The Knitter




(written instructio­ns)

Row 1 (RS): (K1tbl, P1) 4 times, K3tog, yo, K1, yo, sk2po. 2 sts dec’d.

Row 2 (WS): P1, yo, P3, yo, P1, (K1, P1tbl) 4 times. 2 sts inc’d.

Row 3: (K1tbl, P1) 4 times, K7.

Row 4: P7, (K1, P1tbl) 4 times.

Rows 5-16: Repeat rows 1-4 another 3 times.

Row 17: K3tog, yo, K1, yo, sk2po, (P1, K1tbl) 4 times. 2 sts dec’d.

Row 18: (P1tbl, K1) 4 times, P1, yo, P3, yo, P1. 2 sts inc’d.

Row 19: K7, (P1, K1tbl) 4 times.

Row 20: (P1tbl, K1) 4 times, P7.

Rows 21-32: Repeat rows 17-20 another 3 times.


Change to yarn A.

Set-up row 1 (RS): Knit.

Set-up row 2 (WS): K31 ( 36: 42: 47: 53: 58), P7, (K1, P1tbl) 4 times, K3, P7, (K1, P1) 4 times, K31 ( 36: 42: 47: 53: 58).

Row 1 (RS): P31 ( 36: 42: 47: 53: 58), work row 1 of Lace Pattern from chart overleaf or from written instructio­ns, P3, work row 1 of Lace Pattern, P31 ( 36: 42: 47: 53: 58).

Row 2 (WS): K31 ( 36: 42: 47: 53: 58), work row 2 of Lace Pattern, K3, work row 2 of Lace Pattern, K31 ( 36: 42: 47: 53: 58).

Rows 1 and 2 set position of Lace Pattern and rev st st.

Cont to work Lace Pattern and rev st st as set until Back meas 20cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Rows 1-2: Cast off 2 ( 3: 4: 4: 5: 6) sts, patt to end.

91 ( 99: 109: 119: 129: 137) sts.

Row 3 (RS): K1, K2tog tbl, patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 2 sts dec’d.

Row 4: K1, P2tog, patt to last 3 sts, P2tog tbl, K1. 2 sts dec’d.

Row 5: K1, K2tog tbl, patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 2 sts dec’d.

Row 6: K1, P1, patt to last 2 sts, P1, K1. Repeat last 4 rows another 0 ( 2: 3: 6: 9: 10) times.

85 ( 81: 85: 77: 69: 71) sts. 62


42: 48: 52: 58),

P2, work row 1 of Lace Pattern, K30 ( 36: 42: 48: 52: 58).

Row 2 (WS): K30 ( 36: 42: 48: 52: 58), work row 2 of Lace Pattern, K2.

Rows 1 and 2 set position of Lace Pattern and rev st st.

Cont to work Lace Pattern and rev st st as set until work meas 20cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Row 1 (RS): Patt as set.

Row 2: Cast off 2 ( 3: 4: 4: 5: 6) sts, patt to end. 45 ( 50: 55: 61: 64: 69) sts.

Row 3: Patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 1 st dec’d. Row 4: K1, P2tog, patt to end. 1 st dec’d. Row 5: As row 3. 1 st dec’d.

Row 6: K1, P1, patt to end.

Repeat last 4 rows another 0 ( 2: 3: 6: 9: 10) times.

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