The Knitter

Atkinson’s waistcoat on while Jennie has a wealth of tailored details.

Tailored details give a smart finish to this neat, feminine waistcoat design



(multiple of 4 sts)

Note: Bramble Stitch will be worked at the same time as short-row shaping. Make sure to keep patt correct, working a P3tog over a (K1, P1, K1) 2 rows below.

Row 1 (RS): Purl.

Row 2 (WS): *(K1, P1, K1) all into next st, P3tog; rep from * to end.

Row 3: Purl.

Row 4: *P3tog, (K1, P1, K1) all into next st; rep from * to end.

Repeat these 4 rows for pattern.


Work armhole, neck, and shoulder decreases at the Back two stitches in from the side edges. Work armhole shaping of the Fronts at the armhole edge.


Using 3mm needles, cast on

92 ( 98: 106: 112: 120: 126: 134: 140: 148: 154) sts.

Knit 4 rows.

Change to 3.25mm needles.

Next row (WS): P30 ( 32: 35: 37: 40: 42: 44: 46: 49: 51), pm, P32 ( 34: 36: nd 38: 40: 42: 46: 48: 50: 52), pm, P30 ( 32: 35: 37: 40: 42: 44: 46: 49: 51). Starting with a RS row, work in st st for 6 rows.


Dec row (RS): K2tog, knit to mrk, slm, SSK, knit to 2 sts before mrk, K2tog, slm, K to last 2 sts, K2tog. 4 sts dec’d.

Work 7 rows in st st.

Rep last 8 rows another 3 times.

76 ( 82: 90: 96: 104: 110: 118: 124: 132: 138) sts.

Inc row (RS): KFB, knit to mrk, slm, M1, knit to mrk, M1, slm, knit to last 2 sts, KFB, K1.

4 sts inc’d.

Work 7 rows in st st.

Rep last 8 rows another 6 times.

104 ( 110: 118: 124: 132: 138: 146: 152: 160: 166) sts.

Work even in st st until Back meas 29cm from cast-on edge or desired length to underarm, ending after a WS row.


Cont in st st, cast off 2 ( 2: 2: 4: 4: 6: 6: 6: 8: 8) sts at beg next of 2 rows.

100 ( 106: 114: 116: 124: 126: 134: 140: 144: 150) sts.

Cont in st st, dec 1 st at each end of next row, then every foll alt row 2 ( 2: 4: 4: 4: 6: 6: 6: 10: 10) times, then every 4th row 0 ( 2: 3: 3: 6: 4: 6: 6: 4: 5) times.

94 ( 96: 98: 100: 102: 104: 108: 114: 114: 118) sts.

Work even in st st until armhole meas

12 ( 12 :13 : 14: 14 : 15: 16: 16 :17: 18) cm from beg of shaping, ending after a WS row.


Dec 1 st at each end of every row

29 ( 30: 30: 30: 31: 32: 33: 36: 35: 37) times. 36 ( 36: 38: 40: 40: 40: 42: 42: 44: 44) sts. Cast off.


Using 3mm needles, cast on

82 ( 86: 90: 94: 98: 104: 108: 112: 118: 124) sts. Next row (WS): K28 ( 28: 30: 32: 32: 34: 36: 38: 40: 42), sk2po, K51 ( 55: 57: 59: 63: 67: 69: 71: 75: 79).

80 ( 84: 88: 92: 96: 102: 106: 110: 116: 122) sts. Next row (RS): Knit.

Next row: K27 ( 27: 29: 31: 31: 33: 35: 37: 39: 41), sk2po, K50 ( 54: 56: 58: 62: 66: 68: 70: 74: 78). 78 ( 82: 86: 90: 94: 100: 104: 108: 114: 120) sts.

Change to 3.25mm needles.


Row 1 (Row 1 of Bramble St; RS):

P52 ( 56: 60: 60: 64: 70: 70: 74: 80: 82), turn. Row 2 (Row 2 of Bramble St; WS): Work B St over next 4 sts, turn.

Row 3: P8, turn.

