The Knitter




Using 3.5mm needles, yarn B, and the long-tail tubular cast-on, cast on 44 ( 46: 46: 52: 52: 54: 54) sts. Row 1 (RS, set-up): *K1tbl, Sl 1 wyif; rep from * to end. Row 2 (WS, set-up): *K1, Sl 1 wyif; rep from * to end. Pm and join to work in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Work in K1, P1 Ribbing for 3cm.


Change to 4mm needles. Knit 1 rnd. Next rnd (Inc): *K11 ( 23: 23: 13: 13: 27: 27), M1; rep from * to end of rnd. 48 ( 48: 48: 56: 56: 56: 56) sts.


Sizes XS, S, M and L only Work Rnds 1–35 of Sleeve Chart A. 54 ( 54: 54: 62:-:-:-) sts. Sizes 1XL, 2XL and 3XL only Work Rnds 1–35 of Sleeve Chart B. -(-:-:-:66: 66: 66) sts. All sizes Cont working remainder of Sleeve in yarn A. Knit 1 rnd. Next rnd (Inc): K2, M1L, K to last st, M1R, K1. 2 sts inc’d. Work 8 ( 7: 5: 7: 7: 5: 4) rnds even. Rep previous 9 ( 8: 7: 8: 8: 7: 6) rnds 6 ( 8: 10: 8: 8: 10: 12) times more. 68 ( 72: 76: 80: 84: 88: 92) sts. Work straight in st st until Sleeve meas 43cm from cast-on edge, working last rnd as follows: Knit until 5 ( 6: 6: 7: 7: 8: 8) sts rem, place next 11 ( 13: 13: 17: 17: 19: 19) sts on holder or waste yarn, removing mrk as you come to it. Break yarn.

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