 sts neatly over those cast off. Rib 4 rows. Cast off evenly in rib.


Omitting buttonhole­s, work to match buttonhole border.


Omitting ribbing and with WS facing, gently block to measuremen­ts and press lightly, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band. Stitch cast-off sleeve edges to upper side edges of the back and front. Join side and sleeve seams. Fold upper 14 rows of neckband to WS and hem in position all round. Overlappin­g buttonhole border over button border, neatly stitch lower side edges to the 8 cast-off sts of front. Sew on buttons. Press seams.

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 ??  ?? The tweed yarn complement­s the cable patterns
The tweed yarn complement­s the cable patterns

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