The Knitter


Triangular lace shawl knitted in mohair and silk



The shawl is knitted from the top down starting with a garter stitch tab.

The main body of the shawl is worked with two strands of yarn held together. Yarn A is then dropped and the border is continued with a single strand of yarn B (mohair).

Slip stitches with yarn in front unless otherwise noted.

One marker is placed before (RS)/after (WS) the centre stitch of the shawl. This is the marker referred to as ‘mrk’ in the written instructio­ns. Place an additional removable marker in this stitch, if desired.

If you are using stitch markers to track pattern repeats, the blue boxes on Chart B indicate a change in the placement of the markers. Keep markers in position of repeat bounding boxes, slipping stitches to move the marker before or after the decrease is worked, as necessary.


(written instructio­ns)

Row 1 (RS): Sl 1, K2, yo, K3, yo, K1tbl, yo, SSK, K3, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K3, K2tog, yo, K1tbl, (yo, K3) twice. 31 sts.

Row 2 (WS): Sl 1, K2, P7, P2tog, P7, P2tog tbl, P7, K3. 29 sts.

Row 3: Sl 1, K2, yo, K4, yo, K1tbl, yo, K2, SSK, K2, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K2, K2tog, K2, yo, K1tbl, yo, K4, yo, K3. 35 sts.

Row 4: Sl 1, K2, P10, P2tog, P5, P2tog tbl, P10, K3. 33 sts.

Row 5: Sl 1, K2, yo, K5, yo, K1tbl, yo, K4, SSK, K1, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K1, K2tog, K4, yo, K1tbl, yo, K5, yo, K3. 39 sts.

Row 6: Sl 1, K2, P13, P2tog, P3, P2tog tbl, P13, K3. 37 sts.

Row 7: Sl 1, K2, yo, K6, yo, K1tbl, yo, K5, K2tog, K1, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K1, SSK, K5, yo, K1tbl, yo, K6, yo, K3. 43 sts.

Row 8: Sl 1, K2, P14, P2tog tbl, P5, P2tog, P14, K3. 41 sts.

Row 9: Sl 1, K2, yo, K9, yo, K1tbl, yo, K3, K2tog, K2, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K2, SSK, K3, yo, K1tbl, yo, K9, yo, K3. 47 sts.

Row 10: Sl 1, K2, P15, P2tog tbl, P7, P2tog, P15, K3. 45 sts.

Row 11: Sl 1, K2, yo, K12, yo, K1tbl, yo, K1, K2tog, K3, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K3, SSK, K1, yo, K1tbl, yo, K12, yo, K3. 51 sts.

Row 12: Sl 1, K2, P16, P2tog tbl, P9, P2tog, P16, K3. 49 sts.


(written instructio­ns)

Note: Markers can be placed at the position of asterisks to mark repeat placement, if desired. Markers will move on Rows 1, 7, 13 and 19; be sure that they are correctly replaced before or after the decrease (see Pattern Notes).

Row 1: Sl 1, K2, yo, K7, yo, K1tbl, yo, *SSK, K5, yo, K1tbl, yo; rep from * to 5 sts before mrk, SSK, K3, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K3, K2tog, *yo, K1tbl, yo, K5, K2tog; rep from * to last 11 sts, yo, K1tbl, yo, K7, yo, K3.

Row 2: Sl 1, K2, P11, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to 6 sts before mrk, P2tog, P7, P2tog tbl, *P7, P2tog tbl; rep from * to last 14 sts, P11, K3. Row 3: Sl 1, K2, yo, K8, yo, K1tbl, yo, K2, *SSK, K3, yo, K1tbl, yo, K2; rep to 4 sts before mrk, SSK, K2, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K2, K2tog, *K2, yo, K1tbl, yo, K3, K2tog; rep to last 14 sts, K2, yo, K1tbl, yo, K8, yo, K3. Row 4: Sl 1, K2, P14, *P2tog, P7; rep to 6 sts before mrk, P2tog, P5, P2tog tbl, *P7,

P2tog tbl; rep to last 17 sts, P14, K3.

