The Knitter



THE PATTERNED panels on these socks incorporat­e diamonds filled in with woven-effect cables, paired with tiny ropes; the panels are edged with columns of eyelets. Jem Arrowsmith has used a yarn from her own hand-dyed range, called Chora, which comes in semi-solid and self-striping options.


The cable pattern is worked down the back of the leg and heel only. Rounds begin at the front right of the sock on the cuff and leg. After the heel, the foot rounds begin at the bottom centre of sole. When working

Chart B, remember to work cable as per WS instructio­ns (see Special Abbreviati­ons).


Round 1: P3, (K1, P1) 5 times, K4, (P1, K1) 5 times, P3.

Round 2: P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) 4 times, T4B, T4F, (P1, K1) 4 times, P1, yo, P2tog. Round 3: P3, (K1, P1) 4 more times, K3, P2, K3, (P1, K1) 4 times, P3.

Round 4: P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) 3 times, T4B, T2F, T2B, T4F, (P1, K1) 3 times, P1, yo, P2tog.

Round 5: P3, (K1, P1) 3 times, K3, P2, K2, P2, K3, (P1, K1) 3 times, P3.

Round 6: P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) twice, T4B, (T2F, T2B) twice, T4F, (P1, K1) twice, P1, yo, P2tog.

Round 7: P3, (K1, P1) twice, K3, P2, C2B, P2, C2F, P2, K3, (P1, K1) twice, P3.

Round 8: P2tog, yo, P1, K1, P1, T4B, (T2F, T2B) 3 times, T4F, P1, K1, P1, yo, P2tog.

Round 9: P3, K1, P1, K3, P2, C2F, P2, K2, P2, C2B, P2, K3, P1, K1, P3.

Round 10: P2tog, yo, P1, T4B, (T2F, T2B) 4 times, T4F, P1, yo, P2tog.

Round 11: P3, K2, P3, (C2B, P2) twice, C2F, P2, C2F, P3, K2, P3.

Round 12: P2tog, yo, P1, nd T4FP, (T2B, T2F) 4 times, T4BP, P1, yo, P2tog.

Round 13: P3, K1, P1, K3, P2, C2F, P2, K2, P2, C2B, P2, K3, P1, K1, P3.

Round 14: P2tog, yo, P1, K1, P1, T4FP, (T2B, T2F) 3 times, T4BP, P1, K1, P1, yo, P2tog. Round 15: P3, (K1, P1) twice, K3, P2, C2B, P2, C2F, P2, K3, (P1, K1) twice, P3.

Round 16: P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) twice, T4FP, (T2B, T2F) twice, T4BP, (P1, K1) twice, P1, yo, P2tog.

Round 17: P3, (K1, P1) 3 times, K3, P2, K2, P2, K3, (P1, K1) 3 times, P3.

Round 18: P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) 3 times, T4FP, T2B, T2F, T4BP, (P1, K1) 3 times, P1, yo, P2tog.

Round 19: P3, (K1, P1) 4 times, K3, P2, K3, (P1, K1) 4 times, P3.

Round 20: P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) 4 times, T4FP, T4BP, (P1, K1) 4 times, P1, yo, P2tog. Round 21: P3, (K1, P1) 5 times, K4, (P1, K1) 5 times, P3.

Round 22: P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) 5 times, C4B, (P1, K1) 5 times, P1, yo, P2tog.

These 22 rounds form the pattern and are repeated.


Note: On WS rows, make sure to work the cables as instructed (see Special Abbreviati­ons).

Row 1 (WS): K3, P2, K3, (C2F, K2) twice, C2B, K2, C2B, K3, P2, K3.

Row 2 (RS): P2tog, yo, P1, T4FP, (T2B, T2F) 4 times, T4BP, P1, yo, P2tog.

Row 3: K3, P1, K1, P3, K2, C2B, K2, P2, K2, C2F, K2, P3, K1, P1, K3.

Row 4: P2tog, yo, P1, K1, P1, C4F, (T2B, T2F) 3 times, C4B, P1, K1, P1, yo, P2tog.

Row 5: K3, P1, K1, P5, K2, C2F, K2, C2B, K2, P5, K1, P1, K3.

Row 6: P2tog, yo, P1, K1, P1, K2, C4F, (T2B, T2F) twice, C4B, K2, P1, K1, P1, yo, P2tog. Row 7: K3, P1, K1, P7, K2, P2, K2, P7, K1, P1, K3.

Row 8: P2tog, yo, P1, K1, P1, C4B, T4F, T2B, T2F, T4B, C4B, P1, K1, P1, yo, P2tog.

Row 9: K3, P1, K1, P4, (K2, P3) twice, K2, P4, K1, P1, K3.

Row 10: P2tog, yo, P1, K1, P1, K4, P2, T4F, T4B, P2, K4, P1, K1, P1, yo, P2tog.

Row 11: K3, P1, K1, P4, (K4, P4) twice, K1, P1, K3.

Row 12: P2tog, yo, P1, K1, P1, C4B, (P4, C4B) twice, P1, K1, P1, yo, P2tog.

Row 13: K3, P1, K1, P4, (K4, P4) twice, K1, P1, K3.

Row 14: P2tog, yo, P1, K1, P1, K4, (P4, K4) twice, P1, K1, P1, yo, P2tog.

