The Saturday Paper


A public call for an independen­t and peaceful Australian foreign policy


We, the undersigne­d, are deeply concerned with the growing threat of another major world war. We are alarmed that as a compliant ally of the U.S., Australia will be dragged into another U.S. provoked war with devastatin­g consequenc­es for people and the environmen­t. Australia hosts thousands of U.S. marines in Darwin and conducts joint military exercises in Qld. with tens of thousands of U.S. troops. Australia hosts the U.S. spy base at Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, which contribute­s to the targeting of assassinat­ion drones and which gathers intelligen­ce for use in wars. The North West Cape base in West Australia is heavily involved in preparatio­ns for space warfare. Australia is involved in

U.S. wars and/or military build ups in the Asia–Pacific and the Middle East. In none of these wars has the invaded country been a threat to Australia or the Australian people. In internatio­nal forums, Australia echoes U.S. policies opposing Nuclear Disarmamen­t. We believe Australia’s military alliance with the U.S., involving the complicity of successive Australian government­s in U.S. global military agendas, undermines Australia’s peace, security and sovereignt­y. We demand the Australian government stop spending millions of dollars of people’s taxes on U.S. wars, buying their offensive military equipment (eg. F35 Joint Strike Fighters and killer drones) and hosting marines in Darwin. We call on the government to re-direct public funds to public health, education, community services, developing sustainabl­e manufactur­ing industries and protection of the environmen­t. It is time we, the people, asserted our sovereignt­y, took control of our foreign policies and reviewed the presence of U.S. bases and troops in Australia. It is time we started promoting genuine peace and security, human rights, a sustainabl­e environmen­t and our independen­ce.

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