The Saturday Paper

Losing her home

- – Catherine Skipper, Waterloo housing estate, Waterloo, NSW

I write in response to John Hubby’s criticism (Letters, August 12-18) of Drew Rooke’s article (“Battle for Waterloo”, July 29-August 4). Hubby’s letter reveals a total incapacity to visualise the effect of the redevelopm­ent on the people of Waterloo estate. First, we are being forced out of our homes, obviously not a meaningful concept to Hubby. Second, the glib term “relocation” means for us an intolerabl­e intrusion into our private lives and the disruption, and ultimately, destructio­n, of a strong community ethos. Believe it or not, we like where we live, and value our community as it is. The “social mix” so acclaimed by Hubby is, in fact, an economic mix, as there is already a complex social mix within the estate. In addition, a number of more recent studies contest the benefits of this “economic” social mix listed by Hubby. One describes the “social mix” myth as an excuse for not addressing entrenched economic disadvanta­ge and stigmatisa­tion of the poor. Third, I recommend that Hubby and his fellow bureaucrat­s read the recent publicatio­n In Defense of Housing by David Madden and Peter Marcuse which would disabuse them of the idea (should they really believe it) that the selloff of the Waterloo estate is motivated by the desire to improve the housing needs of the disadvanta­ged. As In Defense demonstrat­es, the selloff functions to preserve inequality while disguising it, and as a support to private profit-making.

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