Row 15: K3, P1, K1, P4, (K4, P4) twice, K1, P1, K3.

Row 16: P2tog, yo, P1, K1, P1, C4B, (P4, C4B) twice, P1, K1, P1, yo, P2tog.

Row 17: K3, P1, K1, P4, (K4, P4) twice, K1, P1, K3.

Rep Rows 14-17 a further 4 ( 5: 6) times. These 33 ( 37: 41) rows form the pattern.


Using 2.25mm DPNs (or circular needles and the Magic Loop method), cast on

64 ( 72: 80) sts.

Pm and join to work in the round, taking care not to twist sts.


Round 1: K1 ( 0: 1), P2 ( 1: 2), (K2, P2) 7 ( 9: 10) times, K2, P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) 5 times, K4, (P1, K1) 5 times, P1, yo, P2tog, K1 ( 2: 2), P0 ( 1: 2), K0 ( 0: 1).

Round 2: K1 ( 0: 1), P2 ( 1: 2), (K2, P2) 7 ( 9: 10) times, K2, P3, (K1, P1) 5 times, K4, (P1, K1) 5 times, P3, K1 ( 2: 2), P0 ( 1: 2), K0 ( 0: 1).

Round 3: K1 ( 0: 1), P2 ( 1: 2), (K2, P2) 7 ( 9: 10) times, K2, P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) 5 times, K4, (P1, K1) 5 times, P1, yo, P2tog, K1 ( 2: 2), P0 ( 1: 2), K0 ( 0: 1).

Round 4: Rep Round 2.

Round 5: K1 ( 0: 1), P2 ( 1: 2), (K2, P2) 7 ( 9: 10) times, K2, P2tog, yo, P1, (K1, P1) 5 times, C4B, (P1, K1) 5 times, P1, yo, P2tog, K1 ( 2: 2), P0 ( 1: 2), K0 ( 0: 1).

Rounds 6-13: Rep Rounds 2-5 twice more.


Set-up round: K33 ( 39: 45), pm, work Round 1 of Chart A from chart or written instructio­ns, K1 ( 3: 5).

This round sets position of st st and cable patt.

Cont in patt as set for a further 75 rounds, ending after a Round 10 of Chart A.



Turn and work the next 32 ( 36: 40) sts for heel.

Row 1 (WS): Sl 1 pwise, P0 ( 2: 4), work

Row 1 of Chart B from chart or written instructio­ns, P1 ( 3: 5), leaving rem sts on a stitch holder for instep.

Row 2 (RS): Sl 1 kwise, K0 ( 2: 4), work Row 2 of Chart B, K1 ( 3: 5).

These 2 rows set position of st st and cable patt.

Cont in patt as set for a further 15 rows, then repeat Rows 14-17 a further 4 ( 5: 6) times to complete a total of 33 ( 37: 41) rows and ending after a Row 17.


Row 1 (RS): Sl 1 kwise, K17 ( 19: 21), SSK, K1.

31 ( 35: 39) heel sts.

Row 2 (WS): Sl 1 pwise, P5, P2tog, P1, turn. 30 ( 34: 38) heel sts.

Row 3: Sl 1 kwise, knit to 1 st before gap, SSK, K1, turn. 1 st dec’d.

Row 4: Sl 1 pwise, purl to 1 st before gap, P2tog, P1, turn. 1 st dec’d.

Rep Rows 3-4 until all heel sts have been worked.

18 ( 20: 22) sts.


Next row (RS): Sl 1 kwise, K17 ( 19: 21) to end of heel, pick up and knit 16 ( 18: 20) sts up side of heel flap, pick up and knit 1 st in gap between side of heel and instep sts, pm1, K32 ( 36: 40) across held instep sts, pm2, pick up and knit 1 st in gap between instep sts and side of heel, pick up and knit

16 ( 18: 20) sts down other side of heel flap. 84 ( 94: 104) sts.

Next round (partial): Rejoin to work in the round, K9 ( 10: 11), pm to mark beg of round.

Dec round: Knit to 3 sts before mrk1, K2tog, K1, slm, knit to mrk2, slm, K1, SSK, knit to end. 2 sts dec’d.

Next round: Knit.

Rep last 2 rounds until 64 ( 72: 80) sts remain. Remove mrk1 and mrk2 and cont in st st straight until foot measures 4 ( 4 :5) cm shorter than desired foot length.


Round 1: K13 ( 15: 17), K2tog, K1, pm1, K1, SSK, K26 ( 30: 34), K2tog, K1, pm2, K1, SSK, K13 ( 15: 17).

60 ( 68: 76) sts.

Round 2: Knit.

Round 3: Knit to 3 sts before mrk1, K2tog, K1, slm, K1, SSK, knit to 3 sts before mrk2, K2tog, K1, slm, K1, SSK, knit to end.

4 sts dec’d.

Rep Rounds 2-3 until 32 ( 36: 40) sts remain. Rep Round 3 until there are 12 ( 16: 16) sts. Next round (partial): K3 ( 4: 4) sts and remove all mrks.

Cut yarn, leaving a tail at least 20cm long. Divide rem 12 ( 16: 16) sts between two needles and graft sts together using Kitchener stitch.


Weave in ends. Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

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 ??  ?? The cable panel down the back leg flows into the heel section
The cable panel down the back leg flows into the heel section
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