The Saturday Paper

Raw Brussels sprouts salad


Serves 4

– 500g Brussels sprouts

– 1 avocado

– salt and white pepper

– 2 spring onions cut into small rings

– 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

– 8 mint leaves, shredded

– 20g parmesan shavings

– 1 tsp lemon zest

– 4 tbsp lemon mayonnaise (recipe below) Peel any grey outer leaves from the sprouts. Quarter the avocado and arrange it on four plates. Season each wedge with a pinch of salt and white pepper. Shave the Brussels sprouts on a mandolin into a mixing bowl. Toss the sprouts with half the spring onion rings, olive oil, mint leaves, parmesan and lemon zest. Season the shredded sprouts with a pinch of salt, taste, and add more salt if needed. Top each avocado wedge with a tablespoon of lemon mayonnaise. Distribute the shredded sprouts evenly over the four plates and sprinkle the remaining spring onions over the dishes.

Lemon mayonnaise

– 1 clove Australian garlic, peeled – salt

– 2 tsp Dijon mustard

– 3 egg yolks

– 180ml vegetable oil

– 3 tbsp olive oil

– 1½ tsp lemon juice

– 1½ tsp white wine vinegar

– zest of one lemon, finely grated – white pepper Using a mortar and pestle, pound the garlic to a fine paste with a pinch of salt. Transfer to an electric mixer with the whisk attachment fitted. Add the mustard and egg yolks to the bowl. On high speed, whisk the yolks and slowly add the oils until incorporat­ed. Finally add the lemon juice, vinegar and lemon zest.

Taste, and adjust with salt and white pepper if required.

Drink pairing:

Two Metre Tall Derwent aromatic spelt ale, Tasmania ($88 a case of 12x500ml) – Liam O’Brien, head sommelier, Cutler & Co

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