The Knitter



When working the sleeve increases on the Chart, work a M1L at the beginning of the round and a M1R at the end of the round.

After the Sleeves and Body are complete, the pieces are joined to work the yoke. Raglan decreases shape the yoke, then short rows are worked to raise the back neck. A colourwork pattern with integrated decreases is worked, and then a deep ribbed turtleneck with a tubular cast-off completes the sweater. Pay careful attention to the size you are knitting when working the sleeve and yoke charts; different charts are given depending on the size to be worked.

If you prefer not to work the tubular cast-on and cast-off, a long-tail cast-on and casting off in pattern may be used in their place.


Set-Up Create a slip knot with a long tail on your needle and hold the needle in your right hand and yarn in your left hand as you would if beginning a long-tail cast-on. Note: this slip knot counts as 1 knit stitch. Step 1: Cast on for Purl Move the needle from back to front around the yarn on your index finger of your left hand. The yarn is now wrapped over the needle. Move the needle from front to back around the yarn on your thumb of your left hand, then behind the index finger yarn. This will flip the yarn on your index finger around, and place the yarn on your thumb on the needle – 1 purl stitch cast on. Step 2: Cast on for Knit Move the needle from front to back around the yarn on the thumb of your left hand. The yarn is now wrapped over the needle. Move the needle over the top, then back to front around the index finger yarn, then under the thumb yarn. This will flip the yarn on your thumb around, and place the yarn on your index finger of your left hand on the needle – 1 knit stitch cast on. Repeat Steps 1–2 until the desired number of stitches has been cast on, ending with a purl stitch. Note: many knitters make the last purl stitch a backwards loop cast-on stitch to secure the cast-on.


Set-up: Rnd 1: *K1, Sl 1 pwise wyif; rep from * to end of rnd. Rnd 2: *Sl 1 pwise wyib, P1; rep from * to end of rnd. Transfer all purl sts to spare circular needles. Cut working yarn, leaving a tail about three times the length of the cast-off. Thread onto a tapestry needle. Cast-off: Step 1: Insert tapestry needle into first st on front needle as if to purl. Pull tapestry needle through, leave st on knitting needle. Step 2: Insert tapestry needle into first st on back needle as if to knit. Pull tapestry needle through, leave st on knitting needle. Step 3: Insert tapestry needle into first st on front needle as if to knit. Pull tapestry needle through, slide st off knitting needle. Step 4: Insert tapestry needle into first st on front needle as if to purl. Pull tapestry needle through, leave st on knitting needle. Step 5: Insert tapestry needle into first st on back needle as if to purl. Pull tapestry needle through, slide st off knitting needle. Step 6: Insert tapestry needle into first st on back needle as if to knit. Pull tapestry needle through, leave st on knitting needle. Repeat Steps 3–6 for cast-off, tightening the working yarn to replicate the gauge of the fabric a few stitches at a time.


(in the rnd over multiple of 2 sts) Rnd 1 (RS): *K1, P1; rep from * to end of rnd. Rep Rnd 1 for pattern.

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