The Knitter



P8 (inc wrapped st, working wrap tog with st), wrap next st and turn.

Rep these 2 rows 5 ( 5: 6: 6: 6) times more, knitting to end of last row.

Now working across all sts work as folls:Beg with a P row, work 1 ( 1: 1: 1: 3) rows, ending with RS facing for next row.

Next row: K12 ( 16: 19: 14: 17), (Sl 1, K2tog, psso, K7) 19 ( 19: 19: 21: 21) times, Sl 1, K2tog, psso, knit to end.

177 ( 185: 191: 197: 203) sts.

Beg with a P row, work 5 ( 7: 7: 7: 9) rows, ending with RS facing for next row.

Next row: K11 ( 15: 18: 13: 16), (Sl 1, K2tog, psso, K5) 19 ( 19: 19: 21: 21) times, Sl 1, K2tog, psso, knit to end.

137 ( 145: 151: 153: 159) sts.

Beg with a P row, work 3 ( 3: 3: 5: 7) rows. Next row: K1, *P1, Sl 1 wyif; rep from * to last 2 sts, P1, K1.

Purl 1 row.

Next row: K10 ( 14: 17: 12: 15), (Sl 1, K2tog, psso, K3) 19 ( 19: 19: 21: 21) times, Sl 1, K2tog, psso, knit to end.

97 ( 105: 111: 109: 115) sts.

Purl 1 row.

Next row: K1, *P1, Sl 1 wyif; rep from * to last 2 sts, P1, K1.

Purl 1 row.

Next row: K2, *P1, Sl 1 wyif, P1, K1; rep from * to last 1 ( 1: 0: 3: 2) st(s), P0 ( 0: 0: 1: 0), K1 ( 1: 1: 2: 2).

Purl 1 row.

Next row: K1, *P1, Sl 1 wyif; rep from * to last 2 sts, P1, K1.

Purl 1 row.

Sizes 3yrs, 4yrs, 5yrs and 7yrs only

Next row: K9 ( 13: 16:-:14), (Sl 1, K2tog, psso, K1) 19 ( 19: 19:-:21) times, Sl 1, K2tog, psso, knit to end.

57 ( 65: 71:-:71) sts.

Size 6yrs only

Next row: K17, (Sl 1, K2tog, K2) 18 times, Sl 1, K2tog, psso, knit to end.

- (-:-: 71:-) sts.

Work 1 row.

Next row: K1, *P1, Sl 1 wyif; rep from * to last 2 sts, P1, K1.

All sizes

Next row: Purl to end, dec 1 ( 1: 3: 3: 0) sts and inc 0 ( 0: 0: 0: 1) st across row.

56 ( 64: 68: 68: 72) sts.

Change to 3.25mm needles.

Next row: P1, *K2, P2; rep from * to last 3 sts, K2, P1.

Next row: K1, P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to last st, K1.

Rep these 2 rows twice more, then first row once more.

Cast off in rib.


With RS facing, using 3.25mm circular needles pick up and knit 92 ( 96: 100: 104: 108) sts up right front edge and neckband.

Row 1 (WS): K1, *P2, K2; rep from * to last 3 sts, P2, K1.

Row 2: K3, *P2, K2; rep from * to last st, K1. These 2 rows set rib.

Next row: Rib 2 ( 2: 3: 3: 3), [cast off 2 sts (1 st left on needle), rib 13 ( 14: 14: 15: 17)] 5 times, cast off 2 sts, rib to end.

Next row: Rib to end, casting on 2 sts over each gap created by casting off on previous row.

Work 3 rows in rib.

Cast off in rib.


With RS facing, using 3.25mm circular needles pick up and knit 92 ( 96: 100: 104: 108) sts down left front edge and neckband. Work 7 rows in rib as set on Buttonhole band.

Cast off in rib.

Using Kitchener stitch, join underarm seams. Sew on buttons.

Pin out garment to measuremen­ts, cover with damp cloths and leave until dry, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

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