The Knitter

Volta do Mar

This hat and gloves set has a pattern of stripes highlighte­d with bands of texture


Hat and matching gloves in a slip stitch colour pattern


For the gloves, measure the wearer’s hand to determine how long each finger and thumb should be.

For the right and left gloves, set up the gusset, palm and hand as instructed and work the pattern on the back of hand only, working the gusset and palm sts as knit except for the second round of yarn C every 10 rounds and using same colour as for pattern all around.


(worked over 26 sts)

Round 1: Using yarn C, K26.

Round 2: Using yarn C, (P7, K3) twice, P6. Rounds 3-4: Using yarn A, (K7, Sl 3) twice, K6.

Round 5: Using yarn A, K6, (LT, Sl 1, RT, K5) twice.

Round 6: Using yarn A, K8, Sl 1, K9, Sl 1, K7. Rounds 7-10: Using yarn A, K26.

Round 11: Using yarn C, K26.

Round 12: Using yarn C, P12, K3, P11. Round 13: Using yarn B, K12, Sl 3, K11. Round 14: Using yarn A, K12, Sl 3, K11.

Round 15: Using yarn B, K11, LT, Sl 1, RT, K10.

Round 16: Using yarn A, K13, Sl 1, K12. Round 17: Using yarn B, K26.

Round 18: Using yarn A, K26.

Rounds 19-20: Rep rounds 17-18. Rounds 21-22: Rep rounds 1-2.

Rounds 23-24: Using yarn B, (K7, Sl 3) twice, K6.

Round 25: Using yarn B, K6, (RT, Sl 1, LT, K5) twice.

Round 26: Using yarn B, K8, Sl 1, K9, Sl 1, K7.

Rounds 27-30: Using yarn B, K26. Rounds 31-32: Rep rounds 11-12.

Round 33: Using yarn A, K12, Sl 3, K11. Round 34: Using yarn B, K12, Sl 3, K11. Round 35: Using yarn A, K11, RT, Sl 1, LT, K10.

Round 36: Using yarn B, K13, Sl 1, K12. Round 37: Using yarn A, K26.

Round 38: Using yarn B, K26.

Rounds 39-40: Rep rounds 37-38. Round 41: Using yarn C, K26.

Round 42: Using yarn C, P26.

Use yarn colour as per Hand Pattern round throughout.

Rounds 1-10: K1.

Round 11: M1, K1, M1. 3 thumb sts.

Round 12: P3.

Round 13: M1, K3, M1. 5 thumb sts.

Round 14: Knit.

Round 15 (inc): M1, knit to mrk, M1. 2 thumb sts inc’d.

Rounds 16-21: Rep rounds 14-15 three times more. 13 thumb sts.

Round 22: Purl.

Round 23: Rep round 15. 15 thumb sts. Rounds 24-27: Rep rounds 14-15 twice. 19 thumb sts.

Rounds 28-31: K19.

Round 32: P19.


Using 2.75mm DPNs and yarn A, cast on 150 sts.

Pm and join to work in the round, taking care not to twist sts.


Round 1: Using yarn B, *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Round 2: Using yarn A, *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Repeat Rounds 1-2 until work meas 3.5cm from cast-on edge, ending after a Round 2.

Change to 3mm DPNs.

Next round: Using yarn B, *K7, M1, K8, M1; rep from * to end. 170 sts.


Round 1: Using yarn C, knit to end. Round 2: Using yarn C, *P6, K3, P1; rep from * to end.

Rounds 3-4: Using yarn A, *K6, Sl 3, K1; rep from * to end.

Round 5: Using yarn A, *K5, RT, Sl 1, LT; rep from * to end.

Round 6: Using yarn A, *K7, Sl 1, K2; rep from * to end.

Rounds 7-10: Using yarn A, knit to end. Round 11: Using yarn C, knit to end. Round 12: Using yarn C, *P1, K3, P6; rep from * to end.

Round 13: Using yarn B, *K1, Sl 3, K6;

rep from * to end.

Round 14: Using yarn A, *K1, Sl 3, K6; rep from * to end.

Round 15: Using yarn B, *RT, Sl 1, LT, K5; rep from * to end.

Round 16: Using yarn A, *K2, Sl 1, K7; rep from * to end.

Round 17: Using yarn B, knit to end. Round 18: Using yarn A, knit to end. Rounds 19-20: Rep rounds 17-18. Rounds 21-22: Rep rounds 1-2.

Rounds 23-30: Using yarn B, rep rounds 3-10.

Rounds 31-32: Rep rounds 1-2.

Rounds 33-40: Rep rounds 13-20 alternatin­g yarn A and yarn B (instead of yarn B and yarn A).

Rounds 41-72: Rep rounds 1-32.


Round 1: Using yarn A, *K1, Sl 3, K3, K2tog, K1; rep from * to end. 153 sts.

Round 2: Using yarn B, *K1, Sl 3, K5; rep from * to end.

Round 3: Using yarn A, *RT, Sl 1, LT, K1, K2tog, K1; rep from * to end. 136 sts.

Round 4: Using yarn B, *K2, Sl 1, K5; rep from * to end.

Round 5: Using yarn A, *K5, K2tog, K1; rep from * to end. 119 sts.

Round 6: Using yarn B, knit to end.

Round 7: Using yarn A, *K4, K2tog, K1; rep from * to end. 102 sts.

Round 8: Using yarn B, knit to end.

Round 9: Using yarn C, *K3, K2tog, K1; rep from * to end. 85 sts.

