The Knitter

Concertina Cowl


THIS COWL has a stretchy, concertina­like fabric formed from reverse stocking stitch with stripes of stocking stitch and lace worked in a contrastin­g colour. The first part is worked flat, then a threeneedl­e cast-off is used to join the two sides to continue working in the round. The central spine stitch is worked using both colours held together; increases form a point at the back of the cowl, and a purled i-cord cast-off gives a neat finish. A separate knitted loop is sewn on to gather the cowl at one side.


Using 3.5mm circular needles and yarn A, cast on 3 sts.

Knit 38 rows.

Join in yarn B, do not break yarn A.

Using yarn B, K3, keeping RS facing turn clockwise and pick up and knit 19 sts along the long edge (1 st for each garter bump), then pick up and knit 3 sts along the cast-on edge. 25 sts.

Next row (WS): K2, KFB, *PFB; rep from * to last 3 sts, K3. 45 sts.


You will now work in stripes throughout as folls, carrying the unused colour up the side of the work:

4 rows in yarn A.

2 rows in yarn B.

Row 1 (RS): K2, KFB, K to last 4 sts, KFB, K3. 2 sts inc’d.

Row 2 (WS): K to end.

Row 3: K2, KFB, P to last 4 sts, PFB, K3. 2 sts inc’d.

Row 4: As row 2.

Row 5: K2, KFB, K to last 4 sts, KFB, K3. 2 sts inc’d.

Row 6: K3, P to last 3 sts, K3.

Rows 7-12: Rep Rows 1-6. 57 sts.

Rows 13-17: Rep Rows 1-5. 63 sts.

Row 18 (WS inc row): K3, P1, *PFB, P1; rep from * to last 3 sts, K3. 91 sts.

Rows 19-23: Rep rows 1-5. 97 sts.

Row 24: K3, P1, *yo, P2tog; rep from * to last 3 sts, K3.

Rows 25-36: Rep rows 1-6 twice. 109 sts. Rows 37-41: Rep Rows 1-5. 115 sts.

Row 42 (WS inc row): K3, *P2, PFB; rep from * to last 4 sts P1, K3. 151 sts.

Rows 43-47: Rep Rows 1-5. 157 sts.

Row 48: As Row 24.

Rows 49-54: Rep rows 1-6. 163 sts.

Rows 55-56: Rep rows 1-2. 165 sts.

Next, with yarns A and B held together, work a three-needle cast-off on the three knit stitches on each edge. This joins the project to work in the round. The stitch count will have reduced by 5 sts to 160 sts. Place the remaining stitch back on the RH needle, and pm on either side of it. This is now the beginning of round. Make sure

you have the right side facing to start the next round.

Keep yarn A/B stripe rows correct as set and work central stitch using both yarns held together.

Round 1: Slm, PFB, P to 1 st before mrk, PFB, slm, K1. 162 sts.

Round 2: Slm, P to mrk, slm, K1.

Round 3: Slm, KFB, K to 1 st before mrk, KFB, slm, K1. 164 sts.

Round 4: Slm, K to mrk, slm, K1.

Round 5: Slm, KFB, K to 1 st before mrk, KFB, slm, K1. 166 sts.

Round 6: As Round 2.

Round 7: Slm, PFB, P to 1 st before mrk, PFB, slm, K1. 168 sts.

Round 8: As Round 2.

Rounds 9-14: Rep Rounds 3-8. 174 sts. Round 15: As Round 3. 176 sts.

Round 16: Slm, K1, *yo, K2tog; rep from * to mrk, slm, K1.

Rounds 17-20: Rep Rounds 5-8. 180 sts. Rounds 21-26: Rep Rounds 3-8. 186 sts. Round 27: As Round 3. 188 sts.

Round 28 (inc rnd): Slm, K3 *KFB, K3; rep from * to mrk, slm, K1. 234 sts. Rounds 29-32: Rep Rounds 5-8. 238 sts. Rounds 33-38: Rep Rounds 3-8. 244 sts. Round 39: As Round 3. 246 sts.

Round 40: As Round 16.

Rounds 41-44: Rep Rounds 5-8. 250 sts. Rounds 45-48: Rep Rounds 3-6. 254 sts. Cast off with a purled i-cord as folls: Step 1: Cast on 3 sts.

Step 2: P2, P2tog, bring yarn to back. Step 3: Return sts to LH needle.

Rep steps 2 and 3 across all stitches.

Cast off final 3 sts as usual.


Using 3.5mm circular needles, a 4mm crochet hook and smooth scrap yarn, cast on 35 sts using a provisiona­l cast-on method.

Beg with yarn B, work 2 rows in yarn B, then 4 rows in yarn A throughout.

Row 1 (RS): K to end.

Row 2 (WS): P to end.

Rows 3-4: K to end.

Row 5: P to end.

Row 6: As Row 3.

Row 7: As Row 1.

Row 8: P1, *yo, P2tog; rep from * to end. Rows 9-12: Rep Rows 3-6.

Rows 13-14: Rep Rows 1-2.

Rows 15-16: Rep Rows 3-4.

Cast off off using a purled i-cord as before. Undo the provisiona­l cast-on and transfer sts back onto the working needle.

With RS facing, join yarn A.

Knit 2 rows.

Cast off using a purled i-cord as before.


Weave in ends and block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

Wrap cowl tab around the cowl and sew together at the back of the work to cinch in the cowl on one side.

 ?? ?? A matching loop is used to cinch in the cowl on one side
A matching loop is used to cinch in the cowl on one side
 ?? ?? Our photoshoot has been styled with the distinctiv­e, vibrant clothes of Gudrun Sjödén. Explore the collection at www.gudrunsjod­
Our photoshoot has been styled with the distinctiv­e, vibrant clothes of Gudrun Sjödén. Explore the collection at www.gudrunsjod­

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