The Knitter

Rosa Rugosa


PANELS OF leafy lace decorate this top from Bronagh Miskelly, and are positioned on the front right and back right. The stitch pattern incorporat­es nupps, and is complement­ed by garter stitch and eyelet bands at the neck, cuffs and hems. Bronagh’s design is knitted in a DK-weight baby alpaca-silk yarn from KC Collection, which provide a gorgeous softness, drape and gleam.


The stitch number for the Lace panel varies throughout the repeat; stitch numbers are given for stocking stitch sections before and after the panel, instead of full row stitch counts throughout. When placing the Lace Pattern for the first time, you will work a pattern set-up row instead of Row 1 of the Lace Pattern.


(written instructio­ns)

Row 1 (RS): Yo, s2kpo, yo, K2, (yo, K1) three times, yo, K2, yo, s2kpo, yo. 17 sts.

Row 2 and every foll WS row: Purl, purling every set of 5 nupp sts together tbl where they occur.

Row 3: Yo, s2kpo, yo, K2, yo, K1, nupp,

(K1, yo) twice, K1, nupp, K1, yo, K2, yo, s2kpo, yo. 21 sts.

Row 5: Yo, s2kpo, yo, K2, yo, K5, yo, K1, yo, K5, yo, K2, yo, s2kpo, yo. 25 sts.

Row 7: Yo, s2kpo, yo, K2, yo, SSK, K2, K2tog, yo, K1, nupp, K1, yo, SSK, K2,

K2tog, yo, K2, yo, s2kpo, yo.

Row 9: Yo, s2kpo, yo, K1, SSK, yo, SSK, K2tog, yo, K5, yo, SSK, K2tog, yo, K2tog, K1, yo, s2kpo, yo. 23 sts.

Row 11: Yo, s2kpo, yo, K1, SSK, yo, SSK, K7, K2tog, yo, K2tog, K1, yo, s2kpo, yo. 21 sts. Row 13: Yo, s2kpo, yo, K1, SSK, yo, SSK, K1, s2kpo, K1, K2tog, yo, K2tog, K1, yo, s2kpo, yo. 17 sts

Row 15: Yo, s2kpo, yo, K1, SSK, yo, SSK, K1, K2tog, yo, K2tog, K1, yo, s2kpo, yo. 15 sts. Row 17: Yo, s2kpo, yo, K1, SSK, yo, s2kpo, yo, K2tog, K1, yo, s2kpo, yo. 13 sts.

Row 18: Purl.

Repeat Rows 1-18 for pattern.


Using 4mm needles, cast on 84 (90:94:100: 106:110:116:120:124:130:136:140) sts.

Row 1 (RS): K to end.

Rows 2, 4 and 6 (WS): K to end.

Row 3: K10 (11:11:14:15:15:18:22:22:27: 30:30), yo, s2kpo, yo, K13, yo, s2kpo, yo, K to end.

Row 5: K5 (6:6:5:6:6:5:5:5:6:5:5),

*yo, sk2po, yo, K1; rep from * to last 3 (4:4:3:4:4:3:3:3:4:3:3) sts, K to end.

Row 7: K10 (11:11:14:15:15:18:22:22:27: 30:30), yo, s2kpo, yo, K13, yo, s2kpo, yo, K to end.

Row 8 (WS): K to end.


Lace Pattern set-up row (RS): K10 (11:11: 14:15:15:18:22:22:27:30:30), pm, yo, s2kpo, yo, K1, (s2kpo, yo, K1, yo) twice, s2kpo, K1, yo, s2kpo, yo, pm, K to end.

Row 2 (WS): P55 (60:64:67:72:76:79:79:83:84: 87:91), slm, work Row 2 of Lace Pattern, slm, P to end.

Row 3: K10 (11:11:14:15:15:18:22:22:27: 30:30), slm, work Row 3 of Lace Pattern, slm, K to end.

**Work even in patt as set for another 9(7:7:7:11:11:9:9:11:11:11:11) rows, cont from Row 4 of Lace Pattern.

Dec row (RS): K1, SSK, patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 2 sts dec’d.

Rep Dec row on 2 foll 12th (12th:12th:12th: 14th:14th:14th:14th:16th:16th:16th:16th) rows.

7(8:8:11:12:12:15:19:19:24:27:27) sts before first mrk on RS, 52 (57:61:64:69:73:76:76: 80:81:84:88) sts after second mrk.

Work even in patt for 15 (13:11:11:13:13:11:11: 13:13:11:11) rows.

Inc row (RS): K1, M1, patt to last st, M1, K1. 2 sts inc’d.

Rep Inc row every foll 12th (12th:12th:12th: 14th:14th:14th:14th:16th:16th:16th:16th) row twice more. 10 (11:11:14:15:15:18:22:22:27:30:30) sts before first mrk on RS, 55 (60:64:67:72:76: 79:79:83:84:87:91) sts after second mrk.