Round 10: Using yarn C, purl to end.

Break yarn B and yarn C, and cont with yarn A only.

Round 11: *K2, K2tog, K1; rep from * to end. 68 sts.

Round 12: Knit.

Round 13: *K1, K2tog, K1; rep from * to end. 51 sts.

Round 14: Knit.

Round 15: *K2tog, K1; rep from * to end. 34 sts.

Round 16: Knit.

Round 17: *K2tog; rep from * to end. 17 sts. Thread yarn through rem sts and fasten off securely.


Weave in ends and block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.


Using 2.75mm DPNs and yarn A, cast on 56 sts.

Pm and join to work in the round, taking care not to twist sts.


Round 1: Using yarn B, *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Round 2: Using yarn A, *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Repeat Rounds 1-2 until work meas 5.5cm from cast-on edge, ending after a Round 2.


Change to 3mm DPNs.

Work gusset and palm in same yarn as indicated for Hand Pattern throughout, and work palm as knit on all except rounds 2, 12, 22, 32 and 42 which should be purled to keep in patt.

Left glove only

Set-up round: Using yarn B, K1 for gusset, pm, K26 for back of hand, pm, K29 for palm.

Round 1: Using yarn C, work Gusset Pattern, slm, work Hand Pattern, slm, K29.

Round 2: Using yarn as per Hand Pattern, work Gusset Pattern, slm, work Hand Pattern, slm, P29.

Round 3: Using yarn as per Hand Pattern, work Gusset Pattern, slm, work Hand Pattern, slm, K29.

Right glove only Set-up round: Using yarn B, K29 for palm, pm, K26 for back of hand, pm, K1 for gusset.

Round 1: Using yarn C, K29, slm, work Hand Pattern, slm, work Gusset Pattern. Round 2: Using yarn as per Hand Pattern, P29, slm, work Hand Pattern, slm, work Gusset Pattern.

Round 3: Using yarn as per Hand Pattern, K29, slm, work Hand Pattern, slm, work Gusset Pattern.

Both gloves

Rounds 4-32: Cont in pattern as set, rememberin­g to work palm sts as purl for rounds 12, 22 and 32. 74 sts.


Left glove only

Round 33: Place 19 thumb sts on waste thread or stitch holder, using yarn A cast on 1 st using the backwards loop method, slm, work Hand Pattern, slm, K29. 56 sts.

Right glove only

Round 33: Using yarn A, K29, slm, work Hand Pattern, slm, place 19 thumb sts on waste thread or stitch holder, cast on 1 st using the backwards loop method. 56 sts.

Both gloves

Cont to work rem 1 gusset st as knit or purl as per palm. Rounds 34-42: Cont in patt as set, rememberin­g to work palm and gusset st as purl on Round 42.


Break yarn B and yarn C, and cont with yarn A only.

Work 2 rounds even in st st, removing all mrks on final rnd.

Set-up round (partial): K28, ending at little finger side of hand.

Divide sts onto 2 DPNs, with 28 sts on front needle and 28 sts on back needle. You will work the fingers as 4 sets of 7 sts from each of front and back needles.


Starting with yarn at outer edge of hand, work over 14 sts as the next 7 sts from front needle and last 7 sts from back needle.

Next round: K7 from front needle, cast on 2 sts in gap between little finger and ring finger, K7, and join to work in the round. 16 sts.

Work even in st st until finger meas desired length.

Final round: *K2tog; rep from * to end. Thread yarn through rem sts and fasten off securely.


Work over 14 sts as next 7 sts from front needle and matching 7 sts from back needle.

Next round: Join yarn A to pick up and knit 2 sts in gap between ring finger and little finger, K7, cast on 2 sts in gap between ring finger and middle finger, and join to work in the round. 18 sts.

Work even in st st until finger meas desired length.

Final round: *K2tog; rep from * to end. Thread yarn through rem sts and fasten off securely.


Work over 14 sts as next 7 sts from front needle and matching 7 sts from back needle.

Next round: Join yarn A to pick up and knit 2 sts in gap between middle finger and ring finger, K7, cast on 2 sts in gap between middle finger and index finger, and join to work in the round. 18 sts.

Work even in st st until finger meas desired length.

Final round: *K2tog; rep from * to end. Thread yarn through rem sts and fasten off securely.


Work over rem 14 sts from front and back needles.

Using yarn A, cast on 4 sts in gap between index finger and middle finger, K14, and join to work in the round. 18 sts.

Work even in st st until finger meas desired length.

Final round: *K2tog; rep from * to end. Thread yarn through rem sts and fasten off securely.


Place held 19 thumb sts on DPNs.

Round 1: With yarn A, pick up and knit 3 sts in gap between thumb and hand, K19, and join to work in the round. 22 sts.

Round 2: Using yarn B, knit.

Round 3: Using yarn A, knit.

Rounds 4-7: Rep rounds 2-3 twice.

Round 8: Using yarn B, knit.

Round 9: Using yarn C, knit.

Round 10: Using yarn C, purl.

Break yarn B and yarn C, and cont with yarn A only.

Work even in st st until thumb meas desired length.

Next round: *K2tog; rep from * to end.

11 sts.

Next round: Knit.

Next round: (K2tog) 5 times, K1. 6 sts. Thread yarn through rem sts and fasten off securely.


Weave in ends and block gently, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The stripe pattern is worked up to the start of the fingers
The stripe pattern is worked up to the start of the fingers

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