Row 5: Sl 1, K2, yo, K9, yo, K1tbl, yo, K4, *SSK, K1, yo, K1tbl, yo, K4; rep to 3 sts before mrk, SSK, K1, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K1, K2tog, *K4, yo, K1tbl, yo, K1, K2tog; rep from * to last 17 sts, K4, yo, K1tbl, yo,

K9, yo, K3.

Row 6: Sl 1, K2, P17, *P2tog, P7; rep to 4 sts before mrk, P2tog, P3, P2tog tbl, *P7,

P2tog tbl; rep from* to last 20 sts, P17, K3. Row 7: Sl 1, K2, yo, K10, *yo, K1tbl, yo, K5, K2tog; rep from * to 1 st before mrk, K1, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K1, *SSK, K5, yo, K1tbl, yo; rep from * to last 13 sts, K10, yo, K3.

Row 8: Sl 1, K2, P18, P2tog tbl, *P7, P2tog tbl; rep from * to 3 sts before mrk, P5, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to last 14 sts, P11, K3.

Row 9: Sl 1, K2, yo, K13, yo, K1tbl, yo, K3, K2tog, *K2, yo, K1tbl, yo, K3, K2tog; rep from * to 2 sts before mrk, K2, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K2, *SSK, K3, yo, K1tbl, yo, K2; rep from * to last 14 sts, K11, yo, K3.

Row 10: Sl 1, K2, P19, P2tog tbl, *P7,

P2tog tbl; rep from * to 4 sts before mrk, P7, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to last 15 sts, P12, K3. Row 11: Sl 1, K2, yo, K16, yo, K1tbl, yo, K1,

K2tog, *K4, yo, K1tbl, yo, K1, K2tog; rep from * to 3 sts before mrk, K3, M1R, slm,

K1, M1L, K3, *SSK, K1, yo, K1tbl, yo, K4; rep from * to last 15 sts, K12, yo, K3.

Row 12: Sl 1, K2, P20, P2tog tbl, *P7,

P2tog tbl; rep from * to 5 sts before mrk, P9, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to last 16 sts, P13, K3.

Row 13: Sl 1, K2, yo, K3, yo, K1tbl, yo, *SSK, K5, yo, K1tbl, yo; rep from * to 5 sts before mrk, SSK, K3, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K3, K2tog, *yo, K1tbl, yo, K5, K2tog; rep from * to last 7 sts, yo, K1tbl, yo, K3, yo, K3.

Row 14: Sl 1, K2, P7, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to 6 sts before mrk, P2tog, P7, P2tog tbl, *P7, P2tog tbl; rep from * to last 10 sts, P7, K3.

Row 15: Sl 1, K2, yo, K4, yo, K1tbl, yo, K2, *SSK, K3, yo, K1tbl, yo, K2; rep from * to 4 sts before mrk, SSK, K2, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K2, K2tog, *K2, yo, K1tbl, yo, K3, K2tog; rep from * to last 10 sts, K2, yo, K1tbl, yo, K4, yo, K3.

Row 16: Sl 1, K2, P10, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to 5 sts before mrk, P2tog, P5, P2tog tbl,

*P7, P2tog tbl; rep from * to last 13 sts, P10, K3.

Row 17: Sl 1, K2, yo, K5, yo, K1tbl, yo, K4, *SSK, K1, yo, K1tbl, yo, K4; rep from * to 3 sts before mrk, SSK, K1, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K1, K2tog, *K4, yo, K1tbl, yo, K1, K2tog; rep from * to last 13 sts, K4, yo, K1tbl, yo, K5, yo, K3.

Row 18: Sl 1, K2, P13, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to 4 sts before mrk, P2tog, P3, P2tog tbl, *P7, P2tog tbl; rep from * to last 16 sts, P13, K3.

Row 19: Sl 1, K2, yo, K6, *yo, K1tbl, yo, K5, K2tog; rep from * to 1 st before mrk, K1, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K1, *SSK, K5, yo, K1tbl, yo; rep from * to last 9 sts, K6, yo, K3.