Work even in patt for 15 (15:15:15:17:13:15:13: 17:15:13:11) rows, ending after a WS row.***


Cont in patt, cast off 3 (4:4:4:5:6:7:7:8:9: 10:10) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 7 (7:7:10:10:9:11:15:14:18:20:20) sts before first mrk on RS, 52 (56:60:63:67:70:72:72: 75:75:77:81) sts after second mrk.

Dec 1 st at each end of every row 0 (0:0:0:0: 0:2:2:4:6:6:8) times, then every foll RS row 3 (4:4:5:6:6:5:6:5:4:6:5) times. 4 (3:3:5:4:3:4:7:5:8:8:7) sts before first mrk on RS, 49 (52:56:58:61:64:65:64:66:65:65: 68) sts after second mrk.

Work even in patt for 29 (31:33:31:31:33:35: 35:37:37:37:39) rows.

Next row (RS): K1, M1, patt to last st, M1, K1. 5 (4:4:6:5:4:5:8:6:9:9:8) sts before first mrk on RS, 50 (53:57:59:62:65:66:65:67:66:66: 69) sts after second mrk.

Work even in patt until a total of 8 (8:8:8:9: 9:9:9:10:10:10:10) 18-row repeats of Lace pattern have been completed (including first instance of Rows 2-18). 68 (70:74:78:80:82:84:86:86:88:88:90) sts.


Next row (RS): K5 (4:4:6:5:4:5:8:6:9:9:8), yo, s2kpo, yo, (K1, M1) 4 (6:6:6:6:6:6:6: 6:6:6:6) times, K1 (0:0:0:1:2:2:0:2:0:0:1), cast off 37 (38:42:42:44:46:46:46:46:46: 46:48) sts, K to end and cont on these 18 (19:19:21:21:21:22:23:23:24:24:24) sts only.

Next row (WS): P to end.

Next row (RS): K1, SSK, K to last 9 (9:9:10: 10:10:11:11:11:12:12:12) sts, w&t.

Next row: P to end.

Next row: K to end, working wrap with wrapped st.

Cast off rem 17 (18:18:20:20:20:21:22:22:23: 23:23) sts.


With WS facing, join yarn to 17 (19:19:21:21: 21:22:23:23:24:24:24) sts held for right shoulder and purl to end.

Next row (RS): K5 (4:4:6:5:4:5:8:6:9:9:8), yo, s2kpo, yo, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 16 (18:18:20:20:20:21:22:22:23:23:23) sts. Next row (WS): P to last 9 (9:9:10:10:10:11: 11:11:12:12:12) sts, w&t.

Next row: K to end.

Next row: P to end, working wrap with wrapped st.

Cast off rem sts.


Using 4mm needles, cast on 84 (90:94:100: 106:110:116:120:124:130:136:140) sts. Row 1 (RS): K to end.

Rows 2, 4 and 6 (WS): K to end.

Row 3: K55 (60:64:67:72:76:79:79:83:84: 87:91), yo, s2kpo, yo, K13, yo, s2kpo, yo, K to end.

Row 5: K3 (4:4:3:4:4:3:3:3:4:3:3), *yo, sk2po, yo, K1; rep from * to last 5 (6:6:5:6: 6:5:5:5:6:5:5) sts, K to end.

Row 7: K55 (60:64:67:72:76:79:79:83:84: 87:91), yo, s2kpo, yo, K13, yo, s2kpo, yo, K to end.

Row 8 (WS): K to end.


Lace Pattern set-up row (RS): K55 (60:64: 67:72:76:79:79:83:84:87:91), pm, yo, s2kpo, yo, K1, (s2kpo, yo, K1, yo) twice, s2kpo, K1, yo, s2kpo, yo, pm, K to end.

Row 2 (WS): P10 (11:11:14:15:15:18:22:22:27: 30:30), slm, work Row 2 of Lace Pattern, slm, P to end.

Row 3: K55 (60:64:67:72:76:79:79:83:84:87: 91), slm, work Row 3 of Lace Pattern, slm, K to end.

Work as for Back from ** to ***.


Cont in patt, cast off 3 (4:4:4:5:6:7:7:8:9: 10:10) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 52 (56:60:63:67:70:72:72:75:75:77:81) sts before first mrk on RS, 7 (7:7:10:10:9:11:15: 14:18:20:20) sts after second mrk.

Dec 1 st at each end of every row 0 (0:0:0:0: 0:2:2:4:6:6:8) times, then every foll RS row 3 (4:4:5:6:6:5:6:5:4:6:5) times. 49 (52:56:58:61:64:65:64:66:65:65:68) sts before first mrk on RS, 4 (3:3:5:4:3:4:7:5:8: 8:7) sts after second mrk.