Row 4 (WS): Work next row of B St to


1 pair 3mm (UK 11/US 2-3) knitting needles 1 pair 3.25mm (UK 10/US 3) knitting needles Stitch holders

Stitch markers

8 x 12mm buttons


28 sts and 36 rows to 10cm over st st on 3.25mm needles.

34 sts and 34 rows to 10cm over Bramble St using 3.25mm needles, after blocking.


John Arbon Textiles 01769 579861


B St: Bramble Stitch.

For general abbreviati­ons, see p89 turning point on last row, work B St over next 4 sts, turn.

Row 5 (RS): Purl to turning point of last row, P4, turn.

Keeping in patt, rep last 2 rows 3 ( 3: 3: 4: 4: 4: 5: 5: 5: 6) more times, then rep WS row once more.

Next row (RS): Purl to last 6 sts of row, K6 (for buttonband).

Next (WS): K6, *work B St to turning point on last row, work B St over next 4 sts, turn. Rep last 2 rows 3 ( 4: 5: 4: 5: 6: 5: 6: 7: 7) more times, then work RS row once more.

Next row (WS): K6, work B St to last 0 ( 0: 0: 0: 0: 2: 2: 2: 0: 2) sts, K0 ( 0: 0: 0: 0: 2: 2: 2: 0: 2).

78 ( 82: 86: 90: 94: 100: 104: 108: 114: 120) sts. Next row (RS): P to last 6 sts, K6.

Cont in B St and garter st for buttonband as set for 7 rows.


Next row (RS): Patt 32 ( 36: 36: 40: 40: 42: 46: 46: 52: 54), slip next 20 ( 20: 22: 22: 24: 26: 26: 28: 28: 30) sts to a holder, cast on 20 ( 20: 22: 22: 24: 26: 26: 28: 28: 30) sts, patt to last 6 sts, K6.

**Cont in B St and garter st as set until side edge of Left Front meas same as Back to underarm, ending after a WS row.


Note: Whilst working armhole shaping, keep stitch counts correct, working any spare sts from pattern repeat in rev st st.

Next row (RS): Cast off 10 ( 12: 12: 14: 16: 16: 16: 18: 20: 20) sts, patt to end.

68 ( 70: 74: 76: 78: 84: 88: 90: 94: 100) sts. Keeping in patt, dec 1 st at armhole edge of every row 4 ( 4: 6: 6: 6: 8: 8: 8: 8: 10) times, then every foll alt row 4 ( 4: 4: 4: 5: 5: 5: 6: 6: 8) times.

60 ( 62: 64: 66: 67: 71: 75: 76: 80: 82) sts.

Work 3 rows even in patt.


Next row (RS): Patt to last 8 sts, P2tog, K6. 1 st dec’d.

Next row (WS): K6, patt to end. Rep last 2 rows 19 ( 21: 23: 25: 24: 28: 30: 27: 31: 31) more times.

40 ( 40: 40: 40: 42: 42: 44: 48: 48: 50) sts.

Work 8 ( 8: 8: 6: 8: 4: 4: 8: 4: 0) rows even in patt.

Next row (RS): Cast off 34 ( 34: 34: 34: 36: 36: 38: 42: 42: 44) sts, knit to end.

Work in garter st on rem 6 sts for 20 ( 20: 20: 22: 22: 22: 24: 24: 24: 24) rows, or until band reaches to centre of back neck, lightly stretched.

Cast off knitwise.


Using 3mm needles, cast on

82 ( 86: 90: 94: 98: 104: 108: 112: 118: 124) sts. Next row (WS): K51 ( 55: 57: 59: 63: 67: 69: 71: 75: 79), sk2po, K28 ( 28: 30: 32: 32: 34: 36: 38: 40: 42).

80 ( 84: 88: 92: 96: 102: 106: 110: 116: 122) sts. Next row (RS): Knit.

Next row: K50 ( 54: 56: 58: 62: 66: 68: 70: 74: 78), sk2po, K27 ( 27: 29: 31: 31: 33: 35: 37: 39: 41).