Row 20: Sl 1, K2, P7, *P7, P2tog tbl; rep from * to 3 sts before mrk, P5, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to last 10 sts, P7, K3.

Row 21: Sl 1, K2, yo, K7, *K2, yo, K1tbl, yo, K3, K2tog; rep from * to 2 sts before mrk, K2, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K2, *SSK, K3, yo, K1tbl, yo, K2; rep from * to last 10 sts, K7, yo, K3.

Row 22: Sl 1, K2, P8, *P7, P2tog tbl; rep from * to 4 sts before mrk, P7, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to last 11 sts, P8, K3.

Row 23: Sl 1, K2, yo, K8, *K4, yo, K1tbl,

yo, K1, K2tog; rep from * to 3 sts before mrk, K3, M1R, slm, K1, M1L, K3, *SSK, K1, yo, K1tbl, yo, K4; rep from * to last 11 sts, K8, yo, K3.

Row 24: Sl 1, K2, P9, *P7, P2tog tbl; rep from * to 5 sts before mrk, P9, *P2tog, P7; rep from * to last 12 sts, P9, K3.


Using 3.5mm needles and with one strand each of yarns A and B held together, cast on 3 sts.

Knit 6 rows. Do not turn after the last row. Rotate the work 90 degrees clockwise and pick up and knit 3 stitches along side edge (1 st in each garter ‘bump’). Rotate the work 90 degrees clockwise and pick up and knit 3 sts at cast-on edge. 9 sts.

Row 1 (WS): Knit.

Row 2 (RS): Sl 1, K2, yo, K1, yo, pm, K1, yo, K1, yo, K3. 13 sts.

Row 3 and all WS rows: Sl 1, K2, purl to last 3 sts, K3.

Row 4: Sl 1 wyif, K2, yo, knit to mrk, yo, slm, K1, yo, knit to last 3 sts, yo, K3.

4 sts inc’d.

Rep Rows 3-4 twice more, then work Row 3 once more. 25 sts.


Work Rows 1-12 of Chart A once. 49 sts.


Note: Stitch counts are given after each set of 12 rows has been completed.4 sts in total are increased after every WS row.

Rows 1-12: Work Rows 1-12 of Chart B. 73 sts.

Rows 13-24: Work Rows 13-24 of Chart B. 97 sts.

Rows 25-36: Work Rows 1-12 of Chart B.

121 sts.

Rows 37-48: Work Rows 13-24 of Chart B. 145 sts.

Rows 49-60: Work Rows 1-12 of Chart B. 169 sts.

Rows 61-72: Work Rows 13-24 of Chart B. 193 sts.

Rows 73-84: Work Rows 1-12 of Chart B.

217 sts.

Rows 85-96: Work Rows 13-24 of Chart B. 241 sts.

Rows 97-108: Work Rows 1-12 of Chart B. 265 sts.

Rows 109-120: Work Rows 13-24 of Chart B. 289 sts.

Rows 121-132: Work Rows 1-12 of Chart B. 313 sts.

Rows 133-144: Work Rows 13-24 of Chart B. 337 sts.

Rows 145-156: Work Rows 1-12 of Chart B. 361 sts.


Break yarn A and cont with yarn B only. Rows 157-168: Work Rows 13-24 of Chart B. 385 sts.

Rows 169-180: Work Rows 1-12 of Chart B. 409 sts.

Rows 181-192: Work Rows 13-24 of Chart B. 433 sts.

Cast off all sts using the lace cast-off method as foll: Working loosely, *K2tog tbl, slip 1 st from RH needle back to LH needle; rep from * until 1 st rem on RH needle, break yarn and draw through.


Weave in ends and block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The border is knitted in fluffy mohair
The border is knitted in fluffy mohair
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? A strand of each yarn is held together to knit the main section
A strand of each yarn is held together to knit the main section
 ??  ?? The lower border has a scalloped edging
The lower border has a scalloped edging

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