The Knitter


Knitted in a special British yarn, this collared jumper with cable details has a neat, vintage look


Collared cable jumper


Using 4mm needles, cast on 93 ( 105: 115: 127: 137: 149) sts. Row 1 (WS): K1, (P1, K1) to end. Row 2: K2, (P1, K1) to last st, K1. Rep these 2 rib rows once. Next row: Purl. ** Change to st st with sloping cable panels: Row 1 (RS): K9 ( 13: 17: 21: 25: 29), P6, K63 ( 67: 69: 73: 75: 79), P6, K9 ( 13: 17: 21: 25: 29). Row 2 and every alt row: Work across row, purling all purl sts and knitting all knit sts as they present themselves, noting also that on row 4 and every subsequent 4th row the M1 stitches should also be purled. Row 3: K4 ( 8: 12: 16: 20: 24), M1, K1, C4B, P6, C4F, K1, K2tog tbl, K49 ( 53: 55: 59: 61: 65), K2tog, K1, C4B, P6, C4F, K1, M1, K4 ( 8: 12: 16: 20: 24). Row 5: K10 ( 14: 18: 22: 26: 30), P6, K61 ( 65: 67: 71: 73: 77), P6, K to end. Row 7: K5 ( 9: 13: 17: 21: 25), M1, K1, C4B, P6, C4F, K1, K2tog tbl, K47 ( 51: 53: 57: 59: 63), K2tog, K1, C4B, P6, C4F, K1, M1, K to end. Row 9: K11 ( 15: 19: 23: 27: 31), P6, K59 ( 63: 65: 69: 71: 75), P6, K to end. Row 11: K6 ( 10: 14: 18: 22: 26), M1, K1, C4B, P6, C4F, K1, K2tog tbl, K45 ( 49: 51: 55: 57: 61), K2tog, K1, C4B, P6, C4F, K1, M1, K to end. Rows 12-44: Cont in this way, sloping cables towards centre on every foll 4th of these rows. Cont in patt but keeping cables straight for remainder of Back as follows: Row 1 (RS): K20 ( 24: 28: 32: 36: 40), P6, K41 ( 45: 47: 51: 53: 57), P6, K to end. Row 2: Purl all purl sts and knit all knit sts as they present. Row 3: K16 ( 20: 24: 28: 32: 36), C4B, P6, C4F, K33 ( 37: 39: 43: 45: 49), C4B, P6, C4F, K to end. Row 4: As Row 2. Cont in patt as set on these 4 rows until work meas 40cm at centre, ending after a WS row.


Cast off loosely 5 ( 6: 7: 8: 9: 10) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 83 ( 93: 101: 111: 119: 129) sts. Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 ( 5: 5: 7: 9: 9) rows, then on the 3 ( 3: 4: 5: 4: 6) foll WS rows. 71 ( 77: 83: 87: 93: 99) sts. Work 6 ( 6: 6: 8: 8: 8) rows straight, thus ending after a RS row.


Next row (WS): Patt 35 ( 38: 41: 43: 46: 49), cast off next st firmly knitwise (centre st), patt to end. Cont on last group of sts for right half of neck. Working 2 sts at neck edge firmly in garter st and remainder in patt as set, work straight until Back meas 57 ( 58: 59: 60: 61: 62) cm from beg, ending at armhole edge.


Cast off loosely 7 ( 8: 8: 9: 9: 10) sts at beg of next row and foll alt row. 21 ( 22: 25: 25: 28: 29) sts. Work 1 row straight. Cast off 7 ( 7: 9: 8: 10: 10) sts at beg of next row. Slip rem 14 ( 15: 16: 17: 18: 19) sts on a stitch holder and leave. With RS facing rejoin yarn at inner edge to rem sts and complete to match left half.


Work as for Back until Front meas 18 ( 20: 22: 22: 24: 26) rows less than right half of Back to start of shoulder shaping, ending after a WS row.


Next row: Patt 26 ( 28: 30: 31: 33: 35), turn. Cont on this group of sts for left side of neck. Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 5 rows. 21 ( 23: 25: 26: 28: 30) sts. Work 12 ( 14: 16: 16: 18: 20) rows straight, thus ending at armhole edge.


Cast off loosely 7 ( 8: 8: 9: 9: 10) sts at beg of next and foll alt row. Work 1 row straight. Cast off rem 7 ( 7: 9: 8: 10: 10) sts. With RS facing, slip next 19 ( 21: 23: 25: 27: 29) sts on a stitch holder and leave. Neatly rejoin yarn to neck edge and patt to end of row. Complete as for left half, but working one more row before shaping shoulder. Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 43 ( 45: 47: 47: 49: 51) sts. Work as for Back to **, inc 1 st at each end of last row. 45 ( 47: 49: 49: 51: 53) sts. Change to 4mm needles. Beginning with a purl row for RS, work 8 ( 8: 8: 8: 6: 8) rows in rev st st. Inc row: P2, M1Pw, P to last 2 sts, M1Pw, P2. 2 sts inc’d. Cont in rev st st, repeating Inc row on every foll 10th ( 8th: 6th: 6th: 6th: 4th) row 4( 6: 2: 14: 4: 7) times, then on every foll 10th ( 10th: 8th: 8th: 6th: 6th) row 6 ( 5: 11: 2: 13: 12) times. 67 ( 71: 77: 83: 87: 93) sts. Work straight until Sleeve meas 44cm, ending after a knit row.


Cast off loosely 5 ( 6: 7: 8: 9: 10) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 57 ( 59: 63: 67: 69: 73) sts. Work 0 ( 2: 2: 2: 6: 6) rows straight. Dec 1 st at each end of next row, on every foll alt row 12 ( 12: 13: 13: 12: 12) times, then on every row 5 times. 21 ( 23: 25: 29: 33: 37) sts. Cast off loosely.


(worked in one piece) Join shoulders. Using 3.25mm needles, with RS facing, K14 ( 15: 16: 17: 18: 19) sts from left half of back, pick up and knit 19 ( 20: 22: 22: 23: 25) sts evenly down left edge of front neck, K19 ( 21: 23: 25: 27: 29) sts from centre front, pick up and knit 20 ( 21: 23: 23: 24: 26) sts evenly up right edge of front neck, finally K14 ( 15: 16: 17: 18: 19) sts from right half of Back. 86 ( 92: 100: 104: 110: 118) sts. Rows 1-3: Knit. Row 4 (RS): K43 ( 46: 50: 52: 55: 59), turn. Cont on this group of 43 ( 46: 50: 52: 55: 59) sts for left half of Collar. ** Next row: Knit, inc 1 st in the centre of these sts on sizes S, M and L only. 43 ( 47: 51: 53: 55: 59) sts. Next 18 rows: K1, (P1, K1) to end. Cast off evenly and loosely in moss st. With RS facing, rejoin yarn at centre front to rem group of 43 ( 46: 50: 52: 55: 59) sts and knit to end. Complete as for left half, working from ** to end.


Press work lightly on WS using an iron set on the wool setting and with low steam, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band. Set in sleeve tops. Join side and sleeve seams. Sew on buttons to left back neck edge, then work a loop to correspond with each on opposite edge using the sewn buttonloop technique. For guidance on how to make these, see­loops Press seams.

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