Work even in patt for 29 (31:33:31:31:33:35: 35:37:37:37:39) rows.

Next row (RS): K1, M1, patt to last st, M1, K1. 50 (53:57:59:62:65:66:65:67:66:66:69) sts before panel, 5 (4:4:6:5:4:5:8:6:9:9:8) sts after panel.

Work 1 row even in patt.


Next row (RS): Patt 24 (24:26:27:28:29:30: 30:31:31:31:31) sts, cast off 25 (29:29:31:31: 31:31:33:31:33:33:35) sts, patt to end. Cont on sts after cast-off only for right front neck and shoulder.

Note: When/if decreasing into Lace Panel, check stitch counts and make sure stitch count for that row is correct, accounting for any decreases worked into chart.

Dec 1 st at neck edge of every RS row 5 (4:5:4:5:5:6:5:6:6:6:6) times, then on foll 0 (1:0:1:0:1:0:1:0:1:1:1) 4th row, ending after row 17 of Lace panel. 14 (12:14:15:16:16:17:17:18:17:17:17) sts.

Work 1 WS row even in patt.

Next row (RS): K3 (0:2:0:3:4:4:0:4:0:0:0), (K1, M1) 3 (5:5:6:5:5:5:6:5:5:5:6) times, yo, s2kpo, yo, (K1, M1) 0 (2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2:2:1) times, K to end. 17 (19:19:21:21:21:22:23:23:24:24:24) sts. Next row (WS): P to end.

Next row (RS): K1, SSK, patt to last 9 (9:9: 10:10:10:11:11:11:12:12:12) sts, w&t.

Next row: P to end.

Next row: K to end, working wrap with wrapped st.

Break yarn and place rem 16 (18:18:20:20: 20:21:22:22:23:23:23) sts on a holder.


With WS facing, rejoin yarn to 24 (24:26:27: 28:29:30:30:31:31:31:31) held sts, and patt to end.

Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 2 (2:4:2:4:2:4: 2:4:2:2:2) rows, then on 4 (1:3:3:3:6:4:4:4:3: 3:3) foll RS rows, then on 0 (2:0:1:0:0:0:1:0:2: 2:2) foll 4th rows. 18 (19:19:21:21:21:22:23:23:24:24:24) sts. Next row (WS): P to end.

Next row (RS): K1, K2tog, K to last 9 (9:9:10: 10:10:11:11:11:12:12:12) sts, w&t.

Next row: P to end.

Next row: K to end, working wrap with wrapped st.

Cast off rem 17 (18:18:20:20:20:21:22:22:23: 23:23) sts.


Using 4mm needles, cast on 59 (61:63:65:67:73:75:77:83:87:89:91) sts.

Rows 1-4: K to end.

Row 5 (RS): K2 (3:2:3:2:3:2:3:2:2:1:2),

(yo, s2kpo, yo, K1) to last 1 (2:1:2:1:2:1:2:1:1: 0:1) sts, K to end.

Rows 6-8: K to end.

Starting with a RS row, work 6 (6:6:6:6: 8:8:8:8:8:10:10) rows in st st.


Cast off 3 (4:4:4:5:6:7:7:8:9:10:10) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 53 (53:55:57:57:61:61:63:67:69:69:71) sts. Dec 1 st at each end of next row, every foll 4th row 1 (2:2:1:1:3:4:2:2:2:3:3) times, then every foll RS row 17 (16:17:19:19:17:16:21:22: 22:22:24) times. 15 (15:15:15:15:19:19:15:17:19:17:15) sts.

Work 1 WS row even in patt.

Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then cast off rem 11 (11:11:11:11:15:15:11:13:15:13:11) sts.


Steam all pieces to shape, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band, and opening up lace panels to 11.5cm wide. Join shoulders.


Using 3.5mm circular needles, with RS facing, pick up and knit 12 (14:14:15:18: 17:17:18:17:18:18:18) sts down left front neck, 25 (29:29:31:31:31:31:33:31:33:33:35) sts across front neck cast-off, 12 (13:13:14:17: 16:16:17:16:17:17:17)sts up right front neck, 5 sts down right back neck, 37 (38:42:42:44: 46:46:46:46:46:46:48) across back neck cast-off, and finally 5 sts up back left neck. Pm and join to work in the rnd. 96 (104:108:112:120:120:120:124:120:124:124: 128) sts.

Round 1: P to end.

Round 2: K to end.

Round 3: P to end.

Round 4: *Yo, s2kpo, yo, K1; rep from * to end.

Round 5: P to end.

Round 6: K to end.

Cast off purlwise.


Sew sleeve seams and side seams. Set in sleeves.

Weave in ends.

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 ?? ?? Eyelet edgings complement the main lace panels
Eyelet edgings complement the main lace panels

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