78 ( 82: 86: 90: 94: 100: 104: 108: 114: 120) sts.

Change to 3.25mm needles.


Row 1 (Row 1 of Bramble st; RS): K6,

P24 ( 24: 24: 28: 28: 28: 32: 32: 32: 36), turn. Row 2 (Row 2 of Bramble st; WS): Work B St over next 4 sts, turn.

Row 3: P8, turn.

Row 4 (WS): Work next row of B St to turning point on last row, work B St over next 4 sts, turn.

Row 5 (RS): Purl to turning point of last row, P4, turn.

Keeping in patt, rep last 2 rows 3 ( 3: 3: 4: 4: 4: 5: 5: 5: 6) more times.

Next row (WS): Work next row of B St to last 6 sts of row, K6 (for buttonband). Next row (RS buttonhole): K3, yo, K2tog, K1 (buttonhole made), purl to turning point of last row, P4, turn.

Next row: Work B St to last 6 sts of row, K6. Next row: K6, purl to turning point of last row, P4, turn.

Rep last 2 rows 2 ( 3: 4: 3: 4: 5: 4: 5: 6: 6) more times, then work WS row once more; AT THE SAME TIME, cont to place buttonhole­s in buttonband as set every 18th row until a total of 8 buttons have been placed, ending just after beg of neck shaping.

Next row (RS): K6, P to end of row.

78 ( 82: 86: 90: 94: 100: 104: 108: 114: 120) sts. Next row (WS): K0 ( 0: 0: 0: 0: 2: 2: 2: 0: 2), work B St to last 6 sts, K6.

Cont in B St and garter st for buttonband as set for 8 rows.


Next row (RS): K6, P20 ( 20: 22: 22: 24: 26: 26: 28: 28: 30), slip next 20 ( 20: 22: 22: 24: 26: 26: 28: 28: 30) sts to a holder, cast on 20 ( 20: 22: 22: 24: 26: 26: 28: 28: 30) sts, purl to end.

Cont as for Left Front from ** to end, reversing all shapings; AT THE SAME TIME, cont to place buttonhole­s in buttonband as set every 18th row until a total of 8 buttons have been placed, ending just after beg of neck shaping.

Block front pieces to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band. Join shoulders.


Using 3mm needles and with RS facing, pick up and knit 70 ( 74: 81: 83: 85: 92: 96:

96: 101: 103) sts from Front armhole to shoulder seam, then 40 ( 42: 44: 46: 48: 50: 53: 55: 57: 59) sts from Back armhole.

110 ( 116: 125: 129: 133: 142: 149: 151: 158: 162) sts. Knit 4 rows.

Cast off knitwise.


Using 3mm needles and with RS facing, pick up and knit 40 ( 42: 44: 46: 48: 50: 53: 55: 57: 59) sts from Back armhole to shoulder seam, then 70 ( 74: 81: 83: 85: 92: 96: 96: 101: 103) sts from Front armhole.

110 ( 116: 125: 129: 133: 142: 149: 151: 158: 162) sts. Knit 4 rows.

Cast off knitwise.


(work 2 alike)

Using 3mm needles and with WS facing, place 20 ( 20: 22: 22: 24: 26: 26: 28: 28: 30) held pocket sts on needle.

Knit 4 rows.

Cast off knitwise.


(make 2 alike)

Using 3mm needles, cast on 8 sts.

Work in garter stitch (knit every row) until work meas 24 ( 25: 27: 27: 30: 30: 33: 35: 37: 39) cm.

Cast off knitwise.


Secure one end of each belt piece in place at side, at narrowest point of Back. Sew side seams, making sure belt is secured. Sew pocket edgings in place and sew pocket closed.

Sew ends of buttonband together and sew to Back neck.

Weave in ends and gently block to measuremen­ts once more, if desired.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The textured fabric is worked in bramble stitch
The textured fabric is worked in bramble stitch
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Back ties are used to cinch in the waist
Back ties are used to cinch in the waist
 ??  ?? Each front piece has a pointed hem
Each front piece has a pointed